Language Mundurukú


Coordinates WGS848°25'S, 57°41'W
-8.41, -57.69
Concept Portuguese Orthographic form Tokens Simple Cognate Partial Cognate Morphemes
Pulmonic Consonants
Place → Labial Coronal Dorsal Laryngeal
↓ Manner Bilabial Labio­dental Linguo­labial Dental Alveolar Palato-
Retroflex Alveolo-
Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal
/ Epiglottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Stop p b t d d k  g ʔ
Sibilant affricate ts
Non-sibilant affricate
Sibilant fricative s ʃ
Non-sibilant fricative h
Approximant j
Flap or tap ɾ
Trill r
Lateral affricate
Lateral fricative
Lateral approximant
Lateral flap
Front Near-front Central Near-back Back Close Near-close Close-mid Mid Open-mid Near-open Open ĩ́nasalized unrounded close front with-high_tone vowel iunrounded close front vowel creaky unrounded close front vowel unrounded close front with-high_tone vowel nasalized unrounded close front vowel ɨunrounded close central vowel ɨ́unrounded close central with-high_tone vowel ɨ̃nasalized unrounded close central vowel urounded close back vowel nasalized rounded close back vowel creaky unrounded close-mid front vowel unrounded close-mid front with-high_tone vowel nasalized unrounded close-mid front vowel ẽ́nasalized unrounded close-mid front with-high_tone vowel long unrounded close-mid front vowel eunrounded close-mid front vowel nasalized rounded close-mid back vowel creaky rounded close-mid back vowel rounded close-mid back with-high_tone vowel ṍnasalized rounded close-mid back with-high_tone vowel orounded close-mid back vowel ə̰creaky unrounded mid central vowel əunrounded mid central vowel ə́unrounded mid central with-high_tone vowel ə̃nasalized unrounded mid central vowel ə̃́nasalized unrounded mid central with-high_tone vowel ə̰̃nasalized creaky unrounded mid central vowel unrounded open front with-high_tone vowel creaky unrounded open front vowel ã́nasalized unrounded open front with-high_tone vowel nasalized unrounded open front vowel aunrounded open front vowel long unrounded open front vowel
Other phonemes
oa from rounded close-mid back to unrounded open front diphthong
w voiced labio-velar approximant consonant
io from unrounded close front to rounded close-mid back diphthong
from unrounded open front to unrounded near-close near-front diphthong
ía from unrounded close front with-high_tone to unrounded open front diphthong
ei from unrounded close-mid front to unrounded close front diphthong
ie from unrounded close front to unrounded close-mid front diphthong
ai from unrounded open front to unrounded close front diphthong
eé from unrounded close-mid front to unrounded close-mid front with-high_tone diphthong
ãĩ́ from nasalized unrounded open front to nasalized unrounded close front with-high_tone diphthong
aõ from unrounded open front to nasalized rounded close-mid back diphthong
oé from rounded close-mid back to unrounded close-mid front with-high_tone diphthong
oĩ from rounded close-mid back to nasalized unrounded close front diphthong
oa̰ from rounded close-mid back to creaky unrounded open front diphthong
aĩ́ from unrounded open front to nasalized unrounded close front with-high_tone diphthong
əə̃́ from unrounded mid central to nasalized unrounded mid central with-high_tone diphthong
ío from unrounded close front with-high_tone to rounded close-mid back diphthong
oe from rounded close-mid back to unrounded close-mid front diphthong
õẽ from nasalized rounded close-mid back to nasalized unrounded close-mid front diphthong
ua from rounded close back to unrounded open front diphthong
oá from rounded close-mid back to unrounded open front with-high_tone diphthong
ae from unrounded open front to unrounded close-mid front diphthong
ia from unrounded close front to unrounded open front diphthong
áə from unrounded open front with-high_tone to unrounded mid central diphthong
a̰í from creaky unrounded open front to unrounded close front with-high_tone diphthong
aĩ from unrounded open front to nasalized unrounded close front diphthong
ao from unrounded open front to rounded close-mid back diphthong
əi from unrounded mid central to unrounded close front diphthong
áə́ from unrounded open front with-high_tone to unrounded mid central with-high_tone diphthong