form | diawutari |
lemma | awu |
pos | n |
features | Polarity=Neg|Rel=NCont|Tense=Fut |
# document_title = Rose, F. (2011) Grammaire de l'Émerillon Teko: une langue Tupi-Guarani de Guyane Française. Peeters (begin with 01.[sentence number in book])
# document_authorship = Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi and Uliana Vedenina
# sent_id = 01.001
# text = diawutari
# text_fr = Il ne parlera pas (GE, 23:16)
# text_eng = He won't speak
1 diawutari awu NOUN n Polarity=Neg|Rel=NCont|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
form | dosuʔutari |
lemma | suʔu |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Polarity=Neg|Tense=Fut |
# sent_id = 01.002
# text = dosuʔutari
# text_fr = Ça ne mordra pas. (GE, 23:17)
# text_eng = It won't bite.
1 dosuʔutari suʔu VERB v Person=3|Polarity=Neg|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
form | imen | oʔao | okijapope |
lemma | men | ʔa | kija |
pos | n | v | n |
features | Rel=NCont | Aspect=Cont|Person=3 | Case=Loc|Corf=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.003
# text = imen oʔao okijapope
# text_fr = Et puis son mari est allongé dans son propre hamac. (GE, 24:18)
# text_eng = And then her husband is lying in his own hammock.
1 imen men NOUN n Rel=NCont 2 nsubj _ _
2 oʔao ʔa VERB v Aspect=Cont|Person=3 0 root _ _
3 okijapope kija NOUN n Case=Loc|Corf=Yes 2 obl _ _
form | demeni |
lemma | men |
pos | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.004
# text = demeni
# text_fr = Je n'ai pas de mari. (GE, 24:19)
# text_eng = I don't have a husband.
1 demeni men NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | Polo | omanõ |
lemma | Polo | manõ |
pos | propn | v |
features | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.005
# text = Polo omanõ
# text_fr = Paulo est décédé. (GE, 24:20)
# text_eng = Paul is deceased.
1 Polo Polo PROPN propn _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 omanõ manõ VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
form | okuwapa | omanõmãʔẽ |
lemma | kuwa | manõ |
pos | v | v |
features | Aspect=Compl|Person=3 | Nomzr=Rel|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.006
# text = okuwapa omanõmãʔẽ
# text_fr = Il connaît tous les morts. (GE, 24:21)
# text_eng = He knows all the dead.
1 okuwapa kuwa VERB v Aspect=Compl|Person=3 0 root _ _
2 omanõmãʔẽ manõ VERB v Nomzr=Rel|Person=3 1 obj _ _
form | tekokom | opopor | oho |
lemma | teko | popor | ho |
pos | propn | v | v |
features | Number=Plur | Person=3 | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.007
# text = tekokom opopor oho
# text_fr = Les Emérillons se sont dispersés (GE, 25:22)
# text_eng = The Emerillons were dispersed
1 tekokom teko PROPN propn Number=Plur 2 nsubj _ _
2 opopor popor VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
3 oho ho VERB v Person=3 2 dep _ _
form | tekoate | eredʒu | ! |
lemma | teko | dʒu | ! |
pos | propn | aux | punct |
features | Case=Ref|Foc=Yes | Number=Sing|Person=2 |
# sent_id = 01.008
# text = tekoate eredʒu !
# text_fr = C'est Emérillon que tu es!(GE, 25:23)
# text_eng = You are Emerillon!
1 tekoate teko PROPN propn Case=Ref|Foc=Yes 0 root _ _
2 eredʒu dʒu AUX aux Number=Sing|Person=2 1 cop _ _
3 ! ! PUNCT punct _ 1 punct _ _
form | nõdeɨane | erezika |
lemma | nõde | zika |
pos | n | v |
features | Case=Ref|Clusivity=In|Contrast=Yes|Person=1 | Number=Sing|Person=2 |
# sent_id = 01.009
# text = nõdeɨane erezika
# text_fr = "tu as tué notre mère."(GE, 25:24)
# text_eng = "you killed our mother"
1 nõdeɨane nõde NOUN n Case=Ref|Clusivity=In|Contrast=Yes|Person=1 2 obj _ _
2 erezika zika VERB v Number=Sing|Person=2 0 root _ _
form | apamanẽ | nõdeapisitanẽ | , | eʔi | tekokom |
lemma | apam | apisi | , | eʔi | teko |
pos | n | n | punct | v | propn |
features | Case=Ref|Contrast=Yes | Clusivity=In|Mood=Des|Person=1 | Person=3 | Number=Plur |
# sent_id = 01.010
# text = apamanẽ nõdeapisitanẽ , eʔi tekokom
# text_fr = "Les étrangers voulaient nous massacrer", disent les Emérillons.(GE, 25:25)
# text_eng = "The foreigners wanted to massacre us", say the Emerillons.
1 apamanẽ apam NOUN n Case=Ref|Contrast=Yes 2 nsubj _ _
2 nõdeapisitanẽ apisi NOUN n Clusivity=In|Mood=Des|Person=1 0 root _ _
3 , , PUNCT punct _ 4 punct _ _
4 eʔi eʔi VERB v Person=3 2 parataxis _ _
5 tekokom teko PROPN propn Number=Plur 4 nsubj _ _
form | tekokom | opopor | oho |
lemma | teko | popor | ho |
pos | propn | v | v |
features | Number=Plur | Person=3 | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.011
# text = tekokom opopor oho
# text_fr = Les Emérillons se sont dispersés.(GE, 26:26)
# text_eng = The Emerillons were dispersed.
1 tekokom teko PROPN propn Number=Plur 2 nsubj _ _
2 opopor popor VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
3 oho ho VERB v Person=3 2 dep _ _
form | idʒeate | azikakom |
lemma | idʒe | zika |
pos | pron | v |
features | Case=Ref|Foc=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 | Number[obj]=Plur|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=1 |
# sent_id = 01.012
# text = idʒeate azikakom
# text_fr = C'est moi qui les ai tués.(GE, 26:27)
# text_eng = It's me who killed them.
1 idʒeate idʒe PRON pron Case=Ref|Foc=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 2 nsubj _ _
2 azikakom zika VERB v Number[obj]=Plur|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=1 0 root _ _
form | " | daʔudʒi | " | , | eʔi | idʒupe |
lemma | " | ʔu | " | , | eʔi | dʒupe |
pos | punct | v | punct | punct | v | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg | Person=3 | Case=Dat|Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.013
# text = " daʔudʒi " , eʔi idʒupe
# text_fr = "Je n'ai pas mangé", lui dit-il.(GE, 26:28)
# text_eng = "I did not eat", he tells him.
1 " " PUNCT punct _ 2 punct _ _
2 daʔudʒi ʔu VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
3 " " PUNCT punct _ 2 punct _ _
4 , , PUNCT punct _ 5 punct _ _
5 eʔi eʔi VERB v Person=3 2 parataxis _ _
6 idʒupe dʒupe NOUN n Case=Dat|Rel=NCont 5 case _ _
form | porowaratewe | , | diakaŋi |
lemma | porowar | , | akaŋ |
pos | n | punct | n |
features | Case=Ref|Foc=Yes | Polarity=Neg|Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.014
# text = porowaratewe , diakaŋi
# text_fr = C'est un ogre, il n'a pas de tête.(GE, 26:29)
# text_eng = It's an ogre, he has no head.
1 porowaratewe porowar NOUN n Case=Ref|Foc=Yes 0 root _ _
2 , , PUNCT punct _ 1 punct _ _
3 diakaŋi akaŋ NOUN n Polarity=Neg|Rel=NCont 1 parataxis _ _
form | esisiganũwã |
lemma | sisig |
pos | n |
features | Case=Ref|Number=Sing|Person=2|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.015
# text = esisiganũwã
# text_fr = Ce n'est pas ma sœur.(GE, 26:30)
# text_eng = She's not my sister.
1 esisiganũwã sisig NOUN n Case=Ref|Number=Sing|Person=2|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | wɨrakarakotɨnuwã | peotar |
lemma | wɨrakara | o |
pos | n | v |
features | Case=Lat|Polarity=Neg | Number=Plur|Person=2|Tense=Fut |
# sent_id = 01.016
# text = wɨrakarakotɨnuwã peotar
# text_fr = Ce n'est pas vers Dieu que vous irez.(GE, 27:31)
# text_eng = It's not the God you are going to.
1 wɨrakarakotɨnuwã wɨrakara NOUN n Case=Lat|Polarity=Neg 2 obl _ _
2 peotar o VERB v Number=Plur|Person=2|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
form | manasipo | sibaʔetar | ? | " |
lemma | mana | baʔe | ? | " |
pos | adv | v | punct | punct |
features | Excl=Yes|PronType=Int | Clusivity=In|Person=1|Tense=Fut |
# sent_id = 01.017
# text = manasipo sibaʔetar ? "
# text_fr = "Comment allons-nous faire ?"(GE, 27:32)
# text_eng = "How are we going to do this ?"
1 manasipo mana ADV adv Excl=Yes|PronType=Int 2 advmod _ _
2 sibaʔetar baʔe VERB v Clusivity=In|Person=1|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
3 ? ? PUNCT punct _ 2 punct _ _
4 " " PUNCT punct _ 2 punct _ _
form | oboʔa | orekʷar |
lemma | ʔa | rekʷar |
pos | v | n |
features | Person=3|Voice=Cau | Corf=Yes|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.018
# text = oboʔa orekʷar
# text_fr = Il couche sa propre femme.(GE, 28:33)
# text_eng = He puts his own wife to bed.
1 oboʔa ʔa VERB v Person=3|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
2 orekʷar rekʷar NOUN n Corf=Yes|Person=3 1 obj _ _
form | idʒeate | aŋ | magazẽ | aiɲuŋokar |
lemma | idʒe | aŋ | magazẽ | iɲuŋ |
pos | pron | dem | n | v |
features | Case=Ref|Foc=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 | Number=Sing|Person=1|Voice=Cau |
# sent_id = 01.019
# text = idʒeate aŋ magazẽ aiɲuŋokar
# text_fr = C'est moi qui ai fait installer ce magasin.(GE, 28:34)
# text_eng = It's me who made equip this store.
1 idʒeate idʒe PRON pron Case=Ref|Foc=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 4 nsubj _ _
2 aŋ aŋ DET dem _ 3 det _ _
3 magazẽ magazẽ NOUN n _ 4 obj _ _
4 aiɲuŋokar iɲuŋ VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
form | owa | , | emenatesipo | idʒe | aʔu |
lemma | owa | , | men | idʒe | ʔu |
pos | intj | punct | n | pron | v |
features | Case=Ref|Excl=Yes|Foc=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 | Number=Sing|Person=1 | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.020
# text = owa , emenatesipo idʒe aʔu
# text_fr = Oh, c'est mon mari que j'ai mangé.(GE, 28:35)
# text_eng = Oh, it's my husband who I ate.
1 owa owa INTJ intj _ 5 discourse _ _
2 , , PUNCT punct _ 5 punct _ _
3 emenatesipo men NOUN n Case=Ref|Excl=Yes|Foc=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 5 obj _ _
4 idʒe idʒe PRON pron Number=Sing|Person=1 5 nsubj _ _
5 aʔu ʔu VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1 0 root _ _
form | nõdebaʔekʷərawe | sikuwakatu |
lemma | baʔekʷər | kuwa |
pos | n | v |
features | Case=Ref|Clusivity=In|Person=1 | Clusivity=In|Intens=Yes|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.021
# text = nõdebaʔekʷərawe sikuwakatu
# text_fr = et on connaît bien nos légendes.(GE, 28:36)
# text_eng = and our legends are well-known.
1 nõdebaʔekʷərawe baʔekʷər NOUN n Case=Ref|Clusivity=In|Person=1 2 obj _ _
2 sikuwakatu kuwa VERB v Clusivity=In|Intens=Yes|Person=1 0 root _ _
form | aŋ | baʔekʷər | amebeʔutaramãʔẽ |
lemma | aŋ | baʔekʷər | mebeʔu |
pos | dem | n | v |
features | Case=Ref|Nomzr=Rel|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Fut |
# sent_id = 01.022
# text = aŋ baʔekʷər amebeʔutaramãʔẽ
# text_fr = Voici le conte que je vais raconter.(GE, 28:37)
# text_eng = This is the tale I am going to tell.
1 aŋ aŋ DET dem _ 2 det _ _
2 baʔekʷər baʔekʷər NOUN n _ 3 obj _ _
3 amebeʔutaramãʔẽ mebeʔu VERB v Case=Ref|Nomzr=Rel|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
form | apamanẽ | nõdeapisitanẽ | , | eʔi | tekokom |
lemma | apam | apisi | , | eʔi | teko |
pos | n | n | punct | v | propn |
features | Case=Ref|Contrast=Yes | Clusivity=In|Mood=Des|Person=1 | Person=3 | Number=Plur |
# sent_id = 01.023
# text = apamanẽ nõdeapisitanẽ , eʔi tekokom
# text_fr = "Les étrangers voulaient nous massacrer", disent les Emérillons.(GE, 28:38)
# text_eng = "The foreigners wanted to massacre us", say the Emerillons.
1 apamanẽ apam NOUN n Case=Ref|Contrast=Yes 2 nsubj _ _
2 nõdeapisitanẽ apisi NOUN n Clusivity=In|Mood=Des|Person=1 0 root _ _
3 , , PUNCT punct _ 2 punct _ _
4 eʔi eʔi VERB v Person=3 2 parataxis _ _
5 tekokom teko PROPN propn Number=Plur 4 nsubj _ _
form | wãĩwĩ | ipuruʔa | ikeʔɨ |
lemma | wãĩwĩ | puruʔa | ikeʔɨ |
pos | n | n | adv |
features | Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.024
# text = wãĩwĩ ipuruʔa ikeʔɨ
# text_fr = La femme est enceinte maintenant.(GE, 34:39)
# text_eng = The woman is pregnant now.
1 wãĩwĩ wãĩwĩ NOUN n _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 ipuruʔa puruʔa NOUN n Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
3 ikeʔɨ ikeʔɨ ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
form | aʔenawe | sikãĩwe | wãĩwĩkom |
lemma | nawe | sikãĩ | wãĩwĩ |
pos | adv | n | n |
features | Number=Plur |
# sent_id = 01.025
# text = aʔenawe sikãĩwe wãĩwĩkom
# text_fr = A cette époque, les filles étaient petites aussi.(GE, 34:40)
# text_eng = At that time, the girls were small too.
1 aʔenawe nawe ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
2 sikãĩwe sikãĩ NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
3 wãĩwĩkom wãĩwĩ NOUN n Number=Plur 2 nsubj _ _
form | wãĩwĩ | ipuruʔa | ikeʔɨ |
lemma | wãĩwĩ | puruʔa | ikeʔɨ |
pos | n | n | adv |
features | Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.026
# text = wãĩwĩ ipuruʔa ikeʔɨ
# text_fr = La femme est enceinte maintenant.(GE, 35:41)
# text_eng = The woman is pregnant now.
1 wãĩwĩ wãĩwĩ NOUN n _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 ipuruʔa puruʔa NOUN n Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
3 ikeʔɨ ikeʔɨ ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
form | karaɨ | okʷa |
lemma | karaɨ | kʷa |
pos | n | v |
features | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.027
# text = karaɨ okʷa
# text_fr = Il y a une épidémie de fièvre. (litt : la fièvre passe)
# text_eng = There is an epidemic of fever. (lit: the fever passes)
1 karaɨ karaɨ NOUN n _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 okʷa kʷa VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
form | dekaraɨdʒi |
lemma | karaɨ |
pos | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.028
# text = dekaraɨdʒi
# text_fr = Je ne suis pas fiévreux.(GE, 35:43)
# text_eng = I am not feverish.
1 dekaraɨdʒi karaɨ NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | dekuɲaɲi |
lemma | kuɲa |
pos | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.029
# text = dekuɲaɲi
# text_fr = Je n'ai pas de sœur.(GE, 35:44)
# text_eng = I don't have a sister.
1 dekuɲaɲi kuɲa NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | wãĩwĩ | ipuruʔa | ikeʔɨ |
lemma | wãĩwĩ | puruʔa | ikeʔɨ |
pos | n | n | adv |
features | Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.030
# text = wãĩwĩ ipuruʔa ikeʔɨ
# text_fr = La femme est enceinte maintenant. (litt : la femme a sa grossesse maintenant.)(GE, 36:45)
# text_eng = The woman is pregnant now. (lit: the woman has her pregnancy now.)
1 wãĩwĩ wãĩwĩ NOUN n _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 ipuruʔa puruʔa NOUN n Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
3 ikeʔɨ ikeʔɨ ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
form | iɲuʔaŋoŋ |
lemma | ɲuʔaŋ |
pos | n |
features | Number=Plur|Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.031
# text = iɲuʔaŋoŋ
# text_fr = Ils ont froid.(GE, 36:46)
# text_eng = They are cold.
1 iɲuʔaŋoŋ ɲuʔaŋ NOUN n Number=Plur|Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
form | pɨawe | okuʔeŋ |
lemma | pɨawe | kuʔe |
pos | adv | v |
features | Number=Plur|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.032
# text = pɨawe okuʔeŋ
# text_fr = Ils se sont réveillés à l'aube.(GE, 36:47)
# text_eng = They woke up at dawn.
1 pɨawe pɨawe ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
2 okuʔeŋ kuʔe VERB v Number=Plur|Person=3 0 root _ _
form | debaʔewari |
lemma | baʔewar |
pos | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.033
# text = debaʔewari
# text_fr = Je n'ai pas faim.(GE, 36:48)
# text_eng = I'm not hungry.
1 debaʔewari baʔewar NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | demebɨri |
lemma | mebɨr |
pos | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.034
# text = demebɨri
# text_fr = Je n'ai pas d'enfant.(GE, 36:49)
# text_eng = I have no children.
1 demebɨri mebɨr NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | dazaugi |
lemma | zaug |
pos | v |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.035
# text = dazaugi
# text_fr = Je ne me suis pas baigné.(GE, 36:50)
# text_eng = I did not take a bath.
1 dazaugi zaug VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | iba'ewato |
lemma | ba'ewat |
pos | n |
features | Aspect=Cont|Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.036
# text = iba'ewato
# text_fr = Il est en train d'avoir faim.(GE, 36:52)
# text_eng = He is getting hungry.
1 iba'ewato ba'ewat NOUN n Aspect=Cont|Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
form | oʔao |
lemma | ʔa |
pos | v |
features | Aspect=Cont|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.037
# text = oʔao
# text_fr = Il est allongé.(GE, 37:53)
# text_eng = He is lying down.
1 oʔao ʔa VERB v Aspect=Cont|Person=3 0 root _ _
form | ʔɨ | oboaku |
lemma | ʔɨ | aku |
pos | n | v |
features | Person=3|Voice=Cau |
# sent_id = 01.038
# text = ʔɨ oboaku
# text_fr = Il fait chauffer l'eau.(GE, 37:54)
# text_eng = He heats the water.
1 ʔɨ ʔɨ NOUN n _ 2 obj _ _
2 oboaku aku VERB v Person=3|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
form | oboba'ewatokat |
lemma | ba'ewat |
pos | n |
features | Person=3|Voice=Cau |
# sent_id = 01.039
# text = oboba'ewatokat
# text_fr = Il l'affame.(GE, 37:55)
# text_eng = He starves her.
1 oboba'ewatokat ba'ewat NOUN n Person=3|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
form | kob | ebaridʒa |
lemma | kob | baridʒa |
pos | aux | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.040
# text = kob ebaridʒa
# text_fr = J'ai un couteau.(GE, 38:57)
# text_eng = I have a knife.
1 kob kob AUX aux _ 2 aux _ _
2 ebaridʒa baridʒa NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1 0 root _ _
form | esisiganũwã |
lemma | sisig |
pos | n |
features | Case=Ref|Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.041
# text = esisiganũwã
# text_fr = Ce n'est pas ma sœur cadette.(GE, 38:59)
# text_eng = She's not my younger sister.
1 esisiganũwã sisig NOUN n Case=Ref|Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | aker |
lemma | ker |
pos | v |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.042
# text = aker
# text_fr = Je dors.(GE, 40:63)
# text_eng = I sleep.
1 aker ker VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1 0 root _ _
form | edʒarɨdʒ |
lemma | dʒarɨdʒ |
pos | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.043
# text = edʒarɨdʒ
# text_fr = J'ai une grand-mère.(GE, 40:64)
# text_eng = I have a grandmother.
1 edʒarɨdʒ dʒarɨdʒ NOUN n Number=Sing|Person=1 0 root _ _
form | tukuk | adʒu |
lemma | tukuk | dʒu |
pos | n | aux |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.044
# text = tukuk adʒu
# text_fr = Je suis court.(GE, 40:65)
# text_eng = I am short.
1 tukuk tukuk NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 adʒu dʒu AUX aux Number=Sing|Person=1 1 cop _ _
form | sĩkãĩ | adʒu |
lemma | sĩkãĩ | dʒu |
pos | n | aux |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.045
# text = sĩkãĩ adʒu
# text_fr = Je suis petit.(GE, 40:66)
# text_eng = I am small.
1 sĩkãĩ sĩkãĩ NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 adʒu dʒu AUX aux Number=Sing|Person=1 1 cop _ _
form | tukugi |
lemma | tukug |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.046
# text = tukugi
# text_fr = Elle est courte. (à la fin d'une histoire)
# text_eng = She is short. (at the end of a story)
1 tukugi tukug NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | siŋi |
lemma | siŋ |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.047
# text = siŋi
# text_fr = Il est blanc.(GE, 40:68)
# text_eng = He is white.
1 siŋi siŋ NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | teko | adʒu |
lemma | teko | dʒu |
pos | propn | aux |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.048
# text = teko adʒu
# text_fr = Je suis Emérillon.(GE, 41:69)
# text_eng = I am Emerillon.
1 teko teko PROPN propn _ 0 root _ _
2 adʒu dʒu AUX aux Number=Sing|Person=1 1 cop _ _
form | teko | ate |
lemma | teko | ate |
pos | propn | aux |
features |
# sent_id = 01.049
# text = teko ate
# text_fr = Il est Emérillon.(GE, 41:70)
# text_eng = He is Emerillon.
1 teko teko PROPN propn _ 0 root _ _
2 ate ate AUX aux _ 1 cop _ _
form | owatama'ẽ | oket |
lemma | wata | ket |
pos | v | v |
features | Nomzr=Rel|Person=3 | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.050
# text = owatama'ẽ oket
# text_fr = Le marcheur dort.(GE, 41:71)
# text_eng = The walker is sleeping.
1 owatama'ẽ wata VERB v Nomzr=Rel|Person=3 2 nsubj _ _
2 oket ket VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
form | ikijama'ẽ | oket |
lemma | kija | ket |
pos | n | v |
features | Nomzr=Rel|Rel=NCont | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.051
# text = ikijama'ẽ oket
# text_fr = Celui qui a un hamac dort.(GE, 41:72)
# text_eng = The one who has a hammock sleeps.
1 ikijama'ẽ kija NOUN n Nomzr=Rel|Rel=NCont 2 nsubj _ _
2 oket ket VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
form | tukukima'ẽ | owata |
lemma | tukuk | wata |
pos | n | v |
features | Nomzr=Rel|Pred=Yes | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.052
# text = tukukima'ẽ owata
# text_fr = Celui qui est court marche.(GE, 41:73)
# text_eng = The one who is short walks.
1 tukukima'ẽ tukuk NOUN n Nomzr=Rel|Pred=Yes 2 nsubj _ _
2 owata wata VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
form | ɨat | tukukima'ẽ | oike |
lemma | ɨat | tukuk | ike |
pos | n | n | v |
features | Nomzr=Rel|Pred=Yes | Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.053
# text = ɨat tukukima'ẽ oike
# text_fr = La petite pirogue a coulé.(GE, 41:74)
# text_eng = The small canoe sank.
1 ɨat ɨat NOUN n _ 3 nsubj _ _
2 tukukima'ẽ tukuk NOUN n Nomzr=Rel|Pred=Yes 1 nmod _ _
3 oike ike VERB v Person=3 0 root _ _
form | obotukuk |
lemma | tukuk |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Voice=Cau |
# sent_id = 01.054
# text = obotukuk
# text_fr = Il le raccourcit.(GE, 42:75)
# text_eng = He shortens it.
1 obotukuk tukuk VERB v Person=3|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
form | obodzauk |
lemma | dzauk |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Voice=Cau |
# sent_id = 01.055
# text = obodzauk
# text_fr = Il le baigne.(GE, 42:76)
# text_eng = He bathes him.
1 obodzauk dzauk VERB v Person=3|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
form | obotukukokat |
lemma | tukuk |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Voice=CauFact |
# sent_id = 01.056
# text = obotukukokat
# text_fr = Il le lui fait raccourcir.(GE, 42:77)
# text_eng = He makes her shorten it.
1 obotukukokat tukuk VERB v Person=3|Voice=CauFact 0 root _ _
form | obodzaukokat |
lemma | dzauk |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Voice=CauFact |
# sent_id = 01.057
# text = obodzaukokat
# text_fr = Il le lui fait baigner.(GE, 42:78)
# text_eng = He makes her bathe him.
1 obodzaukokat dzauk VERB v Person=3|Voice=CauFact 0 root _ _
form | amõenam | awakʷərakom | obosale | paku |
lemma | amõ | awakʷər | sale | paku |
pos | pron | n | v | n |
features | PronType=Ind|Top=Yes | Case=Ref|Number=Plur | Person=3|Voice=Cau |
# sent_id = 01.058
# text = amõenam awakʷərakom obosale paku
# text_fr = D'autres hommes salent les pacous.(GE, 42:79)
# text_eng = Other men salt the pacous.
1 amõenam amõ PRON pron PronType=Ind|Top=Yes 2 nmod _ _
2 awakʷərakom awakʷər NOUN n Case=Ref|Number=Plur 3 nsubj _ _
3 obosale sale VERB v Person=3|Voice=Cau 0 root _ _
4 paku paku NOUN n _ 3 obj _ _
form | obotekookat |
lemma | teko |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Voice=CauFact |
# sent_id = 01.059
# text = obotekookat
# text_fr = Il le fait devenir Emérillon.(GE, 42:80)
# text_eng = He makes him become Emerillon.
1 obotekookat teko VERB v Person=3|Voice=CauFact 0 root _ _
form | dapotari | aŋ | zawar | bɨgi |
lemma | potar | aŋ | zawar | bɨg |
pos | v | dem | n | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.060
# text = dapotari aŋ zawar bɨgi
# text_fr = Je n'aime pas ce chien noir.(GE, 43:81)
# text_eng = I don't like that black dog.
1 dapotari potar VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
2 aŋ aŋ DET dem _ 3 det _ _
3 zawar zawar NOUN n _ 1 obj _ _
4 bɨgi bɨg NOUN n Pred=Yes 3 nmod _ _
form | omãʔẽ | bɨgi | owa | rehe |
lemma | mãʔẽ | bɨg | owa | ehe |
pos | n | n | n | posp |
features | Rel=NCont | Pred=Yes | Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 01.061
# text = omãʔẽ bɨgi owa rehe
# text_fr = Elle voit le visage noir.(GE, 43:82)
# text_eng = She sees the black face.
1 omãʔẽ mãʔẽ NOUN n Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
2 bɨgi bɨg NOUN n Pred=Yes 3 nmod _ _
3 owa owa NOUN n _ 1 obl _ _
4 rehe ehe ADP posp Rel=Cont 3 obl _ _
form | sə | tapiʔir | otuirupiwe | , | wãĩwĩkom | səsəwe | otuiŋ |
lemma | sə | tapiʔir | tui | , | wãĩwĩ | sə | tui |
pos | n | n | v | punct | n | n | v |
features | Mood=Sub|Person=3 | Number=Plur | Number=Plur|Person=3|Red=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.062
# text = sə tapiʔir otuirupiwe , wãĩwĩkom səsəwe otuiŋ
# text_fr = Quand le tapir grandissait, les filles grandissaient aussi.(GE, 44:83)
# text_eng = When the tapir was growing up, the girls were growing up too.
1 sə sə NOUN n _ 3 xcomp _ _
2 tapiʔir tapiʔir NOUN n _ 3 nsubj _ _
3 otuirupiwe tui VERB v Mood=Sub|Person=3 7 advcl _ _
4 , , PUNCT punct _ 3 punct _ _
5 wãĩwĩkom wãĩwĩ NOUN n Number=Plur 7 nsubj _ _
6 səsəwe sə NOUN n _ 7 xcomp _ _
7 otuiŋ tui VERB v Number=Plur|Person=3|Red=Yes 0 root _ _
form | epɨbɨrɨ | Camopipori | Cayenneawinẽ |
lemma | epɨ | Camopi | Cayenne |
pos | n | propn | propn |
features | Degree=Cmp | Case=Dat | Case=Abl|Contrast=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.063
# text = epɨbɨrɨ Camopipori Cayenneawinẽ
# text_fr = C'est plus cher à Camopi qu'à Cayenne.(GE, 44:84)
# text_eng = It is more expensive in Camopi than in Cayenne.
1 epɨbɨrɨ epɨ NOUN n Degree=Cmp 0 root _ _
2 Camopipori Camopi PROPN propn Case=Dat 1 obl _ _
3 Cayenneawinẽ Cayenne PROPN propn Case=Abl|Contrast=Yes 1 obl _ _
form | səbɨrɨ | wɨɲ |
lemma | sə | wɨɲ |
pos | noun | pron |
features | Degree=Sup |
# sent_id = 01.064
# text = səbɨrɨ wɨɲ
# text_fr = Lui, il est le plus gros.(GE, 44:85)
# text_eng = He is the biggest.
1 səbɨrɨ sə NOUN noun Degree=Sup 0 root _ _
2 wɨɲ wɨɲ PRON pron _ 1 nsubj _ _
form | okuwapɨlɨ | ãng |
lemma | kuwa | ãng |
pos | v | pron |
features | Intens=Yes|Person=3 | PronType=Dem |
# sent_id = 01.065
# text = okuwapɨlɨ ãng
# text_fr = Il en sait plus, lui.(GE, 44:86)
# text_eng = He knows more about it.
1 okuwapɨlɨ kuwa VERB v Intens=Yes|Person=3 0 root _ _
2 ãng ãng PRON pron PronType=Dem 1 det _ _
form | ipoɨdjpɨlɨ |
lemma | poɨdj |
pos | n |
features | Degree=Cmp|Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.066
# text = ipoɨdjpɨlɨ
# text_fr = Il est plus lourd.(GE, 45:87)
# text_eng = He is heavier.
1 ipoɨdjpɨlɨ poɨdj NOUN n Degree=Cmp|Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
form | izonaɲapɨrɨ | ewinẽ |
lemma | zonaɲ | e |
pos | n | n |
features | Case=Ref|Degree=Cmp|Rel=NCont | Case=Abl|Contrast=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.067
# text = izonaɲapɨrɨ ewinẽ
# text_fr = Il a plus d'oranges que moi.(GE, 45:88)
# text_eng = He has more oranges than me.
1 izonaɲapɨrɨ zonaɲ NOUN n Case=Ref|Degree=Cmp|Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
2 ewinẽ e NOUN n Case=Abl|Contrast=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1 1 obl _ _
form | itukug |
lemma | tukug |
pos | n |
features | Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.068
# text = itukug
# text_fr = C'est court(GE, 45:89)
# text_eng = It's short
1 itukug tukug NOUN n Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
form | itawa |
lemma | tawa |
pos | n |
features | Person=2 |
# sent_id = 01.069
# text = itawa
# text_fr = C'est jaune/mûr.(GE, 45:90)
# text_eng = It's yellow/ripe.
1 itawa tawa NOUN n Person=2 0 root _ _
form | iɲuʔaŋ |
lemma | ɲuʔaŋ |
pos | n |
features | Rel=NCont |
# sent_id = 01.070
# text = iɲuʔaŋ
# text_fr = Il a froid.(GE, 46:91)
# text_eng = He is cold.
1 iɲuʔaŋ ɲuʔaŋ NOUN n Rel=NCont 0 root _ _
form | tukugi |
lemma | tukug |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.071
# text = tukugi
# text_fr = Elle est courte.(GE, 47:92)
# text_eng = She is short.
1 tukugi tukug NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | bɨgi |
lemma | bɨg |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.072
# text = bɨgi
# text_fr = Il est noir.(GE, 47:93)
# text_eng = He is black.
1 bɨgi bɨg NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | tawadʒi |
lemma | tawa |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.073
# text = tawadʒi
# text_fr = C'est jaune(GE, 47:94)
# text_eng = It's yellow
1 tawadʒi tawa NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | kuʔidʒi |
lemma | kuʔi |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.074
# text = kuʔidʒi
# text_fr = C'est vert.(GE, 47:95)
# text_eng = It's green.
1 kuʔidʒi kuʔi NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | tabedʒi |
lemma | tabe |
pos | n |
features | Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.075
# text = tabedʒi
# text_fr = C'est plat.(GE, 47:96)
# text_eng = It is flat.
1 tabedʒi tabe NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
form | dapotari | aŋ | zawar | bɨgimãʔẽ |
lemma | potar | aŋ | zawar | bɨg |
pos | v | dem | n | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg | Nomzr=Rel|Pred=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.076
# text = dapotari aŋ zawar bɨgimãʔẽ
# text_fr = Je n'aime pas ce chien noir.(GE, 43:81)
# text_eng = I don't like that black dog.
1 dapotari potar VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
2 aŋ aŋ DET dem _ 3 det _ _
3 zawar zawar NOUN n _ 1 obj _ _
4 bɨgimãʔẽ bɨg NOUN n Nomzr=Rel|Pred=Yes 3 nmod _ _
form | nõdezar | , | sə |
lemma | nõdezar | , | sə |
pos | n | punct | n |
features | Clusivity=In|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.077
# text = nõdezar , sə
# text_fr = Notre maître, il est grand.(GE, 48:97)
# text_eng = Our master, he is tall.
1 nõdezar nõdezar NOUN n Clusivity=In|Person=1 3 discourse _ _
2 , , PUNCT punct _ 3 punct _ _
3 sə sə NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
form | disidʒapɨakadʒi |
lemma | dʒapɨaka |
pos | v |
features | Clusivity=In|Person=1|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.078
# text = disidʒapɨakadʒi
# text_fr = Nous ne pensons pas.(GE, 48:98)
# text_eng = We don't think.
1 disidʒapɨakadʒi dʒapɨaka VERB v Clusivity=In|Person=1|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | dokusugi |
lemma | kusug |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.079
# text = dokusugi
# text_fr = Il ne lave pas.(GE, 48:99)
# text_eng = He does not wash.
1 dokusugi kusug VERB v Person=3|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | domanõɲi |
lemma | manõ |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.080
# text = domanõɲi
# text_fr = Il ne meurt pas.(GE, 48:100)
# text_eng = He does not die.
1 domanõɲi manõ VERB v Person=3|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | siŋi | adʒu |
lemma | siŋ | dʒu |
pos | n | aux |
features | Pred=Yes | Number=Sing|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.081
# text = siŋi adʒu
# text_fr = Je suis blanche.(GE, 49:101)
# text_eng = I am white.
1 siŋi siŋ NOUN n Pred=Yes 0 root _ _
2 adʒu dʒu AUX aux Number=Sing|Person=1 1 cop _ _
form | takuru | perabkatu |
lemma | takuru | perab |
pos | n | n |
features | Intens=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.082
# text = takuru perabkatu
# text_fr = Le rocher brille bien.(GE, 49:102)
# text_eng = The rock shines nicely.
1 takuru takuru NOUN n _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 perabkatu perab NOUN n Intens=Yes 0 root _ _
form | tukukaɨ | tukuk | aɨ |
lemma | _ | tukuk | aɨ |
pos | n | n | |
features |
# sent_id = 01.083
# text = tukukaɨ
# text_fr = Il est trop court.(GE, 49:103)
# text_eng = It's too short.
1-2 tukukaɨ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 tukuk tukuk NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 aɨ aɨ NOUN n _ 1 nmod _ _
form | pinãngala | pinãnga | la |
lemma | _ | pinãng | la |
pos | n | adv | |
features | Case=Ref |
# sent_id = 01.084
# text = pinãngala
# text_fr = C'est déjà rouge.(GE, 49:104)
# text_eng = It's already red.
1-2 pinãngala _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 pinãnga pinãng NOUN n Case=Ref 0 root _ _
2 la la ADV adv _ 1 advmod _ _
form | damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi | damãʔẽtar | aɨdʒi |
lemma | _ | mãʔẽ | aɨ |
pos | v | n | |
features | Intens=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg|Tense=Fut | Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.085
# text = damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi
# text_fr = Je ne veux plus te voir.(GE, 49:105)
# text_eng = I do not want to see you anymore.
1-2 damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 damãʔẽtar mãʔẽ VERB v Intens=Yes|Number=Sing|Person=1|Polarity=Neg|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
2 aɨdʒi aɨ NOUN n Polarity=Neg 1 nsubj _ _
form | dokusugi |
lemma | kusug |
pos | v |
features | Person=3|Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 01.086
# text = dokusugi
# text_fr = Il ne lave pas.(GE, 49:106)
# text_eng = He does not wash.
1 dokusugi kusug VERB v Person=3|Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
form | wɨrakarakotɨnuwã | peotar |
lemma | wɨrakara | o |
pos | n | v |
features | Case=Lat|Polarity=Neg | Number=Plur|Person=2|Tense=Fut |
# sent_id = 01.087
# text = wɨrakarakotɨnuwã peotar
# text_fr = Ce n'est pas vers Dieu que vous irez.(GE, 49:107)
# text_eng = It's not the God you are going to.
1 wɨrakarakotɨnuwã wɨrakara NOUN n Case=Lat|Polarity=Neg 2 obl _ _
2 peotar o VERB v Number=Plur|Person=2|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
form | atarawadʒ | awakʷər | arehe |
lemma | tarawadʒ | awakʷər | ehe |
pos | v | n | posp |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 | Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 01.088
# text = atarawadʒ awakʷər arehe
# text_fr = Je travaille avec des hommes.(GE, 50:108)
# text_eng = I work with men.
1 atarawadʒ tarawadʒ VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1 0 root _ _
2 awakʷər awakʷər NOUN n _ 1 obl _ _
3 arehe ehe ADP posp Rel=Cont 1 obl _ _
form | atarawadʒ | awakʷər | arehedʒi | arehe | dʒi |
lemma | tarawadʒ | awakʷər | _ | ehe | dʒi |
pos | v | n | posp | x | |
features | Number=Sing|Person=1 | Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 01.089
# text = atarawadʒ awakʷər arehedʒi
# text_fr = Je travaille avec des hommes.(GE, 50:108)
# text_eng = I work with men.
1 atarawadʒ tarawadʒ VERB v Number=Sing|Person=1 0 root _ _
2 awakʷər awakʷər NOUN n _ 1 obl _ _
3-4 arehedʒi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 arehe ehe ADP posp Rel=Cont 1 obl _ _
4 dʒi dʒi X x _ 1 dep _ _
form | kor | kɨto | raʔɨr | oiɲuŋ | baʔepopedʒi | baʔepope | dʒi | , | bokalapedʒi | bokalape | dʒi | oiɲuŋ |
lemma | kor | kɨto | aʔir | iɲuŋ | _ | baʔe | dʒi | , | _ | bokal | dʒi | iɲuŋ |
pos | adv | n | n | v | n | x | punct | n | x | v | ||
features | Rel=Cont | Number=Sing|Person=3 | Case=Loc | Case=Loc | Number=Sing|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.090
# text = kor kɨto raʔɨr oiɲuŋ baʔepopedʒi , bokalapedʒi oiɲuŋ
# text_fr = Et il met la petite grenouille dans quelque chose, il la met dans un bocal.(GE, 50:109)
# text_eng = And he puts the little frog in something, he puts it in a jar.
1 kor kor ADV adv _ 4 advmod _ _
2 kɨto kɨto NOUN n _ 3 nmod _ _
3 raʔɨr aʔir NOUN n Rel=Cont 4 obj _ _
4 oiɲuŋ iɲuŋ VERB v Number=Sing|Person=3 0 root _ _
5-6 baʔepopedʒi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 baʔepope baʔe NOUN n Case=Loc 4 obl _ _
6 dʒi dʒi X x _ 5 dep _ _
7 , , PUNCT punct _ 4 punct _ _
8-9 bokalapedʒi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 bokalape bokal NOUN n Case=Loc 10 obl _ _
9 dʒi dʒi X x _ 8 dep _ _
10 oiɲuŋ iɲuŋ VERB v Number=Sing|Person=3 4 parataxis _ _
form | datisikədʒi | dati | sikə | dʒi | teko |
lemma | _ | dati | sikə | dʒi | teko |
pos | aux | adv | x | propn | |
features |
# sent_id = 01.091
# text = datisikədʒi teko
# text_fr = C'est comme s'il n'y avait pas d'Emérillon (GE, 50:110)
# text_eng = It's as if there were no Emerillons.
1-3 datisikədʒi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 dati dati AUX aux _ 4 cop _ _
2 sikə sikə ADV adv _ 4 advmod _ _
3 dʒi dʒi X x _ 4 dep _ _
4 teko teko PROPN propn _ 0 root _ _
form | aʔe | kõʔem | irehe |
lemma | aʔe | kõʔem | ehe |
pos | dem | n | posp |
features | Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 01.092
# text = aʔe kõʔem irehe
# text_fr = Le lendemain (GE, 50:111)
# text_eng = The next day
1 aʔe aʔe DET dem _ 2 det _ _
2 kõʔem kõʔem NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
3 irehe ehe ADP posp Rel=Cont 2 obl _ _
form | nanipamẽ | nani | pamẽ | sidʒu | nõde | les | jeunes |
lemma | _ | nan | pamẽ | dʒu | nõde | les | jeunes |
pos | adv | pron | aux | pron | dem | n | |
features | PronType=Tot | Clusivity=In|Number=Plur|Person=1 | Clusivity=In|Number=Plur|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.093
# text = nanipamẽ sidʒu nõde les jeunes
# text_fr = Nous sommes tous comme ça,les jeunes, (GE, 50:112)
# text_eng = We are all like that, young people,
1-2 nanipamẽ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 nani nan ADV adv _ 0 root _ _
2 pamẽ pamẽ PRON pron PronType=Tot 1 dep _ _
3 sidʒu dʒu AUX aux Clusivity=In|Number=Plur|Person=1 1 cop _ _
4 nõde nõde PRON pron Clusivity=In|Number=Plur|Person=1 1 nsubj _ _
5 les les DET dem _ 6 det _ _
6 jeunes jeunes NOUN n _ 4 dislocated _ _
form | zeakapɨreri | owataŋ |
lemma | akapɨrer | wata |
pos | adv | v |
features | Reflex=Yes | Number=Plur|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 01.094
# text = zeakapɨreri owataŋ
# text_fr = Ils marchent les uns derrière les autres (GE, 50:113)
# text_eng = They walk behind each other
1 zeakapɨreri akapɨrer ADV adv Reflex=Yes 2 advmod _ _
2 owataŋ wata VERB v Number=Plur|Person=3 0 root _ _
form | sidʒaonẽ | siʔe | nõde | , | nõderaɨhɨpadʒira |
lemma | o | siʔe | nõde | , | aɨhɨ |
pos | v | prcl | pron | punct | n |
features | Clusivity=In|Contrast=Yes|Imprs=Yes|Person=1 | Clusivity=In|Number=Plur|Person=1 | Antr=Yes|Aspect=Compl|Clusivity=In|Person=1|Polarity=Neg|Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 01.096
# text = sidʒaonẽ siʔe nõde , nõderaɨhɨpadʒira
# text_fr = Allons-y nous-mêmes, parce qu'on ne nous aime pas. (GE, 59:115)
# text_eng = Let's go ourselves, because they don't like us.
1 sidʒaonẽ o VERB v Clusivity=In|Contrast=Yes|Imprs=Yes|Person=1 0 root _ _
2 siʔe siʔe PART prcl _ 3 discourse _ _
3 nõde nõde PRON pron Clusivity=In|Number=Plur|Person=1 1 nsubj _ _
4 , , PUNCT punct _ 1 punct _ _
5 nõderaɨhɨpadʒira aɨhɨ NOUN n Antr=Yes|Aspect=Compl|Clusivity=In|Person=1|Polarity=Neg|Rel=Cont 1 advcl _ _
form | Mama | , | orohotar | baipuri | orozopodʒ |
lemma | Mama | , | ho | baipuri | zopodʒ |
pos | n | punct | v | n | v |
features | Clusivity=Ex|Person=1|Tense=Fut | Clusivity=Ex|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.097
# text = Mama , orohotar baipuri orozopodʒ
# text_fr = Maman, nous allons nourrir le tapir.(GE, 59:116)
# text_eng = Mom, let's feed the tapir.
1 Mama Mama NOUN n _ 5 vocative _ _
2 , , PUNCT punct _ 5 punct _ _
3 orohotar ho VERB v Clusivity=Ex|Person=1|Tense=Fut 5 dep _ _
4 baipuri baipuri NOUN n _ 5 obj _ _
5 orozopodʒ zopodʒ VERB v Clusivity=Ex|Person=1 0 root _ _
form | kʷienã | oronekarakuriõwãnam | , | kotɨ | orohotar |
lemma | kʷi | karakuri | , | kotɨ | ho |
pos | adv | n | punct | adv | v |
features | Case=Dub | Clusivity=Ex|Emph=Yes|Mood=Sub|Person=1 | Clusivity=Ex|Person=1|Tense=Fut |
# sent_id = 01.098
# text = kʷienã oronekarakuriõwãnam , kotɨ orohotar
# text_fr = Un jour, peut-être, quand on aura un peu de sous, nous irons là-bas.(GE, 59:117)
# text_eng = One day, perhaps, when we have some money, we will go there.
1 kʷienã kʷi ADV adv Case=Dub 5 advmod _ _
2 oronekarakuriõwãnam karakuri NOUN n Clusivity=Ex|Emph=Yes|Mood=Sub|Person=1 5 advcl _ _
3 , , PUNCT punct _ 5 punct _ _
4 kotɨ kotɨ ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
5 orohotar ho VERB v Clusivity=Ex|Person=1|Tense=Fut 0 root _ _
form | aʔeate | nõde | tekokom | sidʒu |
lemma | aʔe | nõde | teko | dʒu |
pos | dem | pron | propn | aux |
features | Case=Ref|Foc=Yes | Clusivity=In|Number=Plur | Number=Plur | Clusivity=In|Person=1 |
# sent_id = 01.099
# text = aʔeate nõde tekokom sidʒu
# text_fr = Ceux-là, c'est nous, nous sommes les Emérillons.(GE, 59:118)
# text_eng = Those are us, we are the Emerillons.
1 aʔeate aʔe DET dem Case=Ref|Foc=Yes 3 det _ _
2 nõde nõde PRON pron Clusivity=In|Number=Plur 3 parataxis _ _
3 tekokom teko PROPN propn Number=Plur 0 root _ _
4 sidʒu dʒu AUX aux Clusivity=In|Person=1 3 cop _ _
form | nanãhãte | nan | ãhãte | aŋ | baʔekʷər | zaidu |
lemma | _ | nan | ãhã | aŋ | baʔekʷər | idu |
pos | adv | adv | dem | n | v | |
features | Foc=Yes | Imprs=Yes |
# sent_id = 01.100
# text = nanãhãte aŋ baʔekʷər zaidu
# text_fr = C'est comme ça qu'on raconte cette histoire.(GE, 59:119)
# text_eng = That's how we tell this story.
1-2 nanãhãte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 nan nan ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
2 ãhãte ãhã ADV adv Foc=Yes 1 dep _ _
3 aŋ aŋ DET dem _ 4 det _ _
4 baʔekʷər baʔekʷər NOUN n _ 5 obj _ _
5 zaidu idu VERB v Imprs=Yes 0 root _ _
form | ipuriweʔe | baʔe | ipope | pazaru | zaiɲuŋamãʔẽ |
lemma | puri | baʔe | pope | pazaru | iɲuŋ |
pos | n | n | n | n | n |
features | Emph=Yes|Rel=NCont | Rel=NCont | Case=Ref|Imprs=Yes|Nomzr=Rel |
# sent_id = 01.101
# text = ipuriweʔe baʔe ipope pazaru zaiɲuŋamãʔẽ
# text_fr = Et à côté il y a la chose dans laquelle on met du cachiri (= une marmite) (GE, 60:120)
# text_eng = And nearby there is the thing in which we put cachiri (= a pot)
1 ipuriweʔe puri NOUN n Emph=Yes|Rel=NCont 5 obl _ _
2 baʔe baʔe NOUN n _ 5 obl _ _
3 ipope pope NOUN n Rel=NCont 2 case _ _
4 pazaru pazaru NOUN n _ 5 obl _ _
5 zaiɲuŋamãʔẽ iɲuŋ NOUN n Case=Ref|Imprs=Yes|Nomzr=Rel 0 root _ _