Dependency treebank for Makurap

  1. Kito nãkowut moat xauwet moke kepit xagara
    The man met a boy, son of the chief and thief (Wiriyo's text)
    form Kito nãkowut moat xauwet moke kepit xagara
    lemma Kito nãkowut moat aup moke kepit agat
    pos n n n n n conj vt
    features Case=Gen|Rel=Cont Aspect=Imp|Rel=Cont
                            # document_source = Braga (2005). Aspects Morphosyntaxiques de la langue Makurap. University of Toulose 2. Unpublished PhD Thesis.
    # document_authorship = Carolina Aragon and Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi
    # sent_id = 1
    # text = Kito nãkowut moat xauwet moke kepit xagara
    # text_eng = The man met a boy, son of the chief and thief (Wiriyo's text)
    1	Kito	Kito	NOUN	n	_	7	nsubj	_	_
    2	nãkowut	nãkowut	NOUN	n	_	7	obj	_	_
    3	moat	moat	NOUN	n	_	4	dep	_	_
    4	xauwet	aup	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Rel=Cont	2	nmod	_	_
    5	moke	moke	NOUN	n	_	4	conj	_	_
    6	kepit	kepit	CCONJ	conj	_	5	cc	_	_
    7	xagara	agat	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Rel=Cont	0	root	_	_
  2. ngot xiaret
    The owner of ngot (Wiriyo's text)
    form ngot xiaret
    lemma ngot iat
    pos n n
    features Case=Gen|Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 2
    # text = ngot xiaret
    # text_eng = The owner of ngot (Wiriyo's text)
    1	ngot	ngot	NOUN	n	_	2	dep	_	_
    2	xiaret	iat	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Rel=Cont	0	root	_	_
  3. yãn oxepngoret oerã kepit eta on toa
    It's been a while since he's been eating my ngot, I will watch out (Wiriyo's text)
    form yãn oxepngoret oerã kepit eta on toa
    lemma yãn ngot oen kepit eta on top
    pos adv n vt conj vi pro vt
    features Case=Gen|Person=1|Rel=Cont Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs
                            # sent_id = 3
    # text = yãn oxepngoret oerã kepit eta on toa
    # text_eng = It's been a while since he's been eating my ngot, I will watch out (Wiriyo's text)
    1	yãn	yãn	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	oxepngoret	ngot	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Person=1|Rel=Cont	3	obj	_	_
    3	oerã	oen	VERB	vt	_	0	root	_	_
    4	kepit	kepit	CCONJ	conj	_	5	cc	_	_
    5	eta	eta	VERB	vi	_	3	conj	_	_
    6	on	on	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	5	nsubj	_	_
    7	toa	top	VERB	vt	_	5	dep	_	_
  4. xeke xēke ke
    Maybe (it's) that one, he said (Wiriyo's text)
    form xeke xēke ke
    lemma xeke xēke ke
    pos pro pcl pcl
    features Person=3|PronType=Prs Evident=Nfh
                            # sent_id = 4
    # text = xeke xēke ke
    # text_eng = Maybe (it's) that one, he said (Wiriyo's text)
    1	xeke	xeke	PRON	pro	Person=3|PronType=Prs	0	root	_	_
    2	xēke	xēke	PART	pcl	_	1	discourse	_	_
    3	ke	ke	PART	pcl	Evident=Nfh	1	discourse	_	_
  5. etera kurux amang ngot keya pīxe
    He goes, he arrives, he sees him snatching the ngot (Wiriyo's text)
    form etera kurux amang ngot keya pīxe
    lemma tet kurux amang ngot key pīxe
    pos vi vi vt n vt adv
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf Aspect=Perf Aspect=Imp
                            # sent_id = 5
    # text = etera kurux amang ngot keya pīxe
    # text_eng = He goes, he arrives, he sees him snatching the ngot (Wiriyo's text)
    1	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    2	kurux	kurux	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	1	parataxis	_	_
    3	amang	amang	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf	1	parataxis	_	_
    4	ngot	ngot	NOUN	n	_	5	obj	_	_
    5	keya	key	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	1	parataxis	_	_
    6	pīxe	pīxe	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
  6. mokat etera kurux amang pīxe
    Then, he goes, he arrives, he sees him (Wiriyo's text)
    form mokat etera kurux amang pīxe
    lemma mokat tet kurux amang pīxe
    pos adv vi vi vt adv
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 6
    # text = mokat etera kurux amang pīxe
    # text_eng = Then, he goes, he arrives, he sees him (Wiriyo's text)
    1	mokat	mokat	ADV	adv	_	2	advmod	_	_
    2	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	kurux	kurux	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	2	parataxis	_	_
    4	amang	amang	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf	2	parataxis	_	_
    5	pīxe	pīxe	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
  7. ã en emẽ xop nẽnẽkaret
    Ah, you're the one who (always) does this (Wiriyo's text)
    form ã en emẽ xop nẽnẽkaret
    lemma ã en emẽ xop nẽ
    pos intj pro dem dem n
    features Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs Aspect=Hab|Nomzr=Ag
                            # sent_id = 7
    # text = ã en emẽ xop nẽnẽkaret
    # text_eng = Ah, you're the one who (always) does this (Wiriyo's text)
    1	ã	ã	INTJ	intj	_	2	discourse	_	_
    2	en	en	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs	0	root	_	_
    3	emẽ	emẽ	DET	dem	_	5	obj	_	_
    4	xop	xop	DET	dem	_	2	dep	_	_
    5	nẽnẽkaret	nẽ	NOUN	n	Aspect=Hab|Nomzr=Ag	4	dep	_	_
  8. woaret koa
    It is good (Wiriyo's text)
    form woaret koa
    lemma woaret koa
    pos n pcl
                            # sent_id = 8
    # text = woaret koa
    # text_eng = It is good (Wiriyo's text)
    1	woaret	woaret	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	koa	koa	PART	pcl	_	1	discourse	_	_
  9. etxekup keya
    He tears off a piece of wood and makes an arrow for himself (Wiriyo's text)
    form etxekup keya
    lemma ekup key
    pos n vt
    features Reflex=Yes Aspect=Imp
                            # sent_id = 9
    # text = etxekup keya
    # text_eng = He tears off a piece of wood and makes an arrow for himself (Wiriyo's text)
    1	etxekup	ekup	NOUN	n	Reflex=Yes	2	obj	_	_
    2	keya	key	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
  10. opũãtemwã ota
    I will be back (Wiriyo's text)
    form opũãtemwã ota
    lemma pũãtem ta
    pos vi vi
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=1 Person=1
                            # sent_id = 10
    # text = opũãtemwã ota
    # text_eng = I will be back (Wiriyo's text)
    1	opũãtemwã	pũãtem	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=1	0	root	_	_
    2	ota	ta	AUX	vi	Person=1	1	aux	_	_
  11. mokat etera kurux
    Then, he goes, (he) comes (Wiriyo's text)
    form mokat etera kurux
    lemma mokat tet kurux
    pos conj vi vi
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 11
    # text = mokat etera kurux
    # text_eng = Then, he goes, (he) comes (Wiriyo's text)
    1	mokat	mokat	ADV	conj	_	2	advmod	_	_
    2	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	kurux	kurux	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	2	conj	_	_
  12. nãpẽrenã kito eapītera pīxe
    Meanwhile, the man was thinking standing up (Wiriyo's text)
    form nãpẽrenã kito eapītera pīxe
    lemma nãpẽrenã kito apītet pīxe
    pos adv n vi vi
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 12
    # text = nãpẽrenã kito eapītera pīxe
    # text_eng = Meanwhile, the man was thinking standing up (Wiriyo's text)
    1	nãpẽrenã	nãpẽrenã	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	kito	kito	NOUN	n	_	3	nsubj	_	_
    3	eapītera	apītet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	pīxe	pīxe	AUX	vi	_	3	aux	_	_
  13. op ten eya õn
    How am I going to do it? (Wiriyo's text)
    form op ten eya õn
    lemma op ten eya õn
    pos adv vt pcl pro
    features Tense=Fut Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs
                            # sent_id = 13
    # text = op ten eya õn
    # text_eng = How am I going to do it? (Wiriyo's text)
    1	op	op	ADV	adv	_	2	advmod	_	_
    2	ten	ten	VERB	vt	_	0	root	_	_
    3	eya	eya	PART	pcl	Tense=Fut	2	dep	_	_
    4	õn	õn	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	2	nsubj	_	_
  14. xop ten eya on ke
    This is how I'm going to do it, he said (Wiriyo's text)
    form xop ten eya on ke
    lemma xop ten eya on ke
    pos dem vt pcl pro pcl
    features Deixis=Prox Tense=Fut Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs Evident=Fh
                            # sent_id = 14
    # text = xop ten eya on ke
    # text_eng = This is how I'm going to do it, he said (Wiriyo's text)
    1	xop	xop	DET	dem	Deixis=Prox	2	obj	_	_
    2	ten	ten	VERB	vt	_	0	root	_	_
    3	eya	eya	PART	pcl	Tense=Fut	2	dep	_	_
    4	on	on	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	2	nsubj	_	_
    5	ke	ke	PART	pcl	Evident=Fh	2	discourse	_	_
  15. mawo papīknga mokat etyenkuax nã xoknga xok
    (He) took the "mawo" then (he) lined up, (he) put it on (Wiriyo's text)
    form mawo papīknga mokat etyenkuax xoknga xok
    lemma mawo papīk mokat yenkuax xok xok
    pos n vt adv n vt vt vt
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Reflex=Yes Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 15
    # text = mawo papīknga mokat etyenkuax nã xoknga xok
    # text_eng = (He) took the "mawo" then (he) lined up, (he) put it on (Wiriyo's text)
    1	mawo	mawo	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	papīknga	papīk	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	mokat	mokat	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
    4	etyenkuax	yenkuax	NOUN	n	Reflex=Yes	5	obj	_	_
    5	nã	nã	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	2	parataxis	_	_
    6	xoknga	xok	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	5	parataxis	_	_
    7	xok	xok	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	6	dep	_	_
  16. yeman ngot kana oen
    (He) had already eaten all the ngot (Wiriyo's text)
    form yeman ngot kana oen
    lemma yeman ngot kan oen
    pos adv n vt vt
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf|Person=3
                            # sent_id = 16
    # text = yeman ngot kana oen
    # text_eng = (He) had already eaten all the ngot (Wiriyo's text)
    1	yeman	yeman	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	ngot	ngot	NOUN	n	_	3	obj	_	_
    3	kana	kan	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	oen	oen	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf|Person=3	3	dep	_	_
  17. mokat etera korop noa pe
    Then (he) went, (he) disappeared into the mountain range (Wiriyo's text)
    form mokat etera korop noa pe
    lemma mokat tet korop noa pe
    pos adv vi vi n posp
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 17
    # text = mokat etera korop noa pe
    # text_eng = Then (he) went, (he) disappeared into the mountain range (Wiriyo's text)
    1	mokat	mokat	ADV	adv	_	2	advmod	_	_
    2	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    3	korop	korop	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	2	dep	_	_
    4	noa	noa	NOUN	n	_	3	obl	_	_
    5	pe	pe	ADP	posp	_	4	case	_	_
  18. ama ngot xiaret eya kurux amang ngot oen wimõ nitēt
    In the morning, the owner of the ngot arrived, he saw that the ngot had been completely eaten (Wiriyo's text)
    form ama ngot xiaret eya kurux amang ngot oen wimõ nitēt
    lemma ama ngot iat y kurux amang ngot oen wimõ nitēt
    pos adv n n vi vi vi n vt adv pcl
    features Case=Gen|Rel=Cont Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Imp Aspect=Imp Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 18
    # text = ama ngot xiaret eya kurux amang ngot oen wimõ nitēt
    # text_eng = In the morning, the owner of the ngot arrived, he saw that the ngot had been completely eaten (Wiriyo's text)
    1	ama	ama	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    2	ngot	ngot	NOUN	n	_	3	nmod	_	_
    3	xiaret	iat	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Rel=Cont	4	nsubj	_	_
    4	eya	y	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    5	kurux	kurux	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	4	dep	_	_
    6	amang	amang	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	4	dep	_	_
    7	ngot	ngot	NOUN	n	_	8	obj	_	_
    8	oen	oen	VERB	vt	Aspect=Perf	4	parataxis	_	_
    9	wimõ	wimõ	ADV	adv	_	8	advmod	_	_
    10	nitēt	nitēt	PART	pcl	_	8	discourse	_	_
  19. arimot urot arimot urot
    Bad beast! (Wiriyo's text)
    form arimot urot arimot urot
    lemma arimot uro arimot uro
    pos n n n n
    features Case=Gen|Rel=Cont Case=Gen|Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 19
    # text = arimot urot arimot urot
    # text_eng = Bad beast! (Wiriyo's text)
    1	arimot	arimot	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	urot	uro	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Rel=Cont	1	nmod	_	_
    3	arimot	arimot	NOUN	n	_	1	discourse	_	_
    4	urot	uro	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Rel=Cont	3	nmod	_	_
  20. xop koa ten nã peka
    That was the way (he) wanted to do it this way (Wiriyo's text)
    form xop koa ten peka
    lemma xop koa ten n pek
    pos dem pcl adv vt vt
    features Aspect=Imp Aspect=Imp
                            # sent_id = 20
    # text = xop koa ten nã peka
    # text_eng = That was the way (he) wanted to do it this way (Wiriyo's text)
    1	xop	xop	DET	dem	_	3	nmod	_	_
    2	koa	koa	PART	pcl	_	3	discourse	_	_
    3	ten	ten	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    4	nã	n	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	5	xcomp	_	_
    5	peka	pek	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
  21. i eya on wet toa ke pit
    I will not just going to watch (Wiriyo's text)
    form i eya on wet toa ke pit
    lemma i eya on wet top ke pit
    pos intj pcl pro adv vt pcl adv
    features Tense=Fut Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs Aspect=Imp Evident=Fh
                            # sent_id = 21
    # text = i eya on wet toa ke pit
    # text_eng = I will not just going to watch (Wiriyo's text)
    1	i	i	INTJ	intj	_	5	discourse	_	_
    2	eya	eya	PART	pcl	Tense=Fut	5	dep	_	_
    3	on	on	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	5	nsubj	_	_
    4	wet	wet	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
    5	toa	top	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    6	ke	ke	PART	pcl	Evident=Fh	5	discourse	_	_
    7	pit	pit	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
  22. mokat peitõã etera amang korop kux me
    Then, he was looking for it and he noticed that it had disappeared on the ground (Wiriyo's text)
    form mokat peitõã etera amang korop kux me
    lemma mokat peitõã tet amang korop kux me
    pos adv adv vi vt vi n posp
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Imp
                            # sent_id = 22
    # text = mokat peitõã etera amang korop kux me
    # text_eng = Then, he was looking for it and he noticed that it had disappeared on the ground (Wiriyo's text)
    1	mokat	mokat	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    2	peitõã	peitõã	ADV	adv	_	3	advmod	_	_
    3	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    4	amang	amang	VERB	vt	_	3	parataxis	_	_
    5	korop	korop	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	3	parataxis	_	_
    6	kux	kux	NOUN	n	_	5	obl	_	_
    7	me	me	ADP	posp	_	6	case	_	_
  23. wotye pukpuga pit
    He sat down, fanning, and nothing happened (Wiriyo's text)
    form wotye pukpuga pit
    lemma woty puk pit
    pos vi vi pro
    features Aspect=Imp Aspect=Perf Polarity=Neg
                            # sent_id = 23
    # text = wotye pukpuga pit
    # text_eng = He sat down, fanning, and nothing happened (Wiriyo's text)
    1	wotye	woty	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    2	pukpuga	puk	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	1	advcl	_	_
    3	pit	pit	PRON	pro	Polarity=Neg	2	parataxis	_	_
  24. putorot xēke ke xēt
    He might be dead, he thought (Wiriyo's text)
    form putorot xēke ke xēt
    lemma putorot xēke ke xēt
    pos n pcl pcl past
    features Pcl=Dub Evident=Nfh Tense=Past
                            # sent_id = 24
    # text = putorot xēke ke xēt
    # text_eng = He might be dead, he thought (Wiriyo's text)
    1	putorot	putorot	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	xēke	xēke	PART	pcl	Pcl=Dub	1	discourse	_	_
    3	ke	ke	PART	pcl	Evident=Nfh	1	discourse	_	_
    4	xēt	xēt	PART	past	Tense=Past	1	dep	_	_
  25. etera korop
    He went, he came in (Wiriyo's text)
    form etera korop
    lemma tet korop
    pos vi vi
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 25
    # text = etera korop
    # text_eng = He went, he came in (Wiriyo's text)
    1	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	0	root	_	_
    2	korop	korop	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	1	xcomp	_	_
  26. kito moke xiat ekuwaora kepit pukpuga õn
    I fanned the thief man who was transformed (Wiriyo's text)
    form kito moke xiat ekuwaora kepit pukpuga õn
    lemma kito moke xiat kuwaot kepit puk õn
    pos n n n vi conj vt pro
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Imp Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs
                            # sent_id = 26
    # text = kito moke xiat ekuwaora kepit pukpuga õn
    # text_eng = I fanned the thief man who was transformed (Wiriyo's text)
    1	kito	kito	NOUN	n	_	6	obj	_	_
    2	moke	moke	NOUN	n	_	3	nmod	_	_
    3	xiat	xiat	NOUN	n	_	1	nmod	_	_
    4	ekuwaora	kuwaot	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	1	dep	_	_
    5	kepit	kepit	CCONJ	conj	_	6	dep	_	_
    6	pukpuga	puk	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    7	õn	õn	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	6	nsubj	_	_
  27. kepit eya õn waokatmõ papiknga ke
    And tomorrow I'll take (it), he said (Wiriyo's text)
    form kepit eya õn waokatmõ papiknga ke
    lemma kepit eya õn waokatmõ papik ke
    pos conj pcl pro adv vt pcl
    features Tense=Fut Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs Aspect=Imp Evident=Nfh
                            # sent_id = 27
    # text = kepit eya õn waokatmõ papiknga ke
    # text_eng = And tomorrow I'll take (it), he said (Wiriyo's text)
    1	kepit	kepit	CCONJ	conj	_	5	cc	_	_
    2	eya	eya	PART	pcl	Tense=Fut	5	dep	_	_
    3	õn	õn	PRON	pro	Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	5	nsubj	_	_
    4	waokatmõ	waokatmõ	ADV	adv	_	5	advmod	_	_
    5	papiknga	papik	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    6	ke	ke	PART	pcl	Evident=Nfh	5	discourse	_	_
  28. ama etera kurux
    It became morning. He went, he arrived (Wiriyo's text)
    form ama etera kurux
    lemma ama tet kurux
    pos n vi vi
    features Aspect=Imp|Person=3 Aspect=Perf
                            # sent_id = 28
    # text = ama etera kurux
    # text_eng = It became morning. He went, he arrived (Wiriyo's text)
    1	ama	ama	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_
    2	etera	tet	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp|Person=3	1	parataxis	_	_
    3	kurux	kurux	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	2	xcomp	_	_
  29. xop me pote worawiget xop me
    Yesterday, he yelled here (Wiriyo's text)
    form xop me pote worawiget xop me
    lemma xop me pote worawik xop me
    pos dem posp adv n dem posp
    features Case=Gen|Rel=Cont
                            # sent_id = 29
    # text = xop me pote worawiget xop me
    # text_eng = Yesterday, he yelled here (Wiriyo's text)
    1	xop	xop	DET	dem	_	4	obl	_	_
    2	me	me	ADP	posp	_	1	case	_	_
    3	pote	pote	ADV	adv	_	4	advmod	_	_
    4	worawiget	worawik	NOUN	n	Case=Gen|Rel=Cont	0	root	_	_
    5	xop	xop	DET	dem	_	4	obl	_	_
    6	me	me	ADP	posp	_	5	case	_	_
  30. kux kixa ngarap , pit
    He made a hole, digging the ground, nothing (Wiriyo's text)
    form kux kixa ngarap , pit
    lemma kux kix ngarap , pit
    pos n vt vi n pro
    features Aspect=Imp Aspect=Perf Polarity=Neg
                            # sent_id = 30
    # text = kux kixa ngarap , pit
    # text_eng = He made a hole, digging the ground, nothing (Wiriyo's text)
    1	kux	kux	NOUN	n	_	2	obj	_	_
    2	kixa	kix	VERB	vt	Aspect=Imp	3	advcl	_	_
    3	ngarap	ngarap	VERB	vi	Aspect=Perf	0	root	_	_
    4	,	,	PUNCT	n	_	3	punct	_	_
    5	pit	pit	PRON	pro	Polarity=Neg	3	parataxis	_	_
  31. põrom toa , pit
    He looked in vain, nothing (Wiriyo's text)
    form põrom toa , pit
    lemma põrom top , pit
    pos adv vi punct pro
    features Aspect=Imp Polarity=Neg
                            # sent_id = 31
    # text = põrom toa , pit
    # text_eng = He looked in vain, nothing (Wiriyo's text)
    1	põrom	põrom	ADV	adv	_	2	advmod	_	_
    2	toa	top	VERB	vi	Aspect=Imp	0	root	_	_
    3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
    4	pit	pit	PRON	pro	Polarity=Neg	2	parataxis	_	_