Dependency treebank for Mundurukú

  1. Ajojot jekobe be cum
    Grandpa goes in the canoe
    form Ajojot jekobe be cum
    lemma ajojot jekobe be cu
    pos n n pp vi
    features Aspect=Imp
                            # document_source = Crofts, M. _Aspectos da língua mundurukú_, 2004. SIl.
    # document_title = Mundurukú_text_2
    # document_authorship = Annotated by Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi
    # sent_id = 1
    # text = Ajojot jekobe be cum
    # text_eng = Grandpa goes in the canoe
    1	Ajojot	ajojot	NOUN	n	_	4	nsubj	_	_
    2	jekobe	jekobe	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    3	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
    4	cum	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
  2. jexat o'tobuxik
    He found food
    form jexat o'tobuxik
    lemma xat dobuxik
    pos n v
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 2
    # text = jexat o'tobuxik
    # text_eng = He found food
    1	jexat	xat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=33	0	root	_	_
  3. Tit tak o'titobuxik tu ?
    Did he also find flowers ?
    form Tit tak o'titobuxik tu ?
    lemma dit tak dobuxik tu ?
    pos n adv vt qpcl punct
    features Rel=NCont Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 3
    # text = Tit tak o'titobuxik tu ?
    # text_eng = Did he also find flowers ?
    1	Tit	dit	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	obl	_	_
    2	tak	tak	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	o'titobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=33	0	root	_	_
    4	tu	tu	PART	qpcl	_	3	dep	_	_
    5	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  4. Ka'ũma !
    form Ka'ũma !
    lemma ka'ũma !
    pos intj punct
                            # sent_id = 6
    # text = Ka'ũma !
    # text_eng = no!
    1	Ka'ũma	ka'ũma	INTJ	intj	_	0	root	_	_
    2	!	!	PUNCT	punct	_	1	punct	_	_
  5. Tawe oajẽm iku be
    The capuchin monkey came/arrived to/at the slash
    form Tawe oajẽm iku be
    lemma tawe ajẽm ku be
    pos n vi n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 7
    # text = Tawe oajẽm iku be
    # text_eng = The capuchin monkey came/arrived to/at the slash
    1	Tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	iku	ku	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  6. Jexat o'tobuxik iku be
    He found food it in the slash
    form Jexat o'tobuxik iku be
    lemma xat dobuxik ku be
    pos n v n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 8
    # text = Jexat o'tobuxik iku be
    # text_eng = He found food it in the slash
    1	Jexat	xat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=33	0	root	_	_
    3	iku	ku	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  7. Xa iku xe
    The pequi tree is/lies near the slash
    form Xa iku xe
    lemma xa ku xe
    pos n n pp
                            # sent_id = 9
    # text = Xa iku xe
    # text_eng = The pequi tree is/lies near the slash
    1	Xa	xa	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	iku	ku	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  8. Tawe oajẽm xa xe
    The capuchin monkey came/arrived to/at the pequi tree
    form Tawe oajẽm xa xe
    lemma tawe ajẽm xa xe
    pos n v n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 10
    # text = Tawe oajẽm xa xe
    # text_por = O macaco-prego chegou perto do pequizeiro
    # text_eng = The capuchin monkey came/arrived to/at the pequi tree
    1	Tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	xa	xa	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  9. Tawe oajẽm ka xe
    The capuchin monkey came/arrived to/at the chief's land
    form Tawe oajẽm ka xe
    lemma tawe ajẽm ka xe
    pos n vi n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 11
    # text = Tawe oajẽm ka xe
    # text_por = O macaco-prego chegou perto do terrano do chefe
    # Text_eng = The capuchin monkey came/arrived to/at the chief's land
    # sent_structure = SV
    1	Tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	ka	ka	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  10. Toxaw oajẽm ka be
    The chief came/arrived to/at the place where the capuchin monkey was
    form Toxaw oajẽm ka be
    lemma toxaw ajẽm ka be
    pos n v n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 12
    # text = Toxaw oajẽm ka be
    # text_por = O chefe chegou ao lugar onde estava o macaco-prego
    # text_eng = The chief came/arrived to/at the place where the capuchin monkey was
    # sent_structure = SV
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	ka	ka	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  11. Toxaw dak jexat o'tobuxik
    The chief also found the food
    form Toxaw dak jexat o'tobuxik
    lemma toxaw dak xat dobuxik
    pos n adv n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 13
    # text = Toxaw dak jexat o'tobuxik
    # text_por = O chefe também achou a comida
    # text_eng = The chief also found the food
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	dak	dak	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    3	jexat	xat	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    4	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=33	0	root	_	_
  12. Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik
    The chief found the capuchin monkey
    form Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik
    lemma toxaw tawe dobuxik
    pos n n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 14
    # text = Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik
    # text_por = O chefe também achou o macaco-prego
    # text_eng = The chief found the capuchin monkey
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=33	0	root	_	_
  13. Xa xe tawe o'tobuxik
    He found the capuchin monkey near the pequi tree
    form Xa xe tawe o'tobuxik
    lemma xa xe tawe dobuxik
    pos n pp n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 15
    # text = Xa xe tawe o'tobuxik
    # text_por = Ele achou o macaco-prego pero do pequizeiro.
    # text_eng = He found the capuchin monkey near the pequi tree
    1	Xa	xa	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    4	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=33	0	root	_	_
  14. Ikibit awi kay
    The sister wants a needle
    form Ikibit awi kay
    lemma ikibit awi kay
    pos n n pp
    features Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 16
    # text = Ikibit awi kay
    # text_por = A irmã quer uma agulha.
    # text_eng = The sister wants a needle
    1	Ikibit	ikibit	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	awi	awi	NOUN	n	_	1	obl	_	_
    3	kay	kay	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	2	case	_	_
  15. Awawa oajẽm ika be , jekibit ka be
    The grandmother came/arrived at the sister's land .
    form Awawa oajẽm ika be , jekibit ka be
    lemma awawa ajẽm ika be , _ ka be
    pos n vi n pp punct n n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3 Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 17
    # text = Awawa oajẽm ika be , jekibit ka be
    # text_por = Vovo chegou ao terreno da irma.
    # text_eng = The grandmother came/arrived at the sister's land .
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	ika	ika	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
    5	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
    6	jekibit	_	NOUN	n	_	7	nmod	_	_
    7	ka	ka	NOUN	n	_	3	appos	_	_
    8	be	be	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	7	case	_	_
  16. Awi awawa bubut
    The needle belongs to (?) the grandmother.
    form Awi awawa bubut
    lemma awi awawa bubut
    pos n n cop
                            # sent_id = 18
    # text = Awi awawa bubut
    # text_por = A agulha é da vovo.
    # text_eng = The needle belongs to (?) the grandmother.
    1	Awi	awi	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	bubut	bubut	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
  17. Ite awi o'tobuxik
    She found the needle.
    form Ite awi o'tobuxik
    lemma ite awi dobuxik
    pos pro n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 19
    # text = Ite awi o'tobuxik
    # text_por = Ela achou a agulha.
    # text_eng = She found the needle.
    1	Ite	ite	PRON	pro	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	awi	awi	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  18. Awawa o'tobuxik
    The grandmother found (it?)
    form Awawa o'tobuxik
    lemma awawa dobuxik
    pos n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 20
    # text = Awawa o'tobuxik
    # text_por = Vovo achou.
    # text_eng = The grandmother found (it?)
    # sent_structure = SV
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  19. Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik tu ?
    Did the chief find the capuchin monkey?
    form Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik tu ?
    lemma toxaw tawe dobuxik tu ?
    pos n n vt pcl punct
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 22
    # text = Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik tu ?
    # text_por = O chefe achou o macaco-prego?
    # text_eng = Did the chief find the capuchin monkey?
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	tu	tu	PART	pcl	_	3	dep	_	_
    5	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  20. Abu tawe o'tobuxik ?
    Who found the capuchin monkey?
    form Abu tawe o'tobuxik ?
    lemma abu tawe dobuxik ?
    pos pro n vt punct
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 23
    # text = Abu tawe o'tobuxik ?
    # text_por = Quem achou o macaco-prego?
    # text_eng = Who found the capuchin monkey?
    1	Abu	abu	PRON	pro	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  21. Abu awi o'tobuxik ?
    Who found the needle?
    form Abu awi o'tobuxik ?
    lemma abu awi dobuxik ?
    pos pro n v punct
                            # sent_id = 24
    # text = Abu awi o'tobuxik ?
    # text_por = Quem achou a agulha?
    # text_eng = Who found the needle?
    1	Abu	abu	PRON	pro	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	awi	awi	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	_	0	root	_	_
    4	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  22. Abu jexat o'tobuxik ?
    Who found the food?
    form Abu jexat o'tobuxik ?
    lemma abu xat dobuxik ?
    pos pro n v punct
                            # sent_id = 25
    # text = Abu jexat o'tobuxik ?
    # text_por = Quem achou a comida?
    # text_eng = Who found the food?
    1	Abu	abu	PRON	pro	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	jexat	xat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	_	0	root	_	_
    4	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  23. Abu awi kay ?
    Who wants a needle?
    form Abu awi kay ?
    lemma abu awi kay ?
    pos pro n pp punct
                            # sent_id = 26
    # text = Abu awi kay ?
    # text_por = Quem quer agulha?
    # text_eng = Who wants a needle?
    1	Abu	abu	PRON	pro	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	awi	awi	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	kay	kay	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
    4	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
  24. Abu o'titobuxik ?
    Who found the flowers?
    form Abu o'titobuxik ?
    lemma abu dobuxik ?
    pos pro v punct
    features Aspect=Perf|Incorp=Yes|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 27
    # text = Abu o'titobuxik ?
    # text_por = Quem achou as flores?
    # text_eng = Who found the flowers?
    1	Abu	abu	PRON	pro	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	o'titobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Incorp=Yes|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
  25. Awawa awi o'tobuxik jekibit ka be
    The grandmother found a needle on her sister's land.
    form Awawa awi o'tobuxik jekibit ka be
    lemma awawa awi dobuxik jekibit ka be
    pos n n v n n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 28
    # text = Awawa awi o'tobuxik jekibit ka be
    # text_por = Vovó achou uma agulha no terreno da irmã.
    # text_eng = The grandmother found a needle on her sister's land.
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	awi	awi	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	jekibit	jekibit	NOUN	n	_	5	nmod	_	_
    5	ka	ka	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	pp	_	5	case	_	_
  26. Oexe awawa
    The grandmother arrived home.
    form Oexe awawa
    lemma xe awawa
    pos v n
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 29
    # text = Oexe awawa
    # text_por = Vovó chegou em casa.
    # text_eng = The grandmother arrived home.
    1	Oexe	xe	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    2	awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	1	obl	_	_
  27. Toxaw dak oexe
    The chief has/owns also a house. (?)
    form Toxaw dak oexe
    lemma toxaw dak xe
    pos n adv v
                            # sent_id = 30
    # text = Toxaw dak oexe
    # text_por = O chefe tambem chegou em casa.
    # text_eng = The chief has/owns also a house. (?)
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	dak	dak	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	oexe	xe	VERB	v	_	0	root	_	_
  28. Awawa tawe kay
    The grandmother wants the capuchin monkey.
    form Awawa tawe kay
    lemma awawa tawe kay
    pos n n pp
                            # sent_id = 31
    # text = Awawa tawe kay
    # text_por = Vovó quer o macaco-prego.
    # text_eng = The grandmother wants the capuchin monkey.
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	kay	kay	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  29. Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik
    The chief found the capuchin monkey.
    form Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik
    lemma toxaw tawe dobuxik
    pos n n v
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 32
    # text = Toxaw tawe o'tobuxik
    # text_por = O chefe achou o macaco-prego.
    # text_eng = The chief found the capuchin monkey.
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  30. Jexat o'tobuxik
    He found the food.
    form Jexat o'tobuxik
    lemma xat dobuxik
    pos n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 33
    # text = Jexat o'tobuxik
    # text_por = Ele achou, a comida.
    # text_eng = He found the food.
    1	Jexat	xat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  31. Tawe ixat , toxaw xat
    The chief eats the capuchin monkey.
    form Tawe ixat , toxaw xat
    lemma tawe xat , toxaw xat
    pos n n punct n n
                            # sent_id = 34
    # text = Tawe ixat , toxaw xat
    # text_por = O chefe come macaco-prego.
    # text_eng = The chief eats the capuchin monkey.
    1	Tawe	tawe	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	ixat	xat	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
    4	toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	5	nmod	_	_
    5	xat	xat	NOUN	n	_	2	appos	_	_
  32. Awawa ixaxet
    The grandmother has food.
    form Awawa ixaxet
    lemma awawa xat
    pos n n
    features Red=Ex
                            # sent_id = 35
    # text = Awawa ixaxet
    # text_por = Vovó tem comida.
    # text_eng = The grandmother has food.
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	ixaxet	xat	NOUN	n	Red=Ex	0	root	_	_
  33. Awawa ixiwe kay
    The grandmother wants an embira plant .
    form Awawa ixiwe kay
    lemma awawa ixiwe kay
    pos n n pp
                            # sent_id = 36
    # text = Awawa ixiwe kay
    # text_por = Vovo quer embira.
    # text_eng = The grandmother wants an embira plant .
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	ixiwe	ixiwe	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	kay	kay	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  34. Ixiwe ako xe
    The embira plant is close to the banana tree.
    form Ixiwe ako xe
    lemma ixiwe ako xe
    pos n n pp
                            # sent_id = 37
    # text = Ixiwe ako xe
    # text_por = A embira esta perto da bananeira.
    # text_eng = The embira plant is close to the banana tree.
    1	Ixiwe	ixiwe	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	ako	ako	NOUN	n	_	1	obl	_	_
    3	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  35. Awawa cum ako xe
    Grandma goes near the banana tree.
    form Awawa cum ako xe
    lemma awawa cu ako xe
    pos n vi n pp
    features Aspect=Imp
                            # sent_id = 38
    # text = Awawa cum ako xe
    # text_por = Vovó vai perto da bananeira.
    # text_eng = Grandma goes near the banana tree.
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	cum	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    3	ako	ako	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  36. Ixiwe o'tobuxik ako xe
    She found the embira plant close to the banana tree.
    form Ixiwe o'tobuxik ako xe
    lemma ixiwe dobuxik ako xe
    pos n vt n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 39
    # text = Ixiwe o'tobuxik ako xe
    # text_por = Ela achou embira perto da bananeira.
    # text_eng = She found the embira plant close to the banana tree.
    1	Ixiwe	ixiwe	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	ako	ako	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  37. I'o'o o'tobuxik .
    Achou já comido.
    form I'o'o o'tobuxik .
    lemma 'o dobuxik .
    pos n vt PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 003.9
    # text = I'o'o o'tobuxik .
    # text_por = Achou já comido.
    1	I'o'o	'o	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    3	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	_
  38. cum jeku be
    He is in the slah.
    form cum jeku be
    lemma cu jeku be
    pos vi n pp
    features Aspect=Imp Reflex=Yes
                            # sent_id = 40
    # text = cum jeku be
    # text_por = Está na roça.
    # text_eng = He is in the slah.
    1	cum	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    2	jeku	jeku	NOUN	n	Reflex=Yes	1	obl	_	_
    3	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  39. Awawa jeku be oajẽm
    The grandmother arrived/came to her slash.
    form Awawa jeku be oajẽm
    lemma awawa ku be ajẽm
    pos n n pp vi
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 41
    # text = Awawa jeku be oajẽm
    # text_por = Vovo chegou a roca.
    # text_eng = The grandmother arrived/came to her slash.
    1	Awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	jeku	ku	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    3	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
    4	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  40. Akoba iku be opop .
    The bananas lay in her slash.
    form Akoba iku be opop .
    lemma Akoba iku be opop .
    pos n n pp cop punct
                            # sent_id = 42
    # text = Akoba iku be opop .
    # text_por = As bananas estao na roca.
    # text_eng = The bananas lay in her slash.
    1	Akoba	Akoba	NOUN	n	_	4	nsubj	_	_
    2	iku	iku	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
    4	opop	opop	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
  41. Tit tak iku be opop , awawa ku be .
    The flower lies also in her slash -- in the grandmother's slash.
    form Tit tak iku be opop , awawa ku be .
    lemma dit tak ku be opop , awawa ku be .
    pos n adv n pp cop punct n n pp punct
                            # sent_id = 43
    # text = Tit tak iku be opop , awawa ku be .
    # text_por = A flor também esta na roca -- na roca da vovo.
    # text_eng = The flower lies also in her slash -- in the grandmother's slash.
    1	Tit	dit	NOUN	n	_	5	nsubj	_	_
    2	tak	tak	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
    3	iku	ku	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
    5	opop	opop	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	_
    7	awawa	awawa	NOUN	n	_	8	nmod	_	_
    8	ku	ku	NOUN	n	_	3	appos	_	_
    9	be	be	ADP	pp	_	8	case	_	_
    10	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	8	punct	_	_
  42. Ixi uk'a be
    The mother is at home
    form Ixi uk'a uk 'a be
    lemma ixi _ uk 'a be
    pos n n cl pp
                            # sent_id = 44
    # text = Ixi uk'a be
    # text_por = A mãe está em casa.
    # text_eng = The mother is at home
    1	Ixi	ixi	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2-3	uk'a	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
    2	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	'a	'a	NOUN	cl	_	2	clf	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  43. I'it tak uk'a be
    The son is also at home. (in the house)
    form I'it tak uk'a be
    lemma 'it tak uk'a be
    pos n adv n pp
                            # sent_id = 45
    # text = I'it tak uk'a be
    # text_por = O filho também esta em casa.
    # text_eng = The son is also at home. (in the house)
    1	I'it	'it	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	tak	tak	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	uk'a	uk'a	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  44. Toxaw oexe
    The chief arrived at/ came home.
    form Toxaw oexe
    lemma toxaw xe
    pos n vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 46
    # text = Toxaw oexe
    # text_por = O chefe chegou a casa.
    # text_eng = The chief arrived at/ came home.
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	oexe	xe	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  45. I'it wa du ?
    Is the son crying?
    form I'it wa du ?
    lemma 'it wa du ?
    pos n vx pcl punct
                            # sent_id = 47
    # text = I'it wa du ?
    # text_por = O filho esta chorando?
    # text_eng = Is the son crying?
    1	I'it	'it	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	wa	wa	VERB	vx	_	0	root	_	_
    3	du	du	PART	pcl	_	2	discourse	_	_
    4	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
  46. Toxaw i'it o'tobuxik uk'a be .
    The chief found the son at home / in the house.
    form Toxaw i'it o'tobuxik uk'a uk 'a be .
    lemma toxaw i'it dobuxik _ uk 'a be .
    pos n n v n cl pp punct
                            # sent_id = 49
    # text = Toxaw i'it o'tobuxik uk'a be .
    # text_por = O chefe achou o filho em casa.
    # text_eng = The chief found the son at home / in the house.
    1	Toxaw	toxaw	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	i'it	i'it	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'tobuxik	dobuxik	VERB	v	_	0	root	_	_
    4-5	uk'a	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
    4	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	'a	'a	NOUN	cl	_	4	nmod	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  47. I'it ixet
    The son is sleeping.
    form I'it ixet
    lemma 'it xet
    pos n v:st
                            # sent_id = 50
    # text = I'it ixet
    # text_por = O filho esta dormindo.
    # text_eng = The son is sleeping.
    1	I'it	'it	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	ixet	xet	VERB	v:st	_	0	root	_	_
  48. Ixi wa'e kug̃
    The mother has a gourd.
    form Ixi wa'e kug̃
    lemma ixi wa'e kug̃
    pos n n vx
                            # sent_id = 51
    # text = Ixi wa'e kug̃
    # text_por = A mãe tem uma cuia.
    # text_eng = The mother has a gourd.
    1	Ixi	ixi	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	wa'e	wa'e	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    3	kug̃	kug̃	VERB	vx	_	0	root	_	_
  49. Wa'e ibubut , ixi bubut
    The gourd is hers.
    form Wa'e ibubut , ixi bubut
    lemma wa'e bubut , ixi bubut
    pos n n punct n n
                            # sent_id = 52
    # text = Wa'e ibubut , ixi bubut
    # text_por = A cuia e dela.
    # text_eng = The gourd is hers.
    1	Wa'e	wa'e	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	ibubut	bubut	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
    4	ixi	ixi	NOUN	n	_	5	nsubj	_	_
    5	bubut	bubut	NOUN	n	_	2	appos	_	_
  50. Wexik'a kake wa'e be
    There is sweet-potatoe in the gourd
    form Wexik'a Wexik 'a kake wa'e be
    lemma _ wexik 'a kake wa'e be
    pos n cl cop n pp
                            # sent_id = 53
    # text = Wexik'a kake wa'e be
    # text_por = Há batata-doce na cuia.
    # text_eng = There is sweet-potatoe in the gourd
    1-2	Wexik'a	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
    1	Wexik	wexik	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	'a	'a	NOUN	cl	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	kake	kake	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
    4	wa'e	wa'e	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
  51. Ixat'a kake wa'e be , uk'a be
    There is food in the gourd, at home.
    form Ixat'a Ixat 'a kake wa'e be , uk'a be
    lemma _ xat 'a kake wa'e be , uk'a be
    pos n cl cop n pp punct n pp
                            # sent_id = 54
    # text = Ixat'a kake wa'e be , uk'a be
    # text_por = Tem comida na cuia, em casa.
    # text_eng = There is food in the gourd, at home.
    1-2	Ixat'a	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
    1	Ixat	xat	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	'a	'a	NOUN	cl	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	kake	kake	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
    4	wa'e	wa'e	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
    7	uk'a	uk'a	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    8	be	be	ADP	pp	_	7	case	_	_
  52. Wa'e uk'a be opop
    The gourd is/lies in the house.
    form Wa'e uk'a be opop
    lemma wa'e uk'a be opop
    pos n n pp cop
                            # sent_id = 55
    # text = Wa'e uk'a be opop
    # text_por = A cuia está na casa.
    # text_eng = The gourd is/lies in the house.
    1	Wa'e	wa'e	NOUN	n	_	4	nsubj	_	_
    2	uk'a	uk'a	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
    4	opop	opop	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
  53. puybit ka'ũmg̃u o'e
    There is no food
    form puybit ka'ũmg̃u o'e
    lemma puybit ka'ũmg̃u 'e
    pos n cop vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Evident=Nfh|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 56
    # text = puybit ka'ũmg̃u o'e
    # text_por = Não há comida Vol 5 p39-1
    # text_eng = There is no food
    1	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	ka'ũmg̃u	ka'ũmg̃u	VERB	cop	_	0	root	_	_
    3	o'e	'e	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Evident=Nfh|Person=3	1	discourse	_	_
  54. ag̃okatkat o'ju puybit aokam
    The men went to kill the hunt
    form ag̃okatkat o'ju puybit aokam
    lemma ag̃okatkat cu puybit aoka
    pos n vi n vt
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 57
    # text = ag̃okatkat o'ju puybit aokam
    # text_por = Os homens foram matar caça Vol 5 p39-2
    # text_eng = The men went to kill the hunt
    1	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	_	0	root	_	_
    3	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	4	obj	_	_
    4	aokam	aoka	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	2	ccomp	_	_
  55. oexexe ip uk'a be puybit kukug̃
    They arrived home with a hunted thing
    form oexexe ip uk'a uk 'a be puybit kukug̃
    lemma exexe ip _ uk 'a be puybit kukug̃
    pos vi pcl n cl pp n vt
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Plur|Person=3 Aspect=Imp|Number=Plur|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 58
    # text = oexexe ip uk'a be puybit kukug̃
    # text_por = Eles chegaram em casa com caça Vol 5 p39-3
    # text_eng = They arrived home with a hunted thing
    1	oexexe	exexe	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number=Plur|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    2	ip	ip	PART	pcl	_	1	dep	_	_
    3-4	uk'a	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
    3	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	1	obj	_	_
    4	'a	'a	NOUN	cl	_	3	nmod	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
    6	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	7	obj	_	_
    7	kukug̃	kukug̃	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Number=Plur|Person=3	1	dep	_	_
  56. Daje ade o'yaoka ip pima , puybit kuka o'e ade
    There is a lot of food, when they kill (a) pig(s)
    form Daje ade o'yaoka ip pima , puybit kuka o'e ade
    lemma daje ade aoka ip pima , puybit kuka 'e ade
    pos n pro vt pcl pp punct n x v pro
    features Evident=Nfh
                            # sent_id = 59
    # text = Daje ade o'yaoka ip pima , puybit kuka o'e ade
    # text_por = Quando eles matam muito porco, tem muita bóia vol5 p40
    # text_eng = There is a lot of food, when they kill (a) pig(s)
    1	Daje	daje	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	ade	ade	PRON	pro	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	o'yaoka	aoka	VERB	vt	_	7	advcl	_	_
    4	ip	ip	PART	pcl	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	pima	pima	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
    7	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    8	kuka	kuka	X	x	_	7	dep	_	_
    9	o'e	'e	VERB	v	Evident=Nfh	7	dep	_	_
    10	ade	ade	PRON	pro	_	7	nmod	_	_
  57. Soat bekitkit ibeg̃beg̃ o'e ade puybit puye
    All children were/became satisfied because of so much food
    form Soat bekitkit ibeg̃beg̃ o'e ade puybit puye
    lemma Soat bekitkit beg̃beg̃ 'e ade puybit puye
    pos n v pro n
    features Evident=Nfh
                            # sent_id = 60
    # text = Soat bekitkit ibeg̃beg̃ o'e ade puybit puye
    # text_por = Todas as crian ças ficaram satisfeitas por causa de muita comida.
    # text_eng = All children were/became satisfied because of so much food
    1	Soat	Soat	PRON	_	_	2	nmod	_	_
    2	bekitkit	bekitkit	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	ibeg̃beg̃	beg̃beg̃	ADJ	_	_	2	amod	_	_
    4	o'e	'e	VERB	v	Evident=Nfh	2	dep	_	_
    5	ade	ade	PRON	pro	_	6	nmod	_	_
    6	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	2	advcl	_	_
    7	puye	puye	ADP	_	_	6	case	_	_
  58. Kabiam doa iba'orere jedoti mug̃ẽg̃ẽm daxa xe
    in the morning the spider is busy webmaking (lit. making trousers) vol 5 36
    form Kabiam doa iba'orere jedoti mug̃ẽg̃ẽm daxa xe
    lemma Kabiam _ ba'orere _ _ daxa xe
    pos adv n adj n v n pp
    features Aspect=DurIprf
                            # sent_id = 61
    # text = Kabiam doa iba'orere jedoti mug̃ẽg̃ẽm daxa xe
    # text_por = A aranha eatá octfpada de dia fazendo a teia perto do fogo.
    # text_eng = in the morning the spider is busy webmaking (lit. making trousers) vol 5 36
    1	Kabiam	Kabiam	ADV	adv	_	3	amod	_	_
    2	doa	_	NOUN	n	_	5	nsubj	_	_
    3	iba'orere	ba'orere	ADJ	adj	_	2	amod	_	_
    4	jedoti	_	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    5	mug̃ẽg̃ẽm	_	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	0	root	_	_
    6	daxa	daxa	NOUN	n	_	5	obj	_	_
    7	xe	xe	ADP	pp	_	6	case	_	_
  59. Karosakaybu daje o'g̃uju , tacup puye ip .
    K transformed people in pigs, becaus they were stealing food
    form Karosakaybu daje o'g̃uju , tacup puye ip .
    lemma Karosakaybu daje ju , tacup puye ip .
    pos pn n vt punct v sc pcl punct
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=33|Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 100
    # text = Karosakaybu daje o'g̃uju , tacup puye ip .
    # text_por = Karosakaybu virou as pessoas porcos grandes porque estavam guardando bóia só para elas
    # text_eng = K transformed people in pigs, becaus they were stealing food
    1	Karosakaybu	Karosakaybu	PROPN	pn	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	daje	daje	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'g̃uju	ju	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=33|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	punct=
    5	tacup	tacup	VERB	v	_	3	advcl	_	_
    6	puye	puye	SCONJ	sc	_	5	mark	_	_
    7	ip	ip	PART	pcl	_	5	nsubj	_	_
    8	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	punct=
  60. pariwat tomuwã buje juy puybit ejomõg̃ mesa jeje
    when you call the non-indians, put food on the table Crofts 189
    form pariwat tomuwã buje juy puybit ejomõg̃ mesa jeje
    lemma pariwat tomuwã buje juy puybit ejomõg̃ mesa jeje
    pos n v adv pcl n vt n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Mood=Imp
                            # sent_id = 101
    # text = pariwat tomuwã buje juy puybit ejomõg̃ mesa jeje
    # text_eng = when you call the non-indians, put food on the table Crofts 189
    1	pariwat	pariwat	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	tomuwã	tomuwã	VERB	v	_	6	dep	_	_
    3	buje	buje	ADV	adv	_	2	advmod	_	_
    4	juy	juy	PART	pcl	_	6	discourse	_	_
    5	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	6	obj	_	_
    6	ejomõg̃	ejomõg̃	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Imp	0	root	_	_
    7	mesa	mesa	NOUN	n	_	6	obl	_	_
    8	jeje	jeje	ADP	pp	_	7	case	_	_
  61. kabido xixi ajẽm puje soat o'at
    Everything fell down when the storm came Crofts 100
    form kabido xixi ajẽm puje soat o'at
    lemma kabido xixi ajẽm puje soat 'at
    pos n n vi pp pro vi
    features Aspect=Perf Rel=Cont Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 102
    # text = kabido xixi ajẽm puje soat o'at
    # text_eng = Everything fell down when the storm came Crofts 100
    1	kabido	kabido	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	xixi	xixi	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	ajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	6	advcl	_	_
    4	puje	puje	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	3	mark	_	_
    5	soat	soat	PRON	pro	_	6	obl	_	_
    6	o'at	'at	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  62. taxit mẽnpit ikukpin'ũm osunuy ag̃okatkat pe , i'e'em ajojoyũ'ũm'ũm
    The man didn't care for his daughter, said the ancestors vol 3-7
    form taxit mẽnpit ikukpin'ũm osunuy ag̃okatkat pe , i'e'em ajojoyũ'ũm'ũm
    lemma daxit mẽnpit kukpin osunuy ag̃okatkat pe , 'e ajojo
    pos n cc n x n pp punct vi n
    features Rel=NCont Polarity=Neg|Rel=Cont Aspect=Imp|Rel=NCont Aspect=Compl|Number=Plur
                            # sent_id = 103
    # text = taxit mẽnpit ikukpin'ũm osunuy ag̃okatkat pe , i'e'em ajojoyũ'ũm'ũm
    # text_eng = The man didn't care for his daughter, said the ancestors  vol 3-7
    1	taxit	daxit	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    2	mẽnpit	mẽnpit	CCONJ	cc	_	1	cc	_	_
    3	ikukpin'ũm	kukpin	NOUN	n	Polarity=Neg|Rel=Cont	1	nmod	_	_
    4	osunuy	osunuy	X	x	_	3	dep	_	_
    5	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    6	pe	pe	ADP	pp	_	5	case	_	_
    7	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	1	punct	_	_
    8	i'e'em	'e	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Rel=NCont	1	dep	_	_
    9	ajojoyũ'ũm'ũm	ajojo	NOUN	n	Aspect=Compl|Number=Plur	8	nsubj	_	_
  63. wexik'a kake ixi duk'a be
    there is sweet-potato in mother’s house vol 2 13
    form wexik'a kake ixi duk'a be
    lemma wexik kake xi uk be
    pos n aux n n pp
    features Rel=NCont Rel=Cont Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 104
    # text = wexik'a kake ixi duk'a be
    # text_eng = there is sweet-potato in mother’s house vol 2 13
    1	wexik'a	wexik	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	kake	kake	AUX	aux	_	1	aux	_	_
    3	ixi	xi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	4	nmod	_	_
    4	duk'a	uk	NOUN	n	Rel=Cont	1	obl	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	4	case	_	_
  64. oxi uk‘a be
    My mother is in the house [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2b)
    form oxi uk‘a uk ‘a be
    lemma xi _ uk ‘a be
    pos n n cl pp
    features Poss=Ina
                            # sent_id = 105
    # text = oxi uk‘a be
    # text_eng = My mother is in the house [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2b)
    1	oxi	xi	NOUN	n	Poss=Ina	2	nsubj	_	_
    2-3	uk‘a	_	_	_	_	_	_	_	_
    2	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    3	‘a	‘a	NOUN	cl	_	2	clf	_	_
    4	be	be	ADP	pp	_	2	case	_	_
  65. wida ayacat o’yaoka Katõ be
    The jaguar killed the woman in the Katõ village. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2c)
    form wida ayacat o’yaoka Katõ be
    lemma wida ayacat aoka Katõ be
    pos n n vt pn pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 106
    # text = wida ayacat o’yaoka Katõ be
    # text_eng = The jaguar killed the woman in the Katõ village. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2c)
    1	wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	ayacat	ayacat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o’yaoka	aoka	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	Katõ	Katõ	PROPN	pn	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
  66. wetabut pe obure Wida o'yaoka
    My friend killed the jaguar. I am certain. (I saw it). [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2d)
    form wetabut pe obure Wida o'yaoka
    lemma etabut pe bure wida aoka
    pos vi pp n n vt
    features Person=1 Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 107
    # text = wetabut pe obure Wida o'yaoka
    # text_eng = My friend killed the jaguar. I am certain. (I saw it). [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2d)
    1	wetabut	etabut	VERB	vi	Person=1	5	dep	_	_
    2	pe	pe	ADP	pp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	obure	bure	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    4	Wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    5	o'yaoka	aoka	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  67. bekicat o'akõm wetabut pe
    The girl drowned. I am certain. (I saw it) [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2e)
    form bekicat o'akõm wetabut pe
    lemma bekicat akõm etabut pe
    pos n vi vi pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3 Person=1
                            # sent_id = 108
    # text = bekicat o'akõm wetabut pe
    # text_eng = The girl drowned. I am certain. (I saw it) [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2e)
    1	bekicat	bekicat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'akõm	akõm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	wetabut	etabut	VERB	vi	Person=1	2	dep	_	_
    4	pe	pe	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
  68. ẽn eg̃ũm kise ayacat pe
    You gave a knife to the woman. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2f)
    form ẽn eg̃ũm kise ayacat pe
    lemma ẽn ũm kise ayacat pe
    pos pro v n n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=2
                            # sent_id = 109
    # text = ẽn eg̃ũm kise ayacat pe
    # text_eng = You gave a knife to the woman. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2f)
    1	ẽn	ẽn	PRON	pro	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	eg̃ũm	ũm	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=2	0	root	_	_
    3	kise	kise	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	ayacat	ayacat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    5	pe	pe	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
  69. puy bu bekicat o'joa
    The snake bit (?) the child.
    form puy bu bekicat o'joa
    lemma puy bu bekicat a
    pos noun cl noun verb
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 111
    # text = puy bu bekicat o'joa
    # text_eng = The snake bit (?) the child.
    1	puy	puy	NOUN	noun	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	bu	bu	NOUN	cl	_	1	clf	_	_
    3	bekicat	bekicat	NOUN	noun	_	4	obl	_	_
    4	o'joa	a	VERB	verb	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  70. õn bekicat ojoaat puy bu be
    I made the snake bite the child.
    form õn bekicat ojoaat puy bu be
    lemma õn bekicat a puy bu be
    pos pron noun vt noun clf pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 112
    # text = õn bekicat ojoaat puy bu be
    # text_eng = I made the snake bite the child.
    1	õn	õn	PRON	pron	_	3	dep	_	_
    2	bekicat	bekicat	NOUN	noun	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	ojoaat	a	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	puy	puy	NOUN	noun	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	bu	bu	NOUN	clf	_	4	clf	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	pp	_	1	case	_	_
  71. Iixĩt o'g̃ukorẽm
    His sister got angry at him
    form Iixĩt o'g̃ukorẽm
    lemma ixĩt korẽm
    pos n v
    features Rel=NCont Aspect=Imp|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 003.10
    # text = Iixĩt o'g̃ukorẽm
    # text_eng = His sister got angry at him
    # text_por = A irmã ralhou com ele.
    1	Iixĩt	ixĩt	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	o'g̃ukorẽm	korẽm	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
  72. Tip tag̃ o'ju .
    Foi longe—no centro do mato.
    form Tip tag̃ o'ju .
    lemma tip tag̃ cu .
    pos n posp v punct
    features Rel=Cont Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 003.26
    # text = Tip tag̃ o'ju .
    # text_por = Foi longe—no centro do mato.
    1	Tip	tip	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	tag̃	tag̃	ADP	posp	Rel=Cont	1	case	_	_
    3	o'ju	cu	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    4	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
  73. Wuy o'ju ipinun tag̃
    Ficou em terra firme.
    form Wuy o'ju ipinun tag̃
    lemma wuy cu ipi tag̃
    pos v n posp
    features Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 003.27
    # text = Wuy o'ju ipinun tag̃
    # text_por = Ficou em terra firme.
    1	Wuy	wuy	X	_	_	2	dep	_	_
    2	o'ju	cu	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    3	ipinun	ipi	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	tag̃	tag̃	ADP	posp	_	3	case	_	_
  74. Ixe kapurug̃ pe o'e
    inserir tradução
    form Ixe kapurug̃ pe o'e
    lemma iex kapurug̃ pe o'e
    pos dem posp aux
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 003.28
    # text = Ixe kapurug̃ pe o'e
    # text_por = inserir tradução
    1	Ixe	iex	DET	dem	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	kapurug̃	kapurug̃	NOUN	_	_	0	root	_	_
    3	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	2	case	_	_
    4	o'e	o'e	AUX	aux	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3	2	aux	_	_
  75. Iptog̃ darug̃ o'e
    Virou pau d'arco
    form Iptog̃ darug̃ o'e
    lemma iptok daruk 'e
    pos n n v
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 003.29
    # text = Iptog̃ darug̃ o'e
    # text_por = Virou pau d'arco
    1	Iptog̃	iptok	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	darug̃	daruk	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	o'e	'e	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  76. Kuyje bit daruk imug̃ẽg̃ẽ ma , i'e'em aypapa'um'um .
    Antigamente o arco era feito mesmo, dizem os velhos antigos.
    form Kuyje bit daruk imug̃ẽg̃ẽ ma , i'e'em aypapa'um'um .
    lemma kuyje bit daruk mug̃ẽ ma , 'e _ .
    pos adv prcl n v prcl punct v n punct
    features Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Aspect=Dec|Number=Plur
                            # sent_id = 003.30
    # text = Kuyje bit daruk imug̃ẽg̃ẽ ma , i'e'em aypapa'um'um .
    # text_por = Antigamente o arco era feito mesmo, dizem os velhos antigos.
    1	Kuyje	kuyje	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    2	bit	bit	PART	prcl	_	4	discourse	_	_
    3	daruk	daruk	NOUN	n	_	4	nsubj	_	_
    4	imug̃ẽg̃ẽ	mug̃ẽ	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    5	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	4	discourse	_	_
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
    7	i'e'em	'e	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	4	dep	_	_
    8	aypapa'um'um	_	NOUN	n	Aspect=Dec|Number=Plur	7	nsubj	_	_
    9	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	7	punct	_	_
  77. Daruk juap
    Daruk juap (O Aparecimento do Arco)
    form Daruk juap
    lemma Daruk juap
    pos n n
    features Nomzr=Pa
                            # sent_id = 0033.1
    # text = Daruk juap
    # text_por = Daruk juap (O Aparecimento do Arco)
    1	Daruk	Daruk	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	juap	juap	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Pa	1	case	_	_
  78. Yobog̃at , yopĩcat i'uk'ug̃ ip jewebeam .
    Tiravam para si (arco) grande, e pequeno, para crianças
    form Yobog̃at , yopĩcat i'uk'ug̃ ip jewebeam .
    lemma yobog̃at , _ 'uk ip jewebe .
    pos n punct n v prcl posp punct
    features Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Number=Plur|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 003.31
    # text = Yobog̃at , yopĩcat i'uk'ug̃ ip jewebeam .
    # text_por = Tiravam para si (arco) grande, e pequeno, para crianças
    1	Yobog̃at	yobog̃at	NOUN	n	_	4	obj	_	_
    2	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
    3	yopĩcat	_	NOUN	n	_	4	obj	_	_
    4	i'uk'ug̃	'uk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    5	ip	ip	PART	prcl	Number=Plur|Person=3	4	dep	_	_
    6	jewebeam	jewebe	ADP	posp	_	4	obl	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
  79. Daruk o'ju , i'e'em ajojoyt'ũm'ũm .
    Apareceu o arco, dizem os velhos antigos
    form Daruk o'ju , i'e'em ajojoyt'ũm'ũm .
    lemma Daruk cu , 'e ajojoyt .
    pos n vi punct vi n PUNCT
    features Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3 Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Aspect=Dec|Number=Plur
                            # sent_id = 0033.2
    # text = Daruk o'ju , i'e'em ajojoyt'ũm'ũm .
    # text_por = Apareceu o arco, dizem os velhos antigos
    1	Daruk	Daruk	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
    4	i'e'em	'e	VERB	vi	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	2	parataxis	_	_
    5	ajojoyt'ũm'ũm	ajojoyt	NOUN	n	Aspect=Dec|Number=Plur	4	nsubj	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	_
  80. Iixĩt o'g̃ukorẽm io'e .
    A irmã dele ralhou com ele.
    form Iixĩt o'g̃ukorẽm io'e .
    lemma ixĩt korẽm o'e .
    pos n v vi PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Aspect=Imp|Person=3|Voice=Cau Aspect=Perf|Evident=Nfh|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.3
    # text = Iixĩt o'g̃ukorẽm io'e .
    # text_por = A irmã dele ralhou com ele.
    1	Iixĩt	ixĩt	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'g̃ukorẽm	korẽm	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Person=3|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    3	io'e	o'e	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Evident=Nfh|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	2	discourse	_	_
    4	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	_
  81. Beku cambõk tak wara'at o'ju .
    Um outro (o cu­nhado dele) ficou pau de mará-coama.
    form Beku cambõk tak wara'at o'ju .
    lemma boku cambõk tak wara'at cu .
    pos dem n adv pron vi PUNCT
    features PronType=Ind Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 003.33
    # text = Beku cambõk tak wara'at o'ju .
    # text_por = Um outro (o cu­nhado dele) ficou pau de mará-coama.
    1	Beku	boku	DET	dem	_	2	nmod	_	_
    2	cambõk	cambõk	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    3	tak	tak	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
    4	wara'at	wara'at	PRON	pron	PronType=Ind	5	nsubj	_	_
    5	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	5	punct	_	_
  82. Wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    Primeiramente era gente.
    form Wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    lemma wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    pos n prcl pp prcl x PUNCT
    features Number=Plur Polarity=Neg Contv=Yes
                            # sent_id = 0033.4
    # text = Wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    # text_por = Primeiramente era gente.
    1	Wuyjuyũ	wuyjuyũ	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	0	root	_	_
    2	ma'g̃u	ma'g̃u	PART	prcl	Polarity=Neg	1	discourse	_	_
    3	koap	koap	ADV	pp	_	1	advmod	_	_
    4	pit	pit	PART	prcl	Contv=Yes	1	discourse	_	_
    5	osunuy	osunuy	AUX	x	_	1	cop	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
  83. Ixe dak etaxi'ũm puye tiwãbu tẽg̃ ma o'ju tiwãbu dag̃ ma .
    Ele também não agüentava a sede, e por isso ficou na beira do rio.
    form Ixe dak etaxi'ũm puye tiwãbu tẽg̃ ma o'ju tiwãbu dag̃ ma .
    lemma ixe dak etaxi'ũm puye tiwãbu dẽg̃ ma cu tiwãbu tag̃ ma .
    pos pro adv n cl posp prcl vi vi posp prcl PUNCT
    features PronType=Dem Rel=NCont Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 003.34
    # text = Ixe dak etaxi'ũm puye tiwãbu tẽg̃ ma o'ju tiwãbu dag̃ ma .
    # text_por = Ele também não agüentava a sede, e por isso ficou na beira do rio.
    1	Ixe	ixe	PRON	pro	PronType=Dem	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	dak	dak	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	etaxi'ũm	etaxi'ũm	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    4	puye	puye	ADV	_	_	5	mark	_	_
    5	tiwãbu	tiwãbu	NOUN	cl	_	3	advcl	_	_
    6	tẽg̃	dẽg̃	ADP	posp	Rel=NCont	5	case	_	_
    7	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	3	discourse	_	_
    8	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	_	3	parataxis	_	_
    9	tiwãbu	tiwãbu	VERB	vi	_	8	obl	_	_
    10	dag̃	tag̃	ADP	posp	Rel=Cont	9	case	_	_
    11	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	8	discourse	_	_
    12	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	8	punct	_	_
  84. Wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    Primeiramente era gente.
    form Wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    lemma wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    pos n prcl pp prcl x PUNCT
    features Number=Plur Polarity=Neg Contv=Yes
                            # sent_id = 0033.5
    # text = Wuyjuyũ ma'g̃u koap pit osunuy .
    # text_por = Primeiramente era gente.
    1	Wuyjuyũ	wuyjuyũ	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	0	root	_	_
    2	ma'g̃u	ma'g̃u	PART	prcl	Polarity=Neg	1	discourse	_	_
    3	koap	koap	ADV	pp	_	1	advmod	_	_
    4	pit	pit	PART	prcl	Contv=Yes	1	discourse	_	_
    5	osunuy	osunuy	AUX	x	_	1	cop	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
  85. Ibaka dak .
    O pau d'arco também.
    form Ibaka dak .
    lemma Ibaka dak .
    pos n adv PUNCT
                            # sent_id = 003.35
    # text = Ibaka dak .
    # text_por = O pau d'arco também.
    1	Ibaka	Ibaka	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	dak	dak	ADV	adv	_	1	advmod	_	_
    3	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
  86. Ibuybitopi iixĩt osunuy cebe . Iixĩt ku dag̃ oeku .
    Ele comia o que era da irmã. A irmã dele andava na roça.
    form Ibuybitopi iixĩt osunuy cebe . Iixĩt ku dag̃ oeku .
    lemma Ipuybitopi ixĩt osunuy be . Iixĩt ku tag̃ oeku .
    pos n n aux posp punct n n posp v PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Number=Sing|Person=3 Rel=NCont Rel=Cont Reflex=Yes
                            # sent_id = 0033.6
    # text = Ibuybitopi iixĩt osunuy cebe . Iixĩt ku dag̃ oeku .
    # text_por = Ele comia o que era da irmã. A irmã dele andava na roça.
    1	Ibuybitopi	Ipuybitopi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	4	nsubj	_	_
    2	iixĩt	ixĩt	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	1	nmod	_	_
    3	osunuy	osunuy	AUX	aux	_	4	cop	_	_
    4	cebe	be	ADP	posp	Number=Sing|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
    6	Iixĩt	Iixĩt	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	9	nsubj	_	_
    7	ku	ku	NOUN	n	_	9	obl	_	_
    8	dag̃	tag̃	ADP	posp	Rel=Cont	7	case	_	_
    9	oeku	oeku	VERB	v	Reflex=Yes	4	parataxis	_	_
    10	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	9	punct	_	_
  87. g̃ebuje ixe o'ju darug̃ .
    Daí ele ficou sendo o arco
    form g̃ebuje ixe o'ju darug̃ .
    lemma g̃ebuje ixe cu darug̃ .
    pos adv pro vi n PUNCT
    features PronType=Dem Aspect=Perf|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 003.36
    # text = g̃ebuje ixe o'ju darug̃ .
    # text_por = Daí ele ficou sendo o arco
    1	g̃ebuje	g̃ebuje	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	ixe	ixe	PRON	pro	PronType=Dem	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    4	darug̃	darug̃	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	_
  88. Dexe. Ku dag̃wi oexe .
    Chegour. Chegou da roça.
    form Dexe . Ku dag̃wi oexe .
    lemma Dexe . ku dag̃wi exe .
    pos v PUNCT n posp v punct
    features Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.7
    # text = Dexe. Ku dag̃wi oexe .
    # text_por = Chegour. Chegou da roça.
    1	Dexe	Dexe	VERB	v	_	0	root	_	SpaceAfter=No
    2	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
    3	Ku	ku	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    4	dag̃wi	dag̃wi	ADP	posp	_	3	case	_	_
    5	oexe	exe	VERB	v	Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	1	parataxis	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	_
  89. Aypapa'ũm'ũm i'uk'ug̃ jekukum jedarug̃ .
    Os velhos antigos andavam tirando-o para fazer o arco deles.
    form Aypapa'ũm'ũm i'uk'ug̃ jekukum jedarug̃ .
    lemma Aypapa'ũm'ũm i'uk jeku darug̃ .
    pos n v v n PUNCT
    features Aspect=Dec|Number=Plur Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf|Voice=Mid Reflex=Yes
                            # sent_id = 003.37
    # text = Aypapa'ũm'ũm i'uk'ug̃ jekukum jedarug̃ .
    # text_por = Os velhos antigos andavam tirando-o para fazer o arco deles.
    1	Aypapa'ũm'ũm	Aypapa'ũm'ũm	NOUN	n	Aspect=Dec|Number=Plur	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	i'uk'ug̃	i'uk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    3	jekukum	jeku	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Voice=Mid	2	advcl	_	_
    4	jedarug̃	darug̃	NOUN	n	Reflex=Yes	3	obj	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	_
  90. Da'o o'jo'o'o io'e - puybit da'o .
    Comeu bóia de castanha.
    form Da'o o'jo'o'o io'e - puybit da'o .
    lemma Da'o 'jo'o'o o'e - puybit da'o .
    pos n n v PUNCT v:st n PUNCT
    features Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Plur|Person[subj]=3 Evident=Nfh|Rel=NCont Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 0033.8
    # text = Da'o o'jo'o'o io'e - puybit da'o .
    # text_por = Comeu bóia de castanha.
    1	Da'o	Da'o	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	o'jo'o'o	'jo'o'o	NOUN	n	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Plur|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    3	io'e	o'e	VERB	v	Evident=Nfh|Rel=NCont	2	discourse	_	_
    4	-	-	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	_
    5	puybit	puybit	NOUN	v:st	_	2	obj	_	_
    6	da'o	da'o	NOUN	n	Rel=Cont	5	nmod	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	_
  91. Yopõg̃ pewi i'uk'ug̃ ip , kuybi ma imug̃ẽg̃ẽ .
    Tiravam do buraco já feito
    form Yopõg̃ pewi i'uk'ug̃ ip , kuybi ma imug̃ẽg̃ẽ .
    lemma Yopõg̃ pewi 'uk'ug̃ ip , kuybi ma mug̃ẽ .
    pos vt n v n PUNCT n prcl v PUNCT
    features Aspect=Perf|Mood=Imp Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Number=Plur Rel=NCont Aspect=Dur|Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 003.38
    # text = Yopõg̃ pewi i'uk'ug̃ ip , kuybi ma imug̃ẽg̃ẽ .
    # text_por = Tiravam do buraco já feito
    1	Yopõg̃	Yopõg̃	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Imp	3	obl	_	_
    2	pewi	pewi	NOUN	n	_	1	case	_	_
    3	i'uk'ug̃	'uk'ug̃	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    4	ip	ip	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	3	dep	_	_
    5	,	,	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	_
    6	kuybi	kuybi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	dislocated	_	_
    7	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	8	advmod	_	_
    8	imug̃ẽg̃ẽ	mug̃ẽ	VERB	v	Aspect=Dur|Rel=NCont	3	parataxis	_	_
    9	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	8	punct	_	_
  92. wida ayacat'ũm o'yaoka
    The jaguar killed the woman. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2j')
    form wida ayacat'ũm o'yaoka
    lemma wida ayacat aoka
    pos n n vt
    features Aspect=Dec|Number=Sing Aspect=Perf|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 2001
    # text = wida ayacat'ũm o'yaoka
    # text_eng = The jaguar killed the woman. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 2j')
    1	wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	ayacat'ũm	ayacat	NOUN	n	Aspect=Dec|Number=Sing	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'yaoka	aoka	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=33	0	root	_	_
  93. wekobe wita 'a kay og̃uyjayjay
    I hit my canoe on a rock. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 4d)
    form wekobe wita 'a kay og̃uyjayjay
    lemma kobe wita 'a kay jayjay
    pos n n cl pp vt
    features Poss=Ali Class=Round Rel=Cont Aspect=Perf|Person=13|Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 2002
    # text = wekobe wita 'a kay og̃uyjayjay
    # text_eng = I hit my canoe on a rock. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 4d)
    1	wekobe	kobe	NOUN	n	Poss=Ali	5	obl	_	_
    2	wita	wita	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    3	'a	'a	NOUN	cl	Class=Round	2	clf	_	_
    4	kay	kay	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	2	case	_	_
    5	og̃uyjayjay	jayjay	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=13|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
  94. oxi eg̃ru ipi tẽg̃
    My mother’s hammock was close to the ground. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 5b)
    form oxi eg̃ru ipi tẽg̃
    lemma xi g̃ru ipi tẽg̃
    pos n n n pp
    features Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Ina Poss=Ali|Rel=Cont Rel=NCont Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 2003
    # text = oxi eg̃ru ipi tẽg̃
    # text_eng = My mother’s hammock was close to the ground. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 5b)
    1	oxi	xi	NOUN	n	Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Ina	2	nmod	_	_
    2	eg̃ru	g̃ru	NOUN	n	Poss=Ali|Rel=Cont	3	nsubj	_	_
    3	ipi	ipi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    4	tẽg̃	tẽg̃	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	3	case	_	_
  95. o'xet io'e xiri xe
    He slept by the side of a nambu (Crypturellus parvirostris), they say. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 6b)
    form o'xet io'e xiri xe
    lemma xet 'e xiri xe
    pos vi vi n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3 Evident=Nfh|Number=Plur|Person=3 Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 2004
    # text = o'xet io'e xiri xe
    # text_eng = He slept by the side of a nambu (Crypturellus parvirostris), they say. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 6b)
    1	o'xet	xet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    2	io'e	'e	VERB	vi	Evident=Nfh|Number=Plur|Person=3	1	dep	_	_
    3	xiri	xiri	NOUN	n	_	1	obl	_	_
    4	xe	xe	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	3	case	_	_
  96. ixe iẽn 'o'om kaw ta eju
    He eats meat with salt. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 7d)
    form ixe iẽn 'o'om kaw ta eju
    lemma ixe ẽn 'o kaw da eju
    pos pro n vi n cl pp
    features PronType=Dem Rel=NCont Aspect=Imp Class=Seed Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 2005
    # text = ixe iẽn 'o'om kaw ta eju
    # text_eng = He eats meat with salt. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 7d)
    1	ixe	ixe	PRON	pro	PronType=Dem	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	iẽn	ẽn	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	obj	_	_
    3	'o'om	'o	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    4	kaw	kaw	NOUN	n	_	2	nmod	_	_
    5	ta	da	NOUN	cl	Class=Seed	4	clf	_	_
    6	eju	eju	ADP	pp	Rel=NCont	4	case	_	_
  97. puybit kug̃ o'ju bio kug̃ , dapsem kug̃
    They went with game meat: with tapir and deer. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 8c)
    form puybit kug̃ o'ju bio kug̃ , dapsem kug̃
    lemma puybit kug̃ ju bio kug̃ , dapsem kug̃
    pos n pp vi n pp punct n pp
    features Rel=Cont Aspect=Perf|Number=Plur|Person=3 Rel=Cont Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 2006
    # text = puybit kug̃ o'ju bio kug̃ , dapsem kug̃
    # text_eng = They went with game meat: with tapir and deer. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 8c)
    1	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	kug̃	kug̃	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	1	case	_	_
    3	o'ju	ju	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number=Plur|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	bio	bio	NOUN	n	_	1	conj	_	_
    5	kug̃	kug̃	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	4	case	_	_
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	_
    7	dapsem	dapsem	NOUN	n	_	1	conj	_	_
    8	kug̃	kug̃	ADP	pp	Rel=Cont	7	case	_	_
  98. xa diot pe o'xet
    He slept under the pequiá tree. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 25a)
    form xa diot pe o'xet
    lemma xa diot pe xet
    pos n n pp vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 2007
    # text = xa diot pe o'xet
    # text_eng = He slept under the pequiá tree. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 25a)
    1	xa	xa	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	diot	diot	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	pe	pe	ADP	pp	_	1	case	_	_
    4	o'xet	xet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  99. wexey bi wida biopak o'yaoka
    In my dream, a jaguar killed a cow. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 24a)
    form wexey bi wida biopak o'yaoka
    lemma xey bi wida biopak aoka
    pos n pp n n vt
    features Poss=Ali Aspect=Perf|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 2008
    # text = wexey bi wida biopak o'yaoka
    # text_eng = In my dream, a jaguar killed a cow. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 24a)
    1	wexey	xey	NOUN	n	Poss=Ali	5	obl	_	_
    2	bi	bi	ADP	pp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    4	biopak	biopak	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    5	o'yaoka	aoka	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=33	0	root	_	_
  100. kat pujeat ocemudirem
    The (rain) that came in the afternoon got us wet. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 23a)
    form kat pujeat ocemudirem
    lemma kat puje direm
    pos n n vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 2009
    # text = kat pujeat ocemudirem
    # text_eng = The (rain) that came in the afternoon got us wet.	 [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 23a)
    1	kat	kat	NOUN	n	_	2	nmod	_	_
    2	pujeat	puje	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    3	ocemudirem	direm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
  101. ag̃okatkat bio dakat puje bekicat o'suẽn'o
    After the man cut the tapir, the child ate its meat. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 22b)
    form ag̃okatkat bio dakat puje bekicat o'suẽn'o
    lemma ag̃okatkat bio dakat puje bekicat ẽn'o
    pos n n vt pp n vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 2010
    # text = ag̃okatkat bio dakat puje bekicat o'suẽn'o
    # text_eng = After the man cut the tapir, the child ate its meat. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 22b)
    1	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	bio	bio	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    3	dakat	dakat	VERB	vt	_	6	advcl	_	_
    4	puje	puje	ADP	pp	_	3	mark	_	_
    5	bekicat	bekicat	NOUN	n	_	6	obl	_	_
    6	o'suẽn'o	ẽn'o	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  102. ey'at pima ocewayway jĩjã
    When you fell, I laughed a lot. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 21a)
    form ey'at pima ocewayway jĩjã
    lemma 'at pima wayway jĩjã
    pos vi vi adv
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=2 Aspect=Perf|Person=1|Voice=Mid
                            # sent_id = 2011
    # text = ey'at pima ocewayway jĩjã
    # text_eng = When you fell, I laughed a lot. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 21a)
    1	ey'at	'at	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=2	3	advcl	_	_
    2	pima	pima	ADP	_	_	1	case	_	_
    3	ocewayway	wayway	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=1|Voice=Mid	0	root	_	_
    4	jĩjã	jĩjã	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
  103. ixem õn wetaybit g̃u ojojo g̃u ma buye
    I do not know that one, because I did not see it. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 20c)
    form ixem õn wetaybit g̃u ojojo g̃u ma buye
    lemma ixe õn etaybit g̃u jo g̃u ma buye
    pos pro pro vt npart vt npart adv sconj
    features PronType=Prs Aspect=Imp|Person=1 Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf|Person=13 Polarity=Neg
                            # sent_id = 2012
    # text = ixem õn wetaybit g̃u ojojo g̃u ma buye
    # text_eng = I do not know that one, because I did not see it. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 20c)
    1	ixem	ixe	PRON	pro	_	3	obj	_	_
    2	õn	õn	PRON	pro	PronType=Prs	3	obl	_	_
    3	wetaybit	etaybit	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Person=1	0	root	_	_
    4	g̃u	g̃u	PART	npart	Polarity=Neg	3	discourse	_	_
    5	ojojo	jo	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=13	3	advcl	_	_
    6	g̃u	g̃u	PART	npart	Polarity=Neg	5	discourse	_	_
    7	ma	ma	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
    8	buye	buye	SCONJ	sconj	_	5	mark	_	_
  104. ag̃okatkat bio aoka buje wida o'jenapõn
    After the man killed the tapir, the jaguar ran away. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 19a)
    form ag̃okatkat bio aoka buje wida o'jenapõn
    lemma ag̃okatkat bio aoka buje wida napõn
    pos n n vt sconj n vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3|Voice=Mid
                            # sent_id = 2013
    # text = ag̃okatkat bio aoka buje wida o'jenapõn
    # text_eng = After the man killed the tapir, the jaguar ran away. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 19a)
    1	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	bio	bio	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    3	aoka	aoka	VERB	vt	_	6	advcl	_	_
    4	buje	buje	SCONJ	sconj	_	3	mark	_	_
    5	wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	6	obl	_	_
    6	o'jenapõn	napõn	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3|Voice=Mid	0	root	_	_
  105. ejot cuy , muto'o bima , kaxi wuyase bima
    I want you to come on Sunday, at noon. (Lit.: ‘Come when it will be Sunday, when the sun will be well above us.’) [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 18d)
    form ejot cuy , muto'o bima , kaxi wuyase bima
    lemma jot cuy , muto'o bima , kaxi ase bima
    pos vi imppart punct n pp punct n pp pp
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=2
                            # sent_id = 2014
    # text = ejot cuy , muto'o bima , kaxi wuyase bima
    # text_eng = I want you to come on Sunday, at noon. (Lit.: ‘Come when it will be Sunday, when the sun will be well above us.’) [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019,	18d)
    1	ejot	jot	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=2	0	root	_	_
    2	cuy	cuy	PART	imppart	_	1	discourse	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
    4	muto'o	muto'o	NOUN	n	_	1	advcl	_	_
    5	bima	bima	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	7	punct	_	_
    7	kaxi	kaxi	NOUN	n	_	4	nmod	_	_
    8	wuyase	ase	ADP	pp	_	7	case	_	_
    9	bima	bima	ADP	pp	_	7	case	_	_
  106. pug̃ em o'e jeebay be
    Once, the son told his own father. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 17a)
    form pug̃ em o'e jeebay be
    lemma pug̃ em 'e bay be
    pos num pp vi n pp
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3 Poss=Ina
                            # sent_id = 2015
    # text = pug̃ em o'e jeebay be
    # text_eng = Once, the son told his own father. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 17a)
    1	pug̃	pug̃	NUM	num	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	em	em	ADP	pp	_	1	flat	_	_
    3	o'e	'e	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	jeebay	bay	NOUN	n	Poss=Ina	3	obl	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	pp	_	4	case	_	_
  107. jeorokap wap ip o'ju
    They went before the hunt. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 16d)
    form jeorokap wap ip o'ju
    lemma jeorok wap ip cu
    pos n pp pro vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 2016
    # text = jeorokap wap ip o'ju
    # text_eng = They went before the hunt. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 16d)
    1	jeorokap	jeorok	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	wap	wap	ADP	pp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	4	obl	_	_
    4	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	0	root	_	_
  108. ag̃okatkat itakomã jijã o'e wida buxim
    The man got very angry, like a jaguar. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 14d)
    form ag̃okatkat itakomã jijã o'e wida buxim
    lemma ag̃okatkat takomã jijã o'e wida buxim
    pos n vi adv aux n pp
    features Person=3
                            # sent_id = 2017
    # text = ag̃okatkat itakomã jijã o'e wida buxim
    # text_eng = The man got very angry, like a jaguar. [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 14d)
    1	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	itakomã	takomã	VERB	vi	Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	jijã	jijã	ADV	adv	_	2	advmod	_	_
    4	o'e	o'e	AUX	aux	_	2	aux	_	_
    5	wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    6	buxim	buxim	ADP	pp	_	5	case	_	_
  109. kobe xixi badi wi o'jebuk
    A huge ship appeared from inside (the lake). [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 13a)
    form kobe xixi badi wi o'jebuk
    lemma kobe xixi badi wi buk
    pos n n adv pp vi
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3|Voice=Mid
                            # sent_id = 2018
    # text = kobe xixi badi wi o'jebuk
    # text_eng = A huge ship appeared from inside (the lake). [Postpositions in Munduruku (Tupi): Formal and Functional Features] (2019, 13a)
    1	kobe	kobe	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    2	xixi	xixi	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	badi	badi	ADV	adv	_	5	obl	_	_
    4	wi	wi	ADP	pp	_	3	case	_	_
    5	o'jebuk	buk	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3|Voice=Mid	0	root	_	_
  110. Kog̃ũnpi be okapap kabuk opop
    The longhouse of my birth lies in the field. Crofts 2004 286
    form Kog̃ũnpi be okapap kabuk opop
    lemma kog̃ũnpi be kap kabuk pop
    pos posp n n aux
    features Nomzr=Pa|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 3000
    # text = Kog̃ũnpi be okapap kabuk opop
    # text_eng = The longhouse of my birth lies in the field.  Crofts 2004 286
    1	Kog̃ũnpi	kog̃ũnpi	NOUN	_	_	5	obl	_	_
    2	be	be	ADP	posp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	okapap	kap	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Pa|Person=3	4	nmod	_	_
    4	kabuk	kabuk	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    5	opop	pop	AUX	aux	_	0	root	_	_
  111. Jeorog̃ ip cum kapusu daje aoka ojuyiap tag̃
    They are going to hunt where they wanted to kill the peccary yesterday. Crofts 2004: 209
    form Jeorog̃ ip cum kapusu daje aoka ojuyiap tag̃
    lemma jeorog̃ ip cu kapusu daje aoka ojuy dag̃
    pos v pcl vi adv n v n posp
    features Aspect=Imp|Voice=Mid Number=Plur Aspect=Imp Aspect=Perf Nomzr=Pa Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 3001
    # text = Jeorog̃ ip cum kapusu daje aoka ojuyiap tag̃
    # text_eng = They are going to hunt where they wanted to kill the peccary yesterday.  Crofts 2004: 209
    1	Jeorog̃	jeorog̃	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Voice=Mid	3	xcomp	_	_
    2	ip	ip	PART	pcl	Number=Plur	1	dep	_	_
    3	cum	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    4	kapusu	kapusu	ADV	adv	_	7	advmod	_	_
    5	daje	daje	NOUN	n	_	6	obj	_	_
    6	aoka	aoka	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf	7	ccomp	_	_
    7	ojuyiap	ojuy	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Pa	3	advcl	_	_
    8	tag̃	dag̃	ADP	posp	Rel=Cont	7	case	_	_
  112. Kapusu dapsem o'yaokaiat g̃oku , Katõ bewi oajẽmiat
    That is yesterday's killer of the deer, who arrived from Katõ. Crofts 2004: 209
    form Kapusu dapsem o'yaokaiat g̃oku , Katõ bewi oajẽmiat
    lemma kapusu dapsem aoka g̃oku , Katõ bewi ajẽm
    pos adv n n dem punct propn posp n
    features Nomzr=Ag|Person=33 Nomzr=Ag|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 3002
    # text = Kapusu dapsem o'yaokaiat g̃oku , Katõ bewi oajẽmiat
    # text_eng = That is yesterday's killer of the deer, who arrived from Katõ. Crofts 2004: 209
    1	Kapusu	kapusu	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	dapsem	dapsem	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'yaokaiat	aoka	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Ag|Person=33	0	root	_	_
    4	g̃oku	g̃oku	DET	dem	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
    6	Katõ	Katõ	PROPN	propn	_	8	obl	_	_
    7	bewi	bewi	ADP	posp	_	6	case	_	_
    8	oajẽmiat	ajẽm	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Ag|Person=3	3	appos	_	_
  113. Soat ip o'g̃u'ũm iwipat
    They finished everything that was cooked. Crofts 2004: 220
    form Soat ip o'g̃u'ũm iwipat
    lemma soat ip 'ũm wip
    pos pron pcl v n
    features PronType=Ind Number=Plur Person=3|Voice=Cau Nomzr=Ag|Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 3003
    # text = Soat ip o'g̃u'ũm iwipat
    # text_eng = They finished everything that was cooked. Crofts 2004: 220
    1	Soat	soat	PRON	pron	PronType=Ind	3	obj	_	_
    2	ip	ip	PART	pcl	Number=Plur	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'g̃u'ũm	'ũm	VERB	v	Person=3|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    4	iwipat	wip	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Ag|Rel=NCont	1	appos	_	_
  114. Abu g̃u toma da'o o'jo'o'o ? io'e .
    Quem comeu a bóia de castanha? ela perguntou.
    form Abu g̃u toma da'o o'jo'o'o ? io'e .
    lemma abu g̃u toma da'o o'o ? o'e .
    pos pro npart n n v punct v punct
    features Polarity=Neg Rel=Cont Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3 Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 0033.11
    # text = Abu g̃u toma da'o o'jo'o'o ? io'e .
    # text_por = Quem comeu a bóia de castanha? ela perguntou.
    1	Abu	abu	PRON	pro	_	5	nsubj	_	_
    2	g̃u	g̃u	PART	npart	Polarity=Neg	5	discourse	_	_
    3	toma	toma	NOUN	n	_	5	obj	_	_
    4	da'o	da'o	NOUN	n	Rel=Cont	3	nmod	_	_
    5	o'jo'o'o	o'o	VERB	v	Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    6	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	_
    7	io'e	o'e	VERB	v	Rel=NCont	5	parataxis	_	_
    8	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	7	punct	_	_
  115. Cexedig̃rebuuuu , io'e .
    Foi Cexedigrebu!, disse.
    form Cexedig̃rebuuuu , io'e .
    lemma Cexedig̃rebu , 'e .
    pos n punct vi PUNCT
    features Evident=Nfh|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.12
    # text = Cexedig̃rebuuuu , io'e .
    # text_por = Foi Cexedigrebu!, disse.
    1	Cexedig̃rebuuuu	Cexedig̃rebu	PROPN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	1	punct	_	_
    3	io'e	'e	VERB	vi	Evident=Nfh|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	1	parataxis	_	_
    4	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	_
  116. Cexedig̃rebu osunuy ibutet wuyjuyũm pima .
    Cexedigrebu foi o nome dele quando era gente.
    form Cexedig̃rebu osunuy ibutet wuyjuyũm pima .
    lemma Cexedig̃rebu osunuy butet wuyjuyũm pima .
    pos propn aux n n adv PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Number=Plur
                            # sent_id = 0033.13
    # text = Cexedig̃rebu osunuy ibutet wuyjuyũm pima .
    # text_por = Cexedigrebu foi o nome dele quando era gente.
    1	Cexedig̃rebu	Cexedig̃rebu	PROPN	propn	_	0	root	_	_
    2	osunuy	osunuy	AUX	aux	_	1	cop	_	_
    3	ibutet	butet	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	1	nsubj	_	_
    4	wuyjuyũm	wuyjuyũm	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	1	acl	_	_
    5	pima	pima	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
  117. Icẽm ma pit , io'e . g̃ebuje bit o'jekõn g̃u .
    — Ê verdade, (o irmão dela) disse. Daí não comia mais.
    form Icẽm ma pit , io'e . g̃ebuje bit o'jekõn g̃u .
    lemma _ ma pit , o'e . g̃ebuje bit kõn g̃u .
    pos adv prcl prcl punct vi PUNCT n part vi npart PUNCT
    features Evident=Nfh|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3 Contv=Yes Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Voice=Mid Polarity=Neg
                            # sent_id = 0033.14
    # text = Icẽm ma pit , io'e . g̃ebuje bit o'jekõn g̃u .
    # text_por = — Ê verdade, (o irmão dela) disse. Daí não comia mais.
    1	Icẽm	_	ADV	adv	_	0	root	_	_
    2	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	1	discourse	_	_
    3	pit	pit	PART	prcl	_	1	discourse	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	1	punct	_	_
    5	io'e	o'e	VERB	vi	Evident=Nfh|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	1	parataxis	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	5	punct	_	_
    7	g̃ebuje	g̃ebuje	ADV	n	_	9	advmod	_	_
    8	bit	bit	PART	part	Contv=Yes	9	discourse	_	_
    9	o'jekõn	kõn	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Voice=Mid	5	parataxis	_	_
    10	g̃u	g̃u	PART	npart	Polarity=Neg	9	discourse	_	_
    11	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	9	punct	_	_
  118. Jekõnkon g̃u o'e
    Começou a não comer
    form Jekõnkon g̃u o'e
    lemma kõn g̃u o'e
    pos v npart v
    features Aspect=DurIprf|Voice=Mid Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 0033.15
    # text = Jekõnkon g̃u o'e
    # text_eng = Começou a não comer
    1	Jekõnkon	kõn	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Voice=Mid	0	root	_	_
    2	g̃u	g̃u	ADV	npart	Polarity=Neg	3	advmod	_	_
    3	o'e	o'e	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf	1	xcomp	_	_
  119. Idibi dak o'tikõn g̃u ma .
    Nem bebeu água.
    form Idibi dak o'tikõn g̃u ma .
    lemma idibi dak kõn g̃u ma .
    pos n adv v npart prcl PUNCT
    features Aspect=Perf|Class=Liquid|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Rel=NCont Polarity=Neg
                            # sent_id = 0033.16
    # text = Idibi dak o'tikõn g̃u ma .
    # text_por = Nem bebeu água.
    1	Idibi	idibi	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    2	dak	dak	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	o'tikõn	kõn	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Class=Liquid|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    4	g̃u	g̃u	ADV	npart	Polarity=Neg	3	advmod	_	_
    5	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	4	discourse	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	_
  120. Jekõnkon g̃u ma o'e .
    Começou a nao comer.
    form Jekõnkon g̃u ma o'e .
    lemma Jekõnkon g̃u ma o'e .
    pos v npart adv v PUNCT
    features Aspect=Dur Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 0033.17
    # text = Jekõnkon g̃u ma o'e .
    # text_por = Começou a nao comer.
    1	Jekõnkon	Jekõnkon	VERB	v	Aspect=Dur	0	root	_	_
    2	g̃u	g̃u	ADV	npart	Polarity=Neg	4	advmod	_	_
    3	ma	ma	PART	adv	_	4	discourse	_	_
    4	o'e	o'e	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf	1	xcomp	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
  121. Ade em soat jekõnkon g̃u o'e .
    por muitas vezes não comia tudo.
    form Ade em soat jekõnkon g̃u o'e .
    lemma ade em soat jekõnkon g̃u o'e .
    pos adj posp pron v npart v PUNCT
    features PronType=Tot Aspect=Dur|Voice=Mid Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 0033.18
    # text = Ade em soat jekõnkon g̃u o'e .
    # text_por = por muitas vezes não comia tudo.
    1	Ade	ade	ADV	adj	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	em	em	ADP	posp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	soat	soat	PRON	pron	PronType=Tot	4	obj	_	_
    4	jekõnkon	jekõnkon	VERB	v	Aspect=Dur|Voice=Mid	0	root	_	_
    5	g̃u	g̃u	PART	npart	Polarity=Neg	4	advmod	_	_
    6	o'e	o'e	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf	5	parataxis	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	6	punct	_	_
  122. Idibi konkõn g̃u o'e .
    Não bebia água
    form Idibi konkõn g̃u o'e .
    lemma idibi konkõn g̃u o'e .
    pos n v npart v PUNCT
    features Aspect=Dur Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.19
    # text = Idibi konkõn g̃u o'e .
    # text_por = Não bebia água
    1	Idibi	idibi	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	konkõn	konkõn	VERB	v	Aspect=Dur	0	root	_	_
    3	g̃u	g̃u	PART	npart	Polarity=Neg	2	advmod	_	_
    4	o'e	o'e	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person=3	2	parataxis	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	_
  123. Soan ma puybit o'om g̃u o'e .
    tudo, não comia carne
    form Soan ma puybit o'om g̃u o'e .
    lemma soat ma puybit o'o g̃u o'e .
    pos pron prcl n vi prcl aux PUNCT
    features PronType=Tot Aspect=Imp Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.20
    # text = Soan ma puybit o'om g̃u o'e .
    # text_por = tudo, não comia carne
    1	Soan	soat	PRON	pron	PronType=Tot	2	obl	_	_
    2	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	4	obl	_	_
    3	puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	4	obj	_	_
    4	o'om	o'o	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    5	g̃u	g̃u	ADV	prcl	Polarity=Neg	4	discourse	_	_
    6	o'e	o'e	AUX	aux	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person=3	4	aux	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	_
  124. Imẽg̃ap ma o'ju .
    Assim ele foi.
    form Imẽg̃ap ma o'ju .
    lemma imẽg̃ap ma cu .
    pos adv prcl vi PUNCT
    features Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.21
    # text = Imẽg̃ap ma o'ju .
    # text_por = Assim ele foi.
    1	Imẽg̃ap	imẽg̃ap	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	3	discourse	_	_
    3	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    4	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	_
  125. Ipoxi g̃u o'e .
    Ficou bem leve.
    form Ipoxi g̃u o'e .
    lemma poxi g̃u o'e .
    pos n npart aux PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Polarity=Neg Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.22
    # text = Ipoxi g̃u o'e .
    # text_por = Ficou bem leve.
    1	Ipoxi	poxi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    2	g̃u	g̃u	ADV	npart	Polarity=Neg	1	advmod	_	_
    3	o'e	o'e	AUX	aux	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=3	1	aux	_	_
    4	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	_
  126. Cũg̃cũg̃ o'ju .
    Foi no mato.
    form Cũg̃cũg̃ o'ju .
    lemma cũg̃ cu .
    pos n vi PUNCT
    features Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3
                            # sent_id = 0033.24
    # text = Cũg̃cũg̃ o'ju .
    # text_por = Foi no mato.
    1	Cũg̃cũg̃	cũg̃	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'ju	cu	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	0	root	_	_
    3	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	_
  127. wamõat ag̃okatkat o'sutayxida
    The shaman married the man (lit: wifed the man). Gomes 2006: 80 (46a)
    form wamõat ag̃okatkat o'sutayxida
    lemma wamõat ag̃okatkat tayxi
    pos n n vt
    features Person=33|Trans=Yes
                            # sent_id = 5000
    # text = wamõat ag̃okatkat o'sutayxida
    # text_eng = The shaman married the man (lit: wifed the man). Gomes 2006: 80 (46a)
    # text_por = O pajé casou o homem (O pajé fez o homem ter esposa)
    1	wamõat	wamõat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'sutayxida	tayxi	VERB	vt	Person=33|Trans=Yes	0	root	_	_
  128. õn ag̃okatkat o'sutayxidaat wamõat pe
    I made the man married thorugh the shamman. Gomes 2006: 80 (46b)
    form õn ag̃okatkat o'sutayxidaat wamõat pe
    lemma õn ag̃okatkat tayxi wamõat pe
    pos pron n v n posp
    features Person=33|Trans=Yes|Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 5001
    # text = õn ag̃okatkat o'sutayxidaat wamõat pe
    # text_eng = I made the man married thorugh the shamman. Gomes 2006: 80 (46b)
    # text_por = Eu fiz o pajé casar o homem
    1	õn	õn	PRON	pron	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    3	o'sutayxidaat	tayxi	VERB	v	Person=33|Trans=Yes|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    4	wamõat	wamõat	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	4	case	_	_
  129. ag̃okatkat o'jetayxidaat wamõat pe
    The man was married by the shaman. Gomes 2006: 80 (46c)
    form ag̃okatkat o'jetayxidaat wamõat pe
    lemma ag̃okatkat tayxi wamõat pe
    pos n v n posp
    features Person=3|Trans=Yes|Voice=MidCau
                            # sent_id = 5002
    # text = ag̃okatkat o'jetayxidaat wamõat pe
    # text_eng = The man was married by the shaman. Gomes 2006: 80 (46c)
    # text_por = O homem foi casado pelo pajé
    1	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'jetayxidaat	tayxi	VERB	v	Person=3|Trans=Yes|Voice=MidCau	0	root	_	_
    3	wamõat	wamõat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	3	case	_	_
  130. wida o'jeaokaat ag̃okatkat pe
    The jaguar was killed by the man / The jaguar made itself be killed by the man Gomes 2006: 71 (33b)
    form wida o'jeaokaat ag̃okatkat pe
    lemma wida aoka ag̃okatkat pe
    pos n v n posp
    features Person=3|Voice=MidCau
                            # sent_id = 5003
    # text = wida o'jeaokaat ag̃okatkat pe
    # text_eng = The jaguar was killed by the man / The jaguar made itself be killed by the man Gomes 2006: 71 (33b)
    # text_por = A onça foi morta pelo homem / A onça se deixou matar pelo homem
    1	wida	wida	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    2	o'jeaokaat	aoka	VERB	v	Person=3|Voice=MidCau	0	root	_	_
    3	ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	3	case	_	_
  131. ceebay icokcok cicã idip cicã buye bekicat yadappek
    His father was glad, because he was a very very pretty child, he had blond hair. Gomes 2006: 238 (27d)
    form ceebay icokcok cicã idip cicã buye bekicat yadappek
    lemma bay cok cicã dip cicã buye bekicat adappek
    pos n n adv n a cc n n
    features Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Ali Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 5004
    # text = ceebay icokcok cicã idip cicã buye bekicat yadappek
    # text_eng = His father was glad, because he was a very very pretty child, he had blond hair.  Gomes 2006: 238 (27d)
    # text_por = O pai dele se admirava (da sua beleza), pois era o garoto muito bonito e com os cabelos loiros
    1	ceebay	bay	NOUN	n	Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Ali	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	icokcok	cok	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    3	cicã	cicã	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    4	idip	dip	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	2	advcl	_	_
    5	cicã	cicã	ADV	a	_	4	advmod	_	_
    6	buye	buye	CCONJ	cc	_	4	mark	_	_
    7	bekicat	bekicat	NOUN	n	_	4	nsubj	_	_
    8	yadappek	adappek	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	7	parataxis	_	_
  132. ipi teg̃ kaxi bima o'taxadig̃curug̃
    Gomes 2006: 238 (27f)
    form ipi teg̃ kaxi bima o'taxadig̃curug̃
    lemma ipi teg̃ kaxi bima _
    pos n posp n sc v
    features Aspect=Perf|Person=3|Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 5005
    # text = ipi teg̃ kaxi bima o'taxadig̃curug̃
    # text_eng = Gomes 2006: 238 (27f)
    # text_por = Quando o sol estava bem baixo, a fumaça do fogo apareceu.
    1	ipi	ipi	NOUN	n	_	2	nmod	_	_
    2	teg̃	teg̃	ADP	posp	_	5	advcl	_	_
    3	kaxi	kaxi	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    4	bima	bima	SCONJ	sc	_	3	advcl	_	_
    5	o'taxadig̃curug̃	_	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Person=3|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	gloss=3-RNCont-fire-smoke.PERF
  133. Kapusu oajẽm owag̃o duk'a be
    Yesterday I arrived at my sister's house. Crofts 2004: 148
    form Kapusu oajẽm owag̃o duk'a be
    lemma kapusu ajẽm wag̃o uk be
    pos adv vi n n posp
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=1 Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Ina Class=Round|Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 5006
    # text = Kapusu oajẽm owag̃o duk'a be
    # text_eng = Yesterday I arrived at my sister's house.  Crofts 2004: 148
    # text_por = Ontem cheguei à casa da minha irmã.
    1	Kapusu	kapusu	ADV	adv	_	2	advcl	_	_
    2	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=1	0	root	_	_
    3	owag̃o	wag̃o	NOUN	n	Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Ina	4	nmod	_	_
    4	duk'a	uk	NOUN	n	Class=Round|Rel=Cont	2	obl	_	_
    5	be	be	ADP	posp	_	4	case	_	_
  134. Ag̃okatkat acã cũg̃'i osunuy sũg̃tabi eju g̃axĩn ma oajẽm puye
    One man only was standing at the door because he had arrived not long ago. Crofts 2004: 148
    form Ag̃okatkat acã cũg̃'i osunuy sũg̃tabi eju g̃axĩn ma oajẽm puye
    lemma ag̃okatkat acã cũg̃ osunuy sũg̃tabi eju g̃axĩn ma ajẽm puye
    pos n adv x aux n posp adv pcl v
    features Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=1
                            # sent_id = 5007
    # text = Ag̃okatkat acã cũg̃'i osunuy sũg̃tabi eju g̃axĩn ma oajẽm puye
    # text_eng = One man only was standing at the door because he had arrived not long ago.  Crofts 2004: 148
    # text_por = Só um homem estava em pé na porta porque fazia pouco tempo que ele tinha chegado
    1	Ag̃okatkat	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	acã	acã	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    3	cũg̃'i	cũg̃	X	x	_	4	dep	_	_
    4	osunuy	osunuy	AUX	aux	_	0	root	_	_
    5	sũg̃tabi	sũg̃tabi	NOUN	n	_	4	obl	_	_
    6	eju	eju	ADP	posp	_	5	case	_	_
    7	g̃axĩn	g̃axĩn	ADV	adv	_	9	advmod	_	_
    8	ma	ma	PART	pcl	_	7	discourse	_	_
    9	oajẽm	ajẽm	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=1	4	advcl	_	_
    10	puye	puye	ADP	_	_	9	case	_	_
  135. Wuy'adapmude'o'onapti dak otibu
    I too shall to buy perfume for the hair. Crofts 2004 214
    form Wuy'adapmude'o'onapti dak otibu
    lemma 'adapmude'o'onapti dak bu
    pos n adv v
    features Class=Liquid|Clusivity=Ex|Nomzr=Pa|Number=Plur|Person=1|Rel=Cont|Voice=Cau Class=Liquid|Number=Sing|Person=1
                            # sent_id = 5008
    # text = Wuy'adapmude'o'onapti dak otibu
    # text_eng = I too shall to buy perfume for the hair. Crofts 2004 214
    # text_por = Também vou comprar perfume para os cabelos
    1	Wuy'adapmude'o'onapti	'adapmude'o'onapti	NOUN	n	Class=Liquid|Clusivity=Ex|Nomzr=Pa|Number=Plur|Person=1|Rel=Cont|Voice=Cau	3	obl	_	gloss=1.PL.EX-head-REL-hair-CAU-good.odour-NOMZR-CLASS
    2	dak	dak	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	otibu	bu	VERB	v	Class=Liquid|Number=Sing|Person=1	0	root	_	_
  136. Eg̃uycũg̃ pimap , ecepe eg̃rũ be
    Whenever you are sad, lie down in your hammock. Sheffler (1974: 7)
    form Eg̃uycũg̃ pimap , ecepe eg̃rũ be
    lemma g̃uycũg̃ pimap , cepe be
    pos n sconj punct v n posp
    features Number=Sing|Person=2 Mood=Imp|Number=Sing|Person=2 Number=Sing|Person=2
                            # sent_id = 5009
    # text = Eg̃uycũg̃ pimap , ecepe eg̃rũ be
    # text_eng = Whenever you are sad, lie down in your hammock. Sheffler (1974: 7)
    # text_por = Quando estiver triste, deita na tua rede
    1	Eg̃uycũg̃	g̃uycũg̃	NOUN	n	Number=Sing|Person=2	4	advcl	_	_
    2	pimap	pimap	SCONJ	sconj	_	1	mark	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	1	punct	_	_
    4	ecepe	cepe	VERB	v	Mood=Imp|Number=Sing|Person=2	0	root	_	_
    5	eg̃rũ	rũ	NOUN	n	Number=Sing|Person=2	4	obl	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	posp	_	5	case	_	_
  137. Puybit aoka'ũm pima , irere jeedop ip
    If you don't kill the prey, you'll be hungry. Crofts 2004: 264
    form Puybit aoka'ũm pima , irere jeedop ip
    lemma puybit aoka pima , rere e'em ip
    pos n v punct n v pcl
    features Aspect=Perf|Polarity=Neg Rel=NCont Number=Plur|Tense=Fut
                            # sent_id = 5010
    # text = Puybit aoka'ũm pima , irere jeedop ip
    # text_eng = If you don't kill the prey, you'll be hungry. Crofts 2004: 264
    # text_por = Enquanto não matarem caça, vão ficar com fome. / Vão ficar com fome até que matem caça
    1	Puybit	puybit	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	aoka'ũm	aoka	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Polarity=Neg	6	advcl	_	_
    3	pima	pima	SCONJ	_	_	2	mark	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
    5	irere	rere	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	6	dep	_	_
    6	jeedop	e'em	VERB	v	Number=Plur|Tense=Fut	0	root	_	_
    7	ip	ip	PART	pcl	_	6	dep	_	_
  138. Kapusu dapsem o'yaokaiat g̃oku
    That is the one who killed the deer yesterday. Crofts 2004, 209
    form Kapusu dapsem o'yaokaiat g̃oku
    lemma kapusu dapsem aoka g̃oku
    pos adv n n dem
    features Nomzr=Ag|Number=Sing|Person=33
                            # sent_id = 5011
    # text = Kapusu dapsem o'yaokaiat g̃oku
    # text_eng = That is the one who killed the deer yesterday. Crofts 2004, 209
    # text_por = Aquele é o que ontem matou o veado
    1	Kapusu	kapusu	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	dapsem	dapsem	NOUN	n	_	3	nmod	_	_
    3	o'yaokaiat	aoka	NOUN	n	Nomzr=Ag|Number=Sing|Person=33	4	nmod	_	_
    4	g̃oku	g̃oku	DET	dem	_	0	root	_	_
  139. Ag̃okatkayũ axĩma muyuhum idibi tag̃ . Axĩma muyuhum ip pig̃am .
    The men catch fish through the river. They catch fish with foshhook (Cartilha 7, 1)
    form Ag̃okatkayũ axĩma muyuhum idibi tag̃ . Axĩma muyuhum ip pig̃am .
    lemma ag̃okatkat axĩma u idibi dag̃ . axĩma u ip pig̃a .
    pos n n v n posp PUNCT n v pro n PUNCT
    features Number=Plur Aspect=Imp|Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau Rel=NCont Aspect=Imp|Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Case=Ins
                            # sent_id = 7001
    # text = Ag̃okatkayũ axĩma muyuhum idibi tag̃ . Axĩma muyuhum ip pig̃am .
    # text_eng = The men catch fish through the river. They catch fish with foshhook (Cartilha 7, 1)
    1	Ag̃okatkayũ	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	3	nsubj	_	_
    2	axĩma	axĩma	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    3	muyuhum	u	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    4	idibi	idibi	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    5	tag̃	dag̃	ADP	posp	Rel=NCont	4	case	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	punct=
    7	Axĩma	axĩma	NOUN	n	_	8	obj	_	_
    8	muyuhum	u	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau	3	parataxis	_	_
    9	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	8	nsubj	_	_
    10	pig̃am	pig̃a	NOUN	n	Case=Ins	8	obl	_	_
    11	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	8	punct	_	punct=
  140. Ag̃okatkayũ soat axima muyuhum : wasũbu , potip , potiprip , pakodup , pirãydup , pirũm .
    The man catch every fish : manju , peacock bass , jatuarana , pacu , piranha and charato
    form Ag̃okatkayũ soat axima muyuhum : wasũbu , potip , potiprip , pakodup , pirãydup , pirũm .
    lemma ag̃okatkat soat axima um : wasũ , potip , potiprip , pako , pirãydup , pirũm .
    pos n det n v punct n punct n punct n punct n punct n punct n PUNCT
    features Number=Plur Aspect=Imp|Voice=Cau Class=CilFlx
                            # sent_id = 7002
    # text = Ag̃okatkayũ soat axima muyuhum : wasũbu , potip , potiprip , pakodup , pirãydup , pirũm .
    # text_eng = The man catch every fish : manju , peacock bass , jatuarana , pacu , piranha and charato
    # text_por = Os homens pegam todos os peixes: manju, tucunaré, jatuarana, pacu, piranha, e charoto. (Cartilha 7, 1.2)
    1	Ag̃okatkayũ	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	4	nsubj	_	_
    2	soat	soat	DET	det	_	3	det	_	_
    3	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	4	obj	_	_
    4	muyuhum	um	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    5	:	:	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
    6	wasũbu	wasũ	NOUN	n	Class=CilFlx	3	appos	_	_
    7	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    8	potip	potip	NOUN	n	_	6	conj	_	_
    9	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	_
    10	potiprip	potiprip	NOUN	n	_	6	conj	_	_
    11	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    12	pakodup	pako	NOUN	n	_	6	conj	_	_
    13	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    14	pirãydup	pirãydup	NOUN	n	_	6	conj	_	_
    15	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    16	pirũm	pirũm	NOUN	n	_	6	conj	_	_
    17	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	punct=
  141. Idib dag̃ soat axima . Pũg̃pũg̃ axima yopit ma . Pirãydup , pirũm yopit ma .
    All the fishes are from the river . Some fish are small . (Cartilha 7, 1.3)
    form Idib dag̃ soat axima . Pũg̃pũg̃ axima yopit ma . Pirãydup , pirũm yopit ma .
    lemma idib tag̃ soat axima . pũg̃ axima yopit ma . pirãydup , pirũm yopit ma .
    pos n posp det n PUNCT pro n n prcl PUNCT n punct n n prcl PUNCT
    features Rel=Cont PronType=Ind Rel=NCont Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 7003
    # text = Idib dag̃ soat axima . Pũg̃pũg̃ axima yopit ma . Pirãydup , pirũm yopit ma .
    # text_eng = All the fishes are from the river . Some fish are small .             (Cartilha 7, 1.3)
    # text_por = Todos os peixes são do rio. Alguns peixes são pequenos.
    1	Idib	idib	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	dag̃	tag̃	ADP	posp	Rel=Cont	1	case	_	_
    3	soat	soat	DET	det	_	4	det	_	_
    4	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	1	nsubj	_	_
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	1	punct	_	punct=
    6	Pũg̃pũg̃	pũg̃	PRON	pro	PronType=Ind	7	nmod	_	_
    7	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	8	nsubj	_	_
    8	yopit	yopit	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	1	parataxis	_	_
    9	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	8	discourse	_	_
    10	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	8	punct	_	punct=
    11	Pirãydup	pirãydup	NOUN	n	_	14	nsubj	_	_
    12	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	11	punct	_	punct=
    13	pirũm	pirũm	NOUN	n	_	11	conj	_	_
    14	yopit	yopit	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	1	parataxis	_	_
    15	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	14	discourse	_	_
    16	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	14	punct	_	punct=
  142. Pũg̃pũg̃ axima yobog̃ ma. Wasũbu, potip, yobog̃ayũ. Ag̃okatkayũ axima muyuhum pig̃am.
    Some fish are big. Manju and peacock bass are big. The men catch fish with a fishhook. (Cartilha 7, 1.4)
    form Pũg̃pũg̃ axima yobog̃ ma . Wasũbu , potip , yobog̃ayũ . Ag̃okatkayũ axima muyuhum pig̃am .
    lemma pũg̃ axima bog̃ ma . wasũ , potip , bog̃ . ag̃okatkat axima um pig̃a .
    pos pro n v prcl PUNCT n punct n punct v PUNCT n n v n PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Class=CilFlx Number=Plur|Rel=NCont Number=Plur Voice=Cau Case=Ins
                            # sent_id = 7004
    # text = Pũg̃pũg̃ axima yobog̃ ma. Wasũbu, potip, yobog̃ayũ. Ag̃okatkayũ axima muyuhum pig̃am.
    # text_eng = Some fish are big. Manju and peacock bass are big. The men catch fish with a fishhook.       (Cartilha 7, 1.4)
    # text_por = Alguns peixes são grandes. Manju e tucunaré são grandes. Os homens pegam peixes com anzol.
    1	Pũg̃pũg̃	pũg̃	PRON	pro	_	2	det	_	_
    2	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    3	yobog̃	bog̃	VERB	v	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    4	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	3	discourse	_	SpaceAfter=No
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	punct=
    6	Wasũbu	wasũ	NOUN	n	Class=CilFlx	10	nsubj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    7	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    8	potip	potip	NOUN	n	_	6	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    9	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    10	yobog̃ayũ	bog̃	VERB	v	Number=Plur|Rel=NCont	3	parataxis	_	SpaceAfter=No
    11	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	10	punct	_	punct=
    12	Ag̃okatkayũ	ag̃okatkat	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	14	nsubj	_	_
    13	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	14	obj	_	_
    14	muyuhum	um	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	3	parataxis	_	_
    15	pig̃am	pig̃a	NOUN	n	Case=Ins	14	obl	_	SpaceAfter=No
    16	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	14	punct	_	punct=
  143. Wara'at axima yobog̃bug̃. Potiprit, pakodup yobog̃bug̃yũ. Pig̃ãm axima muyhum ip.
    Other fish are somewhat large. Jatuarana and pacu are somewhat large. The man catch fish with a fishhook. (Cartilha 7, 1.5) #Atten=Yes
    form Wara'at axima yobog̃bug̃ . Potiprit , pakodup yobog̃bug̃yũ . Pig̃ãm axima muyhum ip .
    lemma wara'at axima bog̃ . potiprit , pakodup bog̃ . pig̃ã axima um ip .
    pos pro n v PUNCT n punct n v PUNCT n n v pro PUNCT
    features PronType=Ind Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Case=Ins Aspect=Imp|Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 7005
    # text = Wara'at axima yobog̃bug̃. Potiprit, pakodup yobog̃bug̃yũ. Pig̃ãm axima muyhum ip.
    # text_eng = Other fish are somewhat large. Jatuarana and pacu are somewhat large. The man catch fish with a fishhook.       (Cartilha 7, 1.5) #Atten=Yes
    # text_por = Outros peixes são meio grandes, jatuarana e pacu são meio grandes. Os homens pegam peixe com anzol.
    1	Wara'at	wara'at	PRON	pro	PronType=Ind	2	nmod	_	_
    2	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    3	yobog̃bug̃	bog̃	VERB	v	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	SpaceAfter=No
    4	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	punct=
    5	Potiprit	potiprit	NOUN	n	_	8	nsubj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    6	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	punct=
    7	pakodup	pakodup	NOUN	n	_	5	conj	_	_
    8	yobog̃bug̃yũ	bog̃	VERB	v	Rel=NCont	3	parataxis	_	SpaceAfter=No
    9	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	8	punct	_	punct=
    10	Pig̃ãm	pig̃ã	NOUN	n	Case=Ins	12	obj	_	_
    11	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	12	nsubj	_	_
    12	muyhum	um	VERB	v	Aspect=Imp|Voice=Cau	3	parataxis	_	_
    13	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3	12	nsubj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    14	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	12	punct	_	punct=
  144. Ibu buje , tujuxexem ip uk’a be ayacayũ be , ta am .
    When they are caught , they take them home for the women to cook . (Cartilha 7, 1.6)
    form Ibu buje , tujuxexem ip uk’a be ayacayũ be , ta am .
    lemma bu buje , xe ip uk be ayacat be , ta am .
    pos v adv punct v pro n posp n posp punct v prcl PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Number=Plur|Person=3 Class=Round Number=Plur
                            # sent_id = 7006
    # text = Ibu buje , tujuxexem ip uk’a be ayacayũ be , ta am .
    # text_eng = When they are caught , they take them home for the women to cook .     (Cartilha 7, 1.6)
    # text_por = Quando estão pegos, eles levam para casa para as mulheres cozinharem.
    1	Ibu	bu	VERB	v	Rel=NCont	4	advcl	_	_
    2	buje	buje	ADV	adv	_	1	advmod	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	punct=
    4	tujuxexem	xe	VERB	v	Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    5	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3	4	nsubj	_	_
    6	uk’a	uk	NOUN	n	Class=Round	4	obl	_	_
    7	be	be	ADP	posp	_	6	case	_	_
    8	ayacayũ	ayacat	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	4	obl	_	_
    9	be	be	ADP	posp	_	8	case	_	_
    10	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	punct=
    11	ta	ta	VERB	v	_	4	advcl	_	_
    12	am	am	PART	prcl	_	11	mark	_	_
    13	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	punct=
  145. Yopĩutayũ muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe . Ayacayũ yopĩutayũ muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe .
    The wrap the small one in leaves . The women wrap the small ones in leaves . (Cartilha 7, 3-1) #Asp=DurIprf|
    form Yopĩutayũ muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe . Ayacayũ yopĩutayũ muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe .
    lemma _ ekabek ip uk be . ayacat _ ekabek ip uk be .
    pos n v pro n posp PUNCT n n v pro n posp PUNCT
    features Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs
                            # sent_id = 7007
    # text = Yopĩutayũ muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe . Ayacayũ yopĩutayũ muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe .
    # text_eng = The wrap the small one in leaves . The women wrap the small ones in leaves .      (Cartilha 7, 3-1) #Asp=DurIprf|
    # text_por = Os pequenos, elas embrulham em folhas. As mulheres embrulham os pequenos em folhas.
    1	Yopĩutayũ	_	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	muekabekbeg̃	ekabek	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    3	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	2	nsubj	_	_
    4	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    5	pe	be	ADP	posp	_	4	case	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	punct=
    7	Ayacayũ	ayacat	NOUN	n	_	9	nsubj	_	_
    8	yopĩutayũ	_	NOUN	n	_	9	obj	_	_
    9	muekabekbeg̃	ekabek	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	2	parataxis	_	_
    10	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	9	dep	_	_
    11	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	9	obl	_	_
    12	pe	be	ADP	posp	_	11	case	_	_
    13	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	punct=
  146. G̃ebuje, yobog̃ayũ wuywuy ip baseya'a be. Yobog̃ayũ uk kakam ip e'em. Axima uk kakam ip pima, ixep uk'ug̃ ip. Ixep muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe. Ade axima uk kakam ip. Ixep muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe, ayacayũ.
    They caught the belly of the big ones. When they caught the fishes' belly, they strip the fat from them. They wrap the fat in leaves. They caught the belly of many fish. They wrap the fat in leaves, the women. (Cartilha 7, 3.2)
    form G̃ebuje , yobog̃ayũ wuywuy ip baseya'a be . Yobog̃ayũ uk kakam ip e'em . Axima uk kakam ip pima , ixep uk'ug̃ ip . Ixep muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe . Ade axima uk kakam ip . Ixep muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe , ayacayũ .
    lemma g̃ebuje , bog̃ wuy ip baseya be . bog̃ uk ka ip e'em . axima uk ka ip pima , xep uk ip . xep ekabek ip uk be . ade axima uk ka ip . xep ekabek ip uk pe , ayacat .
    pos adv punct n v pro n posp PUNCT n n v pro aux PUNCT n n v pro adv punct n v pro PUNCT n v pro n posp punct adj n n v pro PUNCT n v pro n posp punct n PUNCT
    features Number=Plur|Rel=NCont Aspect=Iter Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Class=Round Number=Plur|Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Aspect=DurIprf Aspect=DurIprf Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Rel=NCont Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Rel=NCont Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Number=Plur
                            # sent_id = 7008
    # text = G̃ebuje, yobog̃ayũ wuywuy ip baseya'a be. Yobog̃ayũ uk kakam ip e'em. Axima uk kakam ip pima, ixep uk'ug̃ ip. Ixep muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe. Ade axima uk kakam ip. Ixep muekabekbeg̃ ip uktup pe, ayacayũ.
    # text_eng = They caught the belly of the big ones. When they caught the fishes' belly, they strip the fat from them. They wrap the fat in leaves. They caught the belly of many fish. They wrap the fat in leaves, the women. (Cartilha 7, 3.2)
    # text_por = Ai, elas lavam os grandes numa bacia. Elas cortam a barriga dos grandes. Quando elas cortam a barriga dos peixes, elas tiram a gordura deles. Elas embrulham a gordura em folhas. Elas cortam a barriga de muitos peixes. Elas embrulham a gordura em folhas, as mulheres.
    1	G̃ebuje	g̃ebuje	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    2	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	punct=
    3	yobog̃ayũ	bog̃	NOUN	n	Number=Plur|Rel=NCont	4	obj	_	_
    4	wuywuy	wuy	VERB	v	Aspect=Iter	0	root	_	_
    5	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	4	nsubj	_	_
    6	baseya'a	baseya	NOUN	n	Class=Round	4	obl	_	_
    7	be	be	ADP	posp	_	6	case	_	SpaceAfter=No
    8	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	4	punct	_	punct=
    9	Yobog̃ayũ	bog̃	NOUN	n	Number=Plur|Rel=NCont	10	nmod	_	_
    10	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	11	obj	_	_
    11	kakam	ka	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	4	parataxis	_	_
    12	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	11	nsubj	_	_
    13	e'em	e'em	AUX	aux	Aspect=DurIprf	11	aux	_	SpaceAfter=No
    14	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	11	punct	_	_
    15	Axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	16	nmod	_	_
    16	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	17	obj	_	_
    17	kakam	ka	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	22	advcl	_	_
    18	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	17	nsubj	_	_
    19	pima	pima	ADV	adv	_	17	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    20	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	17	punct	_	_
    21	ixep	xep	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	22	obj	_	_
    22	uk'ug̃	uk	VERB	v	_	4	parataxis	_	_
    23	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	22	nsubj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    24	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	22	punct	_	_
    25	Ixep	xep	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	26	obj	_	_
    26	muekabekbeg̃	ekabek	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	4	parataxis	_	_
    27	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	26	nsubj	_	_
    28	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	26	obl	_	_
    29	pe	be	ADP	posp	_	27	case	_	SpaceAfter=No
    30	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	26	punct	_	_
    31	Ade	ade	ADJ	adj	_	32	amod	_	_
    32	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	33	nmod	_	_
    33	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	34	obj	_	_
    34	kakam	ka	VERB	v	_	4	parataxis	_	_
    35	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	34	nsubj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    36	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	34	punct	_	_
    37	Ixep	xep	NOUN	n	_	38	obj	_	_
    38	muekabekbeg̃	ekabek	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	4	parataxis	_	_
    39	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	38	nsubj	_	_
    40	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	38	obl	_	_
    41	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	40	case	_	SpaceAfter=No
    42	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	38	punct	_	_
    43	ayacayũ	ayacat	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	38	parataxis	_	SpaceAfter=No
    44	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	38	punct	_	_
  147. Axima yobog̃at mupurukpurug̃ ip iwi be daxa ase . Ade bima , ade imupurukpurug̃ ip iwi be . Ade bima , yobog̃ iwi e'em . Ade ũm pima , iwi yopit ma e'em .
    They dry the big fish on the gridiron on the fire . When there are many , they dry them on the gridiron . When they are many , the gridiron is big . When they are not many , the gridiron is small . (Cartilha 7, 3.3)
    form Axima yobog̃at mupurukpurug̃ ip iwi be daxa ase . Ade bima , ade imupurukpurug̃ ip iwi be . Ade bima , yobog̃ iwi e'em . Ade ũm pima , iwi yopit ma e'em .
    lemma axima bog̃ _ ip wi be daxa ase . ade pima , ade puruk ip wi be . ade pima , bog̃ wi e'em . ade ũm pima , wi pit ma e'em .
    pos n n v pron n posp n posp PUNCT n sconj punct n v pron n posp PUNCT n sconj punct n n aux PUNCT n adv sconj punct n n prcl aux PUNCT
    features Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 7009
    # text = Axima yobog̃at mupurukpurug̃ ip iwi be daxa ase . Ade bima , ade imupurukpurug̃ ip iwi be . Ade bima , yobog̃ iwi e'em . Ade ũm pima , iwi yopit ma e'em .
    # text_eng = They dry the big fish on the gridiron on the fire . When there are many , they dry them on the gridiron . When they are many , the gridiron is big . When they are not many , the gridiron is small .   (Cartilha 7, 3.3)
    1	Axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    2	yobog̃at	bog̃	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    3	mupurukpurug̃	_	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	0	root	_	_
    4	ip	ip	PRON	pron	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	3	nsubj	_	_
    5	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	obl	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	posp	_	5	case	_	_
    7	daxa	daxa	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	obl	_	_
    8	ase	ase	ADP	posp	_	7	case	_	_
    9	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	3	punct	_	punct=
    10	Ade	ade	NOUN	n	_	14	advcl	_	_
    11	bima	pima	SCONJ	sconj	_	10	mark	_	_
    12	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	14	punct	_	punct=
    13	ade	ade	NOUN	n	_	14	obj	_	_
    14	imupurukpurug̃	puruk	VERB	v	Rel=NCont|Voice=Cau	3	parataxis	_	_
    15	ip	ip	PRON	pron	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	14	nsubj	_	_
    16	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	14	obl	_	_
    17	be	be	ADP	posp	_	16	case	_	_
    18	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	14	punct	_	punct=
    19	Ade	ade	NOUN	n	_	22	advcl	_	_
    20	bima	pima	SCONJ	sconj	_	19	mark	_	_
    21	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	22	punct	_	punct=
    22	yobog̃	bog̃	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	parataxis	_	_
    23	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	_	22	nsubj	_	_
    24	e'em	e'em	AUX	aux	_	22	aux	_	_
    25	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	22	punct	_	punct=
    26	Ade	ade	NOUN	n	_	31	advcl	_	_
    27	ũm	ũm	ADV	adv	_	26	advmod	_	_
    28	pima	pima	SCONJ	sconj	_	26	mark	_	_
    29	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	31	punct	_	punct=
    30	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	31	nsubj	_	_
    31	yopit	pit	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	parataxis	_	_
    32	ma	ma	PART	prcl	_	31	discourse	_	_
    33	e'em	e'em	AUX	aux	_	31	aux	_	_
    34	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	31	punct	_	punct=
  148. Ade tao bima , tao uk'ug̃ ip iwi xe .
    When there are many fishbones, they remove the fishbones near the gridiron. (Cartilha 7, 3.4)
    form Ade tao bima , tao uk'ug̃ ip iwi xe .
    lemma ade dao pima , dao uk ip wi xe .
    pos adj n sconj punct n v pron n posp PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 7010
    # text = Ade tao bima , tao uk'ug̃ ip iwi xe .
    # text_eng = When there are many fishbones, they remove the fishbones near the gridiron.  (Cartilha 7, 3.4)
    # text_por = Quando há muitas espinhas, elas tiram as espinhas perto do moquem.
    1	Ade	ade	ADJ	adj	_	2	amod	_	_
    2	tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	6	advcl	_	_
    3	bima	pima	SCONJ	sconj	_	2	mark	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	6	punct	_	punct=
    5	tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	6	obj	_	_
    6	uk'ug̃	uk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	0	root	_	_
    7	ip	ip	PRON	pron	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	6	nsubj	_	_
    8	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	6	obl	_	_
    9	xe	xe	ADP	posp	_	8	case	_	_
    10	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	6	punct	_	punct=
  149. Tao uk'ug̃ iwi xe ãõyũ . Tao uk'ug̃ ip ayacayũ , axima dao .
    The women remove the fishbones close to the gridiron . The women remove the fishbones , fishbones . (Cartilha 7, 4.1)
    form Tao uk'ug̃ iwi xe ãõyũ . Tao uk'ug̃ ip ayacayũ , axima dao .
    lemma dao uk wi xe ao . dao uk _ ayacat , axima dao .
    pos n v n posp n PUNCT n v pro n punct n n PUNCT
    features Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf Number=Plur Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 7011
    # text = Tao uk'ug̃ iwi xe ãõyũ . Tao uk'ug̃ ip ayacayũ , axima dao .
    # text_eng = The women remove the fishbones close to the gridiron . The women remove the fishbones , fishbones .  (Cartilha 7, 4.1)
    # text_por = As mulheres tiram as espinhas perto do moquem. As mulheres tiram as espinhas—as espinhas dos peixes
    1	Tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	2	obj	_	_
    2	uk'ug̃	uk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	0	root	_	_
    3	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
    4	xe	xe	ADP	posp	_	3	case	_	_
    5	ãõyũ	ao	NOUN	n	Number=Plur	2	nsubj	_	_
    6	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	punct=
    7	Tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	8	obj	_	_
    8	uk'ug̃	uk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	2	parataxis	_	_
    9	ip	_	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	10	dep	_	_
    10	ayacayũ	ayacat	NOUN	n	_	8	nsubj	_	_
    11	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	8	punct	_	punct=
    12	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	13	nmod	_	_
    13	dao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=Cont	7	appos	_	_
    14	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	2	punct	_	punct=
  150. Tao uk puje , imõg̃mõg̃ ip iwi be daxa ase . Tao uk puje axima tatam ip uktup pe .
    When the fishbone is removed , they put the fish the fishbone on the gridiron above the fire . When the fishbone is removed , they cook the fish in leaves . (Cartilha 7, 4.2) #Aspect=IterImp
    form Tao uk puje , imõg̃mõg̃ ip iwi be daxa ase . Tao uk puje axima tatam ip uktup pe .
    lemma dao uk puje , _ ip wi be daxa ase . dao uk puje axima ta ip uk pe .
    pos n n punct v pro n posp n posp punct n n sconj n v pro n posp punct
    features Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Rel=Cont Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf
                            # sent_id = 7012
    # text = Tao uk puje , imõg̃mõg̃ ip iwi be daxa ase . Tao uk puje axima tatam ip uktup pe .
    # text_eng = When the fishbone is removed , they put the fish the fishbone on the gridiron above the fire . When the fishbone is removed , they cook the fish in leaves .        (Cartilha 7, 4.2) #Aspect=IterImp
    # text_por = Quando as espinhas estão tiradas, elas botam os peixes no moquem em cima do fogo. Quando as espinhas estão tiradas, elqs cozinham os peixes em folhas
    1	Tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	5	advcl	_	_
    3	puje	puje	SCONJ	_	_	2	mark	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	punct=
    5	imõg̃mõg̃	_	VERB	v	_	0	root	_	_
    6	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	5	nsubj	_	_
    7	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	5	obl	_	_
    8	be	be	ADP	posp	_	7	case	_	_
    9	daxa	daxa	NOUN	n	Rel=Cont	5	obl	_	_
    10	ase	ase	ADP	posp	_	9	case	_	_
    11	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	punct=
    12	Tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	13	nmod	_	_
    13	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	16	advcl	_	_
    14	puje	puje	SCONJ	sconj	_	13	mark	_	_
    15	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	16	obj	_	_
    16	tatam	ta	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	5	parataxis	_	_
    17	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	16	nsubj	_	_
    18	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	16	obl	_	_
    19	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	18	case	_	_
    20	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	5	punct	_	punct=
  151. Iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip ta am . Tao uk puje axima nõm e'em ip . Axima tatam ip uktup pe . Iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip uktup pe axima mupuruk am .
    They put them on the gridiron to cook . When the fishbones have been removed , the fish become porridge (like) . They cook the fish in leaves . They put them in leaves on the gridiron to grill . (Cartilha 7, 4.3)
    form Iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip ta am . Tao uk puje axima nõm e'em ip . Axima tatam ip uktup pe . Iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip uktup pe axima mupuruk am .
    lemma wi be mõg̃ ip ta am . dao uk puje axima nõm e'em ip . axima ta ip uk pe . wi be mõg̃ ip uk be axima puruk am .
    pos n posp v pro v prcl punct n n sconj n n aux pro punct n v pro n posp punct n posp v pro n posp n v sconj punct
    features Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 7013
    # text = Iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip ta am . Tao uk puje axima nõm e'em ip . Axima tatam ip uktup pe . Iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip uktup pe axima mupuruk am .
    # text_eng = They put them on the gridiron to cook . When the fishbones have been removed , the fish become porridge (like) . They cook the fish in leaves . They put them in leaves on the gridiron to grill .    (Cartilha 7, 4.3)
    # text_por = Elas botam no moquem para cozinhar. Quando as espinhas estão tiradas, os peixes ficarao piracuí. Elas cozinham os peixes em folhas. Elas botam em folhas no moquem para moquear.
    1	Iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	3	obl	_	_
    2	be	be	ADP	posp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	imõg̃mõg̃	mõg̃	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    4	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    5	ta	ta	VERB	v	_	3	advcl	_	_
    6	am	am	PART	prcl	_	5	mark	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	3	punct	_	_
    8	Tao	dao	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	9	nmod	_	_
    9	uk	uk	NOUN	n	_	12	advcl	_	_
    10	puje	puje	SCONJ	sconj	_	9	mark	_	_
    11	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	12	nsubj	_	_
    12	nõm	nõm	NOUN	n	_	3	parataxis	_	_
    13	e'em	e'em	AUX	aux	_	12	aux	_	_
    14	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	11	dep	_	_
    15	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	12	punct	_	_
    16	Axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	17	obj	_	_
    17	tatam	ta	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	3	parataxis	_	_
    18	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	17	nsubj	_	_
    19	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	17	obl	_	_
    20	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	19	case	_	_
    21	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	17	punct	_	_
    22	Iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	24	obj	_	_
    23	be	be	ADP	posp	_	22	case	_	_
    24	imõg̃mõg̃	mõg̃	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	3	parataxis	_	_
    25	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	24	nsubj	_	_
    26	uktup	uk	NOUN	n	_	24	obl	_	_
    27	pe	be	ADP	posp	_	26	case	_	_
    28	axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	29	obj	_	_
    29	mupuruk	puruk	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	24	advcl	_	_
    30	am	am	SCONJ	sconj	_	29	mark	_	_
    31	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	24	punct	_	_
  152. Tõm e'em ip . Ẽ be ijukjug̃ ip . Axima nõm cukcug̃ ip ẽ be , wãẽn tuk'a be . Tõm cuk puje , tõm ipriprim pag̃eiro'a be .
    The becom porridge (like). They pund it with the pestle. They pound the dough with the pestle in the over house. When the fish-dough is pounded, they strain it in the sieve. (Cartilha 7, 4.4)
    form Tõm e'em ip . be ijukjug̃ ip . Axima nõm cukcug̃ ip be , wãẽn tuk'a be . Tõm cuk puje , tõm ipriprim pag̃eiro'a be .
    lemma tõm e'em ip . be cuk ip . axima tõm cuk ip be , wãẽn uk be . tõm cuk puje , tõm rip pag̃eiro be .
    pos n aux pro punct n posp v pro punct n n v pro n posp punct n n posp punct n n sconj punct n v n posp punct
    features Number=Plur|Person=3 Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Number=Plur|Person=3 Aspect=DurIprf Number=Plur|Person=3 Class=Round Aspect=Perf Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Class=Round
                            # sent_id = 7014
    # text = Tõm e'em ip . Ẽ be ijukjug̃ ip . Axima nõm cukcug̃ ip ẽ be , wãẽn tuk'a be . Tõm cuk puje , tõm ipriprim pag̃eiro'a be .
    # text_eng = The becom porridge (like). They pund it with the pestle. They pound the dough with the pestle in the over house. When the fish-dough is pounded, they strain it in the sieve. (Cartilha 7, 4.4)
    # text_por = Ficarão piracui. Elas pilam no pilão. Elas pilam o piracui no pilão, na casa do forno. Quando o piracui está pilado, elas empaneiram no paneiro.
    1	Tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	e'em	e'em	AUX	aux	_	1	aux	_	_
    3	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3	1	nsubj	_	_
    4	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	1	punct	_	punct=
    5	Ẽ	ẽ	NOUN	n	_	7	obl	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	posp	_	5	case	_	_
    7	ijukjug̃	cuk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	1	parataxis	_	_
    8	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3	7	nsubj	_	_
    9	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	7	punct	_	punct=
    10	Axima	axima	NOUN	n	_	11	nmod	_	_
    11	nõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	12	obj	_	_
    12	cukcug̃	cuk	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	1	parataxis	_	_
    13	ip	ip	PRON	pro	Number=Plur|Person=3	12	nsubj	_	_
    14	ẽ	ẽ	NOUN	n	_	12	obl	_	_
    15	be	be	ADP	posp	_	14	case	_	_
    16	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	12	punct	_	punct=
    17	wãẽn	wãẽn	NOUN	n	_	18	nmod	_	_
    18	tuk'a	uk	NOUN	n	Class=Round	12	obl	_	_
    19	be	be	ADP	posp	_	18	case	_	_
    20	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	12	punct	_	punct=
    21	Tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	22	obj	_	_
    22	cuk	cuk	NOUN	n	Aspect=Perf	26	advcl	_	_
    23	puje	puje	SCONJ	sconj	_	22	mark	_	_
    24	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	22	punct	_	punct=
    25	tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	26	obj	_	_
    26	ipriprim	rip	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	1	parataxis	_	_
    27	pag̃eiro'a	pag̃eiro	NOUN	n	Class=Round	26	obl	_	_
    28	be	be	ADP	posp	_	27	case	_	_
    29	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	26	punct	_	_
  153. Tõm karaw bima , tõm pi riprim pag̃eiro’a be . Tõm pi rip puje , iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip daxa ase tõm mudaxip am . Imõg̃mõg̃ ip daxa ase tõm mukaraw am .
    (Cartilha 7, 4.5)
    form Tõm karaw bima , tõm pi riprim pag̃eiro’a be . Tõm pi rip puje , iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip daxa ase tõm mudaxip am . Imõg̃mõg̃ ip daxa ase tõm mukaraw am .
    lemma tõm karaw pima , tõm pi rip pag̃eiro be . tõm pi rip _ , wi be mok ip daxa ase tõm daxip am . mok ip daxa ase tõm karaw am .
    pos n v sconj punct n n v n posp punct n n v sconj punct n posp v pro n posp n v sconj punct v pro n posp n v sconj punct
    features Aspect=DurIprf Class=Round Aspect=Perf Rel=NCont Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Voice=Cau Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont Voice=Cau
                            # sent_id = 7015
    # text = Tõm karaw bima , tõm pi riprim pag̃eiro’a be . Tõm pi rip puje , iwi be imõg̃mõg̃ ip daxa ase tõm mudaxip am . Imõg̃mõg̃ ip daxa ase tõm mukaraw am .
    # text_eng = (Cartilha 7, 4.5)
    # text_por = Quando o piracuí está torrado, elas empaneiram no paneiro, Quando está empaneirado, elas botam no moquem em cima do fogo para esquentar. Elas botam em cima do fogo para torrar.
    1	Tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	karaw	karaw	VERB	v	_	7	advcl	_	_
    3	bima	pima	SCONJ	sconj	_	2	mark	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
    5	tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	6	nmod	_	_
    6	pi	pi	NOUN	n	_	7	obj	_	_
    7	riprim	rip	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf	0	root	_	_
    8	pag̃eiro’a	pag̃eiro	NOUN	n	Class=Round	7	obl	_	_
    9	be	be	ADP	posp	_	8	case	_	_
    10	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	7	punct	_	_
    11	Tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	12	nmod	_	_
    12	pi	pi	NOUN	n	_	13	nmod	_	_
    13	rip	rip	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf	18	advcl	_	_
    14	puje	_	SCONJ	sconj	_	13	mark	_	_
    15	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	13	punct	_	_
    16	iwi	wi	NOUN	n	Rel=NCont	18	obl	_	_
    17	be	be	ADP	posp	_	16	case	_	_
    18	imõg̃mõg̃	mok	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	2	parataxis	_	_
    19	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	18	nsubj	_	_
    20	daxa	daxa	NOUN	n	_	18	obl	_	_
    21	ase	ase	ADP	posp	_	20	case	_	_
    22	tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	23	obj	_	_
    23	mudaxip	daxip	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	18	advcl	_	_
    24	am	am	SCONJ	sconj	_	23	mark	_	_
    25	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	18	punct	_	_
    26	Imõg̃mõg̃	mok	VERB	v	Aspect=DurIprf|Rel=NCont	2	parataxis	_	_
    27	ip	ip	PRON	pro	_	26	nsubj	_	_
    28	daxa	daxa	NOUN	n	_	26	obl	_	_
    29	ase	ase	ADP	posp	_	28	case	_	_
    30	tõm	tõm	NOUN	n	_	31	obj	_	_
    31	mukaraw	karaw	VERB	v	Voice=Cau	26	advcl	_	_
    32	am	am	SCONJ	sconj	_	31	mark	_	_
    33	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	26	punct	_	_
  154. xek pu o'subumõg̃mõg̃ wita 'a be
    He drew a caterpillar on the stone (Gomes 2008: 26)
    form xek pu o'subumõg̃mõg̃ wita 'a be
    lemma xek pu mõg̃ wita 'a be
    pos n n v n n posp
    features Class=CilFlx Aspect=Perf|Class=CilFlx|Person=3|Rel=NCont Class=CilFlx
                            # sent_id = 07337
    # text = xek pu o'subumõg̃mõg̃ wita 'a be
    # text_eng = He drew a caterpillar on the stone (Gomes 2008: 26)
    # text_por = Fez um desenho de lagarta na pedra
    1	xek	xek	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    2	pu	pu	NOUN	n	Class=CilFlx	1	clf	_	_
    3	o'subumõg̃mõg̃	mõg̃	VERB	v	Aspect=Perf|Class=CilFlx|Person=3|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    4	wita	wita	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	'a	'a	NOUN	n	Class=CilFlx	4	clf	_	_
    6	be	be	ADP	posp	_	4	case	_	_
  155. Uk'a yadip o'yanuy
    The house was (looking) beautiful (Comodo 1981: 39)
    form Uk'a yadip o'yanuy
    lemma uk dip nuy
    pos n n aux
    features Class=Round Class=Round|Rel=NCont Class=Round|Person=3|Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 0788637
    # text = Uk'a yadip o'yanuy
    # text_eng = The house was (looking) beautiful (Comodo 1981: 39)
    # text_por = A casa estava bonita
    1	Uk'a	uk	NOUN	n	Class=Round	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	yadip	dip	NOUN	n	Class=Round|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	_
    3	o'yanuy	nuy	AUX	aux	Class=Round|Person=3|Rel=NCont	2	cop	_	_
  156. kapedi tidaxip
    The coffee is hot (Comodo 1981: 41)
    form kapedi tidaxip
    lemma kape daxip
    pos n n
    features Class=Liquid Class=Liquid
                            # sent_id = 0790637
    # text = kapedi tidaxip
    # text_eng = The coffee is hot (Comodo 1981: 41)
    # text_por = O café está quente
    1	kapedi	kape	NOUN	n	Class=Liquid	2	nsubj	_	_
    2	tidaxip	daxip	NOUN	n	Class=Liquid	0	root	_	_
  157. xepxep pa akoba o'suba'o
    He ate two bananas. (Martines 2007: 65)
    form xepxep pa akoba o'suba'o
    lemma xepxep ba ako 'o
    pos num n n v
    features NumType=Card Class=CilRig Class=CilRig Class=CilRig|Person=3|Rel=NCont
                            # sent_id = 794578
    # text = xepxep pa akoba o'suba'o
    # text_eng = He ate two bananas. (Martines 2007: 65)
    # text_por = Ele comeu duas bananas
    1	xepxep	xepxep	NUM	num	NumType=Card	2	nummod	_	_
    2	pa	ba	NOUN	n	Class=CilRig	3	nmod	_	_
    3	akoba	ako	NOUN	n	Class=CilRig	4	obl	_	_
    4	o'suba'o	'o	VERB	v	Class=CilRig|Person=3|Rel=NCont	0	root	_	gloss=3-RN-CLA-eat
  158. ebubut pupum tu epesot ?
    Did you come to buy things? (Crofts 2004: 222)
    form ebubut pupum tu epesot ?
    lemma bubut bu tu sot ?
    pos n vt pcl vi punct
    features Number=Plur|Person=2 Aspect=Imp Number=Plur|Person=2
                            # sent_id = 714536276
    # text = ebubut pupum tu epesot ?
    # text_eng = Did you come to buy things? (Crofts 2004: 222)
    # text_por = você veio comprar coisas ?
    1	ebubut	bubut	NOUN	n	Number=Plur|Person=2	2	obj	_	_
    2	pupum	bu	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	4	ccomp	_	_
    3	tu	tu	PART	pcl	_	2	discourse	_	_
    4	epesot	sot	VERB	vi	Number=Plur|Person=2	0	root	_	_
    5	?	?	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_