Language Tupari

Coordinates WGS8411°53'S, 62°15'W
-11.89, -62.25
Concept Portuguese Orthographic form Tokens Simple Cognate Partial Cognate Morphemes
Pulmonic Consonants
Place → Labial Coronal Dorsal Laryngeal
↓ Manner Bilabial Labio­dental Linguo­labial Dental Alveolar Palato-
Retroflex Alveolo-
Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal
/ Epiglottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop  p b t  d  k  k ʔ
Sibilant affricate ts
Non-sibilant affricate
Sibilant fricative s ʃ
Non-sibilant fricative β θ h
Approximant j
Flap or tap ɾ
Trill r
Lateral affricate
Lateral fricative
Lateral approximant
Lateral flap
Front Near-front Central Near-back Back Close Near-close Close-mid Mid Open-mid Near-open Open iunrounded close front vowel long unrounded close front vowel nasalized unrounded close front vowel ɨunrounded close central vowel ɨːlong unrounded close central vowel ɨ̃nasalized unrounded close central vowel urounded close back vowel nasalized unrounded close-mid front vowel long unrounded close-mid front vowel eunrounded close-mid front vowel nasalized rounded close-mid back vowel orounded close-mid back vowel long rounded close-mid back vowel ɛ̃nasalized unrounded open-mid front vowel ɛunrounded open-mid front vowel nasalized unrounded open front vowel aunrounded open front vowel long unrounded open front vowel
Other phonemes
oa from rounded close-mid back to unrounded open front diphthong
ĩĩ from nasalized unrounded close front to nasalized unrounded close front diphthong
w voiced labio-velar approximant consonant
io from unrounded close front to rounded close-mid back diphthong
uo from rounded close back to rounded close-mid back diphthong
aa from unrounded open front to unrounded open front diphthong
ei from unrounded close-mid front to unrounded close front diphthong
ea from unrounded close-mid front to unrounded open front diphthong
ie from unrounded close front to unrounded close-mid front diphthong
ai from unrounded open front to unrounded close front diphthong
oi from rounded close-mid back to unrounded close front diphthong
õo from nasalized rounded close-mid back to rounded close-mid back diphthong
iã from unrounded close front to nasalized unrounded open front diphthong
au from unrounded open front to rounded close back diphthong
ɨa from unrounded close central to unrounded open front diphthong
oo from rounded close-mid back to rounded close-mid back diphthong
ãi from nasalized unrounded open front to unrounded close front diphthong
ui from rounded close back to unrounded close front diphthong
aɛ̃ from unrounded open front to nasalized unrounded open-mid front diphthong
oe from rounded close-mid back to unrounded close-mid front diphthong
eu from unrounded close-mid front to rounded close back diphthong
ua from rounded close back to unrounded open front diphthong
ɨo from unrounded close central to rounded close-mid back diphthong
õa from nasalized rounded close-mid back to unrounded open front diphthong
oã from rounded close-mid back to nasalized unrounded open front diphthong
ae from unrounded open front to unrounded close-mid front diphthong
ia from unrounded close front to unrounded open front diphthong
from unrounded open front to unrounded close central diphthong
ãu from nasalized unrounded open front to rounded close back diphthong
ao from unrounded open front to rounded close-mid back diphthong
õã from nasalized rounded close-mid back to nasalized unrounded open front diphthong
ẽõ from nasalized unrounded close-mid front to nasalized rounded close-mid back diphthong