form | Kito | nãkowut | moat | xauwet | moke | kepit | xagara |
lemma | Kito | nãkowut | moat | aup | moke | kepit | agat |
pos | n | n | n | n | n | conj | vt |
features | Case=Gen|Rel=Cont | Aspect=Imp|Rel=Cont |
# document_source = Braga (2005). Aspects Morphosyntaxiques de la langue Makurap. University of Toulose 2. Unpublished PhD Thesis.
# document_authorship = Carolina Aragon and Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi
# sent_id = 1
# text = Kito nãkowut moat xauwet moke kepit xagara
# text_eng = The man met a boy, son of the chief and thief (Wiriyo's text)
1 Kito Kito NOUN n _ 7 nsubj _ _
2 nãkowut nãkowut NOUN n _ 7 obj _ _
3 moat moat NOUN n _ 4 dep _ _
4 xauwet aup NOUN n Case=Gen|Rel=Cont 2 nmod _ _
5 moke moke NOUN n _ 4 conj _ _
6 kepit kepit CCONJ conj _ 5 cc _ _
7 xagara agat VERB vt Aspect=Imp|Rel=Cont 0 root _ _
form | ngot | xiaret |
lemma | ngot | iat |
pos | n | n |
features | Case=Gen|Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 2
# text = ngot xiaret
# text_eng = The owner of ngot (Wiriyo's text)
1 ngot ngot NOUN n _ 2 dep _ _
2 xiaret iat NOUN n Case=Gen|Rel=Cont 0 root _ _
form | yãn | oxepngoret | oerã | kepit | eta | on | toa |
lemma | yãn | ngot | oen | kepit | eta | on | top |
pos | adv | n | vt | conj | vi | pro | vt |
features | Case=Gen|Person=1|Rel=Cont | Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs |
# sent_id = 3
# text = yãn oxepngoret oerã kepit eta on toa
# text_eng = It's been a while since he's been eating my ngot, I will watch out (Wiriyo's text)
1 yãn yãn ADV adv _ 3 advmod _ _
2 oxepngoret ngot NOUN n Case=Gen|Person=1|Rel=Cont 3 obj _ _
3 oerã oen VERB vt _ 0 root _ _
4 kepit kepit CCONJ conj _ 5 cc _ _
5 eta eta VERB vi _ 3 conj _ _
6 on on PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _
7 toa top VERB vt _ 5 dep _ _
form | xeke | xēke | ke |
lemma | xeke | xēke | ke |
pos | pro | pcl | pcl |
features | Person=3|PronType=Prs | Evident=Nfh |
# sent_id = 4
# text = xeke xēke ke
# text_eng = Maybe (it's) that one, he said (Wiriyo's text)
1 xeke xeke PRON pro Person=3|PronType=Prs 0 root _ _
2 xēke xēke PART pcl _ 1 discourse _ _
3 ke ke PART pcl Evident=Nfh 1 discourse _ _
form | etera | kurux | amang | ngot | keya | pīxe |
lemma | tet | kurux | amang | ngot | key | pīxe |
pos | vi | vi | vt | n | vt | adv |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf | Aspect=Perf | Aspect=Imp |
# sent_id = 5
# text = etera kurux amang ngot keya pīxe
# text_eng = He goes, he arrives, he sees him snatching the ngot (Wiriyo's text)
1 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
2 kurux kurux VERB vi Aspect=Perf 1 parataxis _ _
3 amang amang VERB vt Aspect=Perf 1 parataxis _ _
4 ngot ngot NOUN n _ 5 obj _ _
5 keya key VERB vt Aspect=Imp 1 parataxis _ _
6 pīxe pīxe ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
form | mokat | etera | kurux | amang | pīxe |
lemma | mokat | tet | kurux | amang | pīxe |
pos | adv | vi | vi | vt | adv |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf | Aspect=Perf |
# sent_id = 6
# text = mokat etera kurux amang pīxe
# text_eng = Then, he goes, he arrives, he sees him (Wiriyo's text)
1 mokat mokat ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
2 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
3 kurux kurux VERB vi Aspect=Perf 2 parataxis _ _
4 amang amang VERB vt Aspect=Perf 2 parataxis _ _
5 pīxe pīxe ADV adv _ 4 advmod _ _
form | ã | en | emẽ | xop | nẽnẽkaret |
lemma | ã | en | emẽ | xop | nẽ |
pos | intj | pro | dem | dem | n |
features | Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs | Aspect=Hab|Nomzr=Ag |
# sent_id = 7
# text = ã en emẽ xop nẽnẽkaret
# text_eng = Ah, you're the one who (always) does this (Wiriyo's text)
1 ã ã INTJ intj _ 2 discourse _ _
2 en en PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs 0 root _ _
3 emẽ emẽ DET dem _ 5 obj _ _
4 xop xop DET dem _ 2 dep _ _
5 nẽnẽkaret nẽ NOUN n Aspect=Hab|Nomzr=Ag 4 dep _ _
form | woaret | koa |
lemma | woaret | koa |
pos | n | pcl |
features |
# sent_id = 8
# text = woaret koa
# text_eng = It is good (Wiriyo's text)
1 woaret woaret NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 koa koa PART pcl _ 1 discourse _ _
form | etxekup | keya |
lemma | ekup | key |
pos | n | vt |
features | Reflex=Yes | Aspect=Imp |
# sent_id = 9
# text = etxekup keya
# text_eng = He tears off a piece of wood and makes an arrow for himself (Wiriyo's text)
1 etxekup ekup NOUN n Reflex=Yes 2 obj _ _
2 keya key VERB vt Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
form | opũãtemwã | ota |
lemma | pũãtem | ta |
pos | vi | vi |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=1 | Person=1 |
# sent_id = 10
# text = opũãtemwã ota
# text_eng = I will be back (Wiriyo's text)
1 opũãtemwã pũãtem VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=1 0 root _ _
2 ota ta AUX vi Person=1 1 aux _ _
form | mokat | etera | kurux |
lemma | mokat | tet | kurux |
pos | conj | vi | vi |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf |
# sent_id = 11
# text = mokat etera kurux
# text_eng = Then, he goes, (he) comes (Wiriyo's text)
1 mokat mokat ADV conj _ 2 advmod _ _
2 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
3 kurux kurux VERB vi Aspect=Perf 2 conj _ _
form | nãpẽrenã | kito | eapītera | pīxe |
lemma | nãpẽrenã | kito | apītet | pīxe |
pos | adv | n | vi | vi |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 12
# text = nãpẽrenã kito eapītera pīxe
# text_eng = Meanwhile, the man was thinking standing up (Wiriyo's text)
1 nãpẽrenã nãpẽrenã ADV adv _ 3 advmod _ _
2 kito kito NOUN n _ 3 nsubj _ _
3 eapītera apītet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
4 pīxe pīxe AUX vi _ 3 aux _ _
form | op | ten | eya | õn |
lemma | op | ten | eya | õn |
pos | adv | vt | pcl | pro |
features | Tense=Fut | Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs |
# sent_id = 13
# text = op ten eya õn
# text_eng = How am I going to do it? (Wiriyo's text)
1 op op ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
2 ten ten VERB vt _ 0 root _ _
3 eya eya PART pcl Tense=Fut 2 dep _ _
4 õn õn PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj _ _
form | xop | ten | eya | on | ke |
lemma | xop | ten | eya | on | ke |
pos | dem | vt | pcl | pro | pcl |
features | Deixis=Prox | Tense=Fut | Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs | Evident=Fh |
# sent_id = 14
# text = xop ten eya on ke
# text_eng = This is how I'm going to do it, he said (Wiriyo's text)
1 xop xop DET dem Deixis=Prox 2 obj _ _
2 ten ten VERB vt _ 0 root _ _
3 eya eya PART pcl Tense=Fut 2 dep _ _
4 on on PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj _ _
5 ke ke PART pcl Evident=Fh 2 discourse _ _
form | mawo | papīknga | mokat | etyenkuax | nã | xoknga | xok |
lemma | mawo | papīk | mokat | yenkuax | nã | xok | xok |
pos | n | vt | adv | n | vt | vt | vt |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Reflex=Yes | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 15
# text = mawo papīknga mokat etyenkuax nã xoknga xok
# text_eng = (He) took the "mawo" then (he) lined up, (he) put it on (Wiriyo's text)
1 mawo mawo NOUN n _ 2 obj _ _
2 papīknga papīk VERB vt Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
3 mokat mokat ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
4 etyenkuax yenkuax NOUN n Reflex=Yes 5 obj _ _
5 nã nã VERB vt Aspect=Imp|Person=3 2 parataxis _ _
6 xoknga xok VERB vt Aspect=Imp|Person=3 5 parataxis _ _
7 xok xok VERB vt Aspect=Perf|Person=3 6 dep _ _
form | yeman | ngot | kana | oen |
lemma | yeman | ngot | kan | oen |
pos | adv | n | vt | vt |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf|Person=3 |
# sent_id = 16
# text = yeman ngot kana oen
# text_eng = (He) had already eaten all the ngot (Wiriyo's text)
1 yeman yeman ADV adv _ 3 advmod _ _
2 ngot ngot NOUN n _ 3 obj _ _
3 kana kan VERB vt Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
4 oen oen VERB vt Aspect=Perf|Person=3 3 dep _ _
form | mokat | etera | korop | noa | pe |
lemma | mokat | tet | korop | noa | pe |
pos | adv | vi | vi | n | posp |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf |
# sent_id = 17
# text = mokat etera korop noa pe
# text_eng = Then (he) went, (he) disappeared into the mountain range (Wiriyo's text)
1 mokat mokat ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
2 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
3 korop korop VERB vi Aspect=Perf 2 dep _ _
4 noa noa NOUN n _ 3 obl _ _
5 pe pe ADP posp _ 4 case _ _
form | ama | ngot | xiaret | eya | kurux | amang | ngot | oen | wimõ | nitēt |
lemma | ama | ngot | iat | y | kurux | amang | ngot | oen | wimõ | nitēt |
pos | adv | n | n | vi | vi | vi | n | vt | adv | pcl |
features | Case=Gen|Rel=Cont | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Imp | Aspect=Imp | Aspect=Perf |
# sent_id = 18
# text = ama ngot xiaret eya kurux amang ngot oen wimõ nitēt
# text_eng = In the morning, the owner of the ngot arrived, he saw that the ngot had been completely eaten (Wiriyo's text)
1 ama ama ADV adv _ 4 advmod _ _
2 ngot ngot NOUN n _ 3 nmod _ _
3 xiaret iat NOUN n Case=Gen|Rel=Cont 4 nsubj _ _
4 eya y VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
5 kurux kurux VERB vi Aspect=Imp 4 dep _ _
6 amang amang VERB vi Aspect=Imp 4 dep _ _
7 ngot ngot NOUN n _ 8 obj _ _
8 oen oen VERB vt Aspect=Perf 4 parataxis _ _
9 wimõ wimõ ADV adv _ 8 advmod _ _
10 nitēt nitēt PART pcl _ 8 discourse _ _
form | arimot | urot | arimot | urot |
lemma | arimot | uro | arimot | uro |
pos | n | n | n | n |
features | Case=Gen|Rel=Cont | Case=Gen|Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 19
# text = arimot urot arimot urot
# text_eng = Bad beast! (Wiriyo's text)
1 arimot arimot NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 urot uro NOUN n Case=Gen|Rel=Cont 1 nmod _ _
3 arimot arimot NOUN n _ 1 discourse _ _
4 urot uro NOUN n Case=Gen|Rel=Cont 3 nmod _ _
form | xop | koa | ten | nã | peka |
lemma | xop | koa | ten | n | pek |
pos | dem | pcl | adv | vt | vt |
features | Aspect=Imp | Aspect=Imp |
# sent_id = 20
# text = xop koa ten nã peka
# text_eng = That was the way (he) wanted to do it this way (Wiriyo's text)
1 xop xop DET dem _ 3 nmod _ _
2 koa koa PART pcl _ 3 discourse _ _
3 ten ten ADV adv _ 4 advmod _ _
4 nã n VERB vt Aspect=Imp 5 xcomp _ _
5 peka pek VERB vt Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
form | i | eya | on | wet | toa | ke | pit |
lemma | i | eya | on | wet | top | ke | pit |
pos | intj | pcl | pro | adv | vt | pcl | adv |
features | Tense=Fut | Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs | Aspect=Imp | Evident=Fh |
# sent_id = 21
# text = i eya on wet toa ke pit
# text_eng = I will not just going to watch (Wiriyo's text)
1 i i INTJ intj _ 5 discourse _ _
2 eya eya PART pcl Tense=Fut 5 dep _ _
3 on on PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _
4 wet wet ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
5 toa top VERB vt Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
6 ke ke PART pcl Evident=Fh 5 discourse _ _
7 pit pit ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
form | mokat | peitõã | etera | amang | korop | kux | me |
lemma | mokat | peitõã | tet | amang | korop | kux | me |
pos | adv | adv | vi | vt | vi | n | posp |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Imp |
# sent_id = 22
# text = mokat peitõã etera amang korop kux me
# text_eng = Then, he was looking for it and he noticed that it had disappeared on the ground (Wiriyo's text)
1 mokat mokat ADV adv _ 3 advmod _ _
2 peitõã peitõã ADV adv _ 3 advmod _ _
3 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
4 amang amang VERB vt _ 3 parataxis _ _
5 korop korop VERB vi Aspect=Imp 3 parataxis _ _
6 kux kux NOUN n _ 5 obl _ _
7 me me ADP posp _ 6 case _ _
form | wotye | pukpuga | pit |
lemma | woty | puk | pit |
pos | vi | vi | pro |
features | Aspect=Imp | Aspect=Perf | Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 23
# text = wotye pukpuga pit
# text_eng = He sat down, fanning, and nothing happened (Wiriyo's text)
1 wotye woty VERB vi Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
2 pukpuga puk VERB vi Aspect=Perf 1 advcl _ _
3 pit pit PRON pro Polarity=Neg 2 parataxis _ _
form | putorot | xēke | ke | xēt |
lemma | putorot | xēke | ke | xēt |
pos | n | pcl | pcl | past |
features | Pcl=Dub | Evident=Nfh | Tense=Past |
# sent_id = 24
# text = putorot xēke ke xēt
# text_eng = He might be dead, he thought (Wiriyo's text)
1 putorot putorot NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 xēke xēke PART pcl Pcl=Dub 1 discourse _ _
3 ke ke PART pcl Evident=Nfh 1 discourse _ _
4 xēt xēt PART past Tense=Past 1 dep _ _
form | etera | korop |
lemma | tet | korop |
pos | vi | vi |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf |
# sent_id = 25
# text = etera korop
# text_eng = He went, he came in (Wiriyo's text)
1 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 0 root _ _
2 korop korop VERB vi Aspect=Perf 1 xcomp _ _
form | kito | moke | xiat | ekuwaora | kepit | pukpuga | õn |
lemma | kito | moke | xiat | kuwaot | kepit | puk | õn |
pos | n | n | n | vi | conj | vt | pro |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Imp | Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs |
# sent_id = 26
# text = kito moke xiat ekuwaora kepit pukpuga õn
# text_eng = I fanned the thief man who was transformed (Wiriyo's text)
1 kito kito NOUN n _ 6 obj _ _
2 moke moke NOUN n _ 3 nmod _ _
3 xiat xiat NOUN n _ 1 nmod _ _
4 ekuwaora kuwaot VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 1 dep _ _
5 kepit kepit CCONJ conj _ 6 dep _ _
6 pukpuga puk VERB vt Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
7 õn õn PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 6 nsubj _ _
form | kepit | eya | õn | waokatmõ | papiknga | ke |
lemma | kepit | eya | õn | waokatmõ | papik | ke |
pos | conj | pcl | pro | adv | vt | pcl |
features | Tense=Fut | Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs | Aspect=Imp | Evident=Nfh |
# sent_id = 27
# text = kepit eya õn waokatmõ papiknga ke
# text_eng = And tomorrow I'll take (it), he said (Wiriyo's text)
1 kepit kepit CCONJ conj _ 5 cc _ _
2 eya eya PART pcl Tense=Fut 5 dep _ _
3 õn õn PRON pro Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _
4 waokatmõ waokatmõ ADV adv _ 5 advmod _ _
5 papiknga papik VERB vt Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
6 ke ke PART pcl Evident=Nfh 5 discourse _ _
form | ama | etera | kurux |
lemma | ama | tet | kurux |
pos | n | vi | vi |
features | Aspect=Imp|Person=3 | Aspect=Perf |
# sent_id = 28
# text = ama etera kurux
# text_eng = It became morning. He went, he arrived (Wiriyo's text)
1 ama ama NOUN n _ 0 root _ _
2 etera tet VERB vi Aspect=Imp|Person=3 1 parataxis _ _
3 kurux kurux VERB vi Aspect=Perf 2 xcomp _ _
form | xop | me | pote | worawiget | xop | me |
lemma | xop | me | pote | worawik | xop | me |
pos | dem | posp | adv | n | dem | posp |
features | Case=Gen|Rel=Cont |
# sent_id = 29
# text = xop me pote worawiget xop me
# text_eng = Yesterday, he yelled here (Wiriyo's text)
1 xop xop DET dem _ 4 obl _ _
2 me me ADP posp _ 1 case _ _
3 pote pote ADV adv _ 4 advmod _ _
4 worawiget worawik NOUN n Case=Gen|Rel=Cont 0 root _ _
5 xop xop DET dem _ 4 obl _ _
6 me me ADP posp _ 5 case _ _
form | kux | kixa | ngarap | , | pit |
lemma | kux | kix | ngarap | , | pit |
pos | n | vt | vi | n | pro |
features | Aspect=Imp | Aspect=Perf | Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 30
# text = kux kixa ngarap , pit
# text_eng = He made a hole, digging the ground, nothing (Wiriyo's text)
1 kux kux NOUN n _ 2 obj _ _
2 kixa kix VERB vt Aspect=Imp 3 advcl _ _
3 ngarap ngarap VERB vi Aspect=Perf 0 root _ _
4 , , PUNCT n _ 3 punct _ _
5 pit pit PRON pro Polarity=Neg 3 parataxis _ _
form | põrom | toa | , | pit |
lemma | põrom | top | , | pit |
pos | adv | vi | punct | pro |
features | Aspect=Imp | Polarity=Neg |
# sent_id = 31
# text = põrom toa , pit
# text_eng = He looked in vain, nothing (Wiriyo's text)
1 põrom põrom ADV adv _ 2 advmod _ _
2 toa top VERB vi Aspect=Imp 0 root _ _
3 , , PUNCT punct _ 2 punct _ _
4 pit pit PRON pro Polarity=Neg 2 parataxis _ _